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Everything posted by JasoninMT

  1. Great episode of a damn funny show... I can't say how many times I've thought about putting up a tape wall like Nessman....
  2. I will be finally coming to see a game this preseason.... vs the Packers. What is the best/easiest way to get tickets? I will be bringing my 2 boys with me and probably one or two others... Thanks.
  3. Amen.... "Look at him go... He ... could.... go.... all.... the.... way!" Classic NFL "Rumblin' Stumblin' Bumblin'" That sucks.... friggin' NBC....
  4. I've always liked the "Do you want the Moon Mary?" scene... That's one of My favorite movies....
  5. Vizzini: You only think I guessed wrong - that's what's so funny. I switched glasses when your back was turned. Ha-ha, you fool. You fell victim to one of the classic blunders, the most famous of which is "Never get involved in a land war in Asia", but only slightly less well known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian, when *death* is on the line.". Hahahahahah. [Vizzini falls over dead]
  6. "Hans. Bubbie.... I'm your white knight."
  7. Picard get's my vote... I really like TOS..... but, as far as comparison with TNG, it doesn't hold a candle... IF, TOS was done in the 80's instead of the 60's.... I might be swayed otherwise... But, TOS is more like Gunsmoke.... I know that without TOS we would never have had TNG, and again I like TOS... But Kirk - even as a badass isn't better than Picard. Now.... As an ensemble.... the original series bridge crew is I think, because of Scotty, Bones, Spock, Chekov, Sulu, and Uhura.... better than the next generation crew... Picard, Riker, Data, Troi, Beverly Crusher, and Laforge... As far as hotties go, TNG has it.. Until you add 7 of 9 from Voyager.... What the heck am I doing comparing ST crews again? I must be bored....
  8. That is one ugly fact.... we're 2 games better than Cincy... and we beat them for those over that span...
  9. I heard it was a math geek thing... I was a math major in college... but I don't even play a mathematician on TV.... Did you ever see Pi? That was a strange but good movie...
  10. I don't know about realism.... I like the show, in fact it's the only show I try to actually watch... Otherwise the TV is off the rest of the week... I like Dr House... yeah he is an a$$, but he's genuine... If I have one beef with the show it's that it doesn't change, I mean every week it's a different weird case - with bizarre symptoms, close to death, they try a few wrong things, but then they figure it out in the nick of time... It's basically a "technical" soap opera... The other show I want to catch is Numb3rs.... I've never seen it, but I hear it's good.
  11. This years draft talent was thin... so I don't mind not getting anything for Henry if nothing was being offered... we still have a training camp to go through, where a RB can go down for the season and it makes henry a good option. So, it doesn't bother me that Henry didn't get traded yesterday. The RB drafted by Philly isn't necessarilly a starter, so we could see a deal today - with a potential for a pick next year based on performance.
  12. Site is now down..... David Lee Vanuata . . .
  13. And now the Bucs want back in and the Eagles with their zillion picks are considering the trade too.... He always held all the cards here... Henry will either be traded or he'll ruin his payday if he sits out... EDIT - Why am I such a spaz and didn't see this post so a mod had to move mine which had darn near the same tittle.... Thank you Mod... (blush) next time I'll try to search more than just the first 10 posts....
  14. Thanks Dan.... I suppose I could have found that if I'd looked first... but I knew someone else here would know (or know where to find it)
  15. Forgive me for not being a health care provider (like the plaintiff is)... But isn't Herpes only communicable when it is **visible**? How could she not know? But, I could be wrong of course... And this could be Urban Legend... As far as the condom thing goes... It sounds like they were in a relationship for a while... it's understandable to me that perhaps she was thinking it was something longer term which didn't work out in the end... (the article said they met in '01 and didn't actually have sex until '02 - so it wasn't the first date or a one-nighter)...
  16. What would be "fair" I think.... if Shelton is out of the picture (not a bad thing necessarilly as he has his own issues)... Henry for a swap of 2nd picks (14 spots) and a conditional next year based on performance... OR... Henry for a 2nd straight up (probably not going to happen)... OR... Henry and our 3rd for their 2nd... (not as happy to be honest, but I wouldn't be upset if that happened.... I would be upset if we traded Henry solely for 14 spots... that just doesn't seem like we're getting compensated... Now.... Henry has no non-trade clause I don't think.... But, he'd better not throw a hissy fit which has been somewhat reported (yet may be untrue) about playing under his current contract... Especially since if he didn't feel justly compensated by AZ, he'll be a UFA after next season... I also think that if he's having a good first half of the season, AZ will then try to extend him and if the price is right he'll do it... I know the pressure will be on him to perform, but that really doesn't change in this league...
  17. When you get to $599,999,900.... call me and I'll spot you $100....
  18. That's the problem with Print Media.... never timely enough compared to what you find online.... It's funny, when I've gotten newspapers of any sort.... it's like reading yesterday's news... I thought about getting the online subscription to BD... but given these reviews I think I won't bother.
  19. K Dog... I'm right there with you... I don't see how they can afford those kinds of cap hits... Especially on a former Butler Team...
  20. So, looks like the Wire experiment continues... And Burns is perhaps back for another year as backup - I was a bit surprised he was a FA at all as he was decent when on the field.
  21. For those who are looking for something completely different... http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/starwarz.php
  22. And how could we forget these wonderful words... "License and Registration"
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