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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. That's what I love about Lefty's. All afraid that Trump will rule by executive fiat and set it up so he is always in power. Basically afraid of Trump doing exactly what they wish they could do but are afraid to admit it But if Trump or any other President tried to pull this, there's already a well documented legal response A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
  2. The AB Apology Tour might be aimed towards prospective jurors
  3. The handlers that write AOC's scripts would get the reference
  4. 20 years ago McMahon tried to run the XFL like the WWE. Book a venue, plan a spectacle, and squeeze an athletic competition somewhere in between. This time it looks like he's going to try running a football operation I think McMahon made a wise move in waiting for the AAF to go first. He saw what they did right, what they did wrong, and most importantly he let the AAF gauge America's interest in a post-Super Bowl second football league
  5. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10886537/joe-biden-creeps-out-fans-by-kissing-his-19-year-old-granddaughter-on-lips-during-speech-before-iowa-caucuses/
  6. So I caught some Trump's victory lap this afternoon and was somewhat disappointed. Don't get me wrong, his Troll level was set on Epic With Turbo Boost. But Trump missed a golden opportunity to join the Democrats in the airing of grievences... Here's the DoJ file on Epstein Seth Rich "robbery" Vince Foster "suicide" Operation Fast & Furious And I've declassified the entire JFK investigation Oh and that Roswell thing, say hello to my little grey friend here
  7. c'mon dude, you know soros doesn't sign those checks. there's at least 3 or 4 intermediary organizations between soros and his serfs
  8. https://www.krqe.com/news/crime/man-accused-of-trying-to-pay-prostitute-with-hamburger-caught-in-police-sting/
  9. Are they counting the votes correctly, or counting the correct votes
  10. Ask the Steelers and Panthers how they feel about backup QBs
  11. He may have been told that he would be given the award and assumed, as I did, that there would be a future ceremony. I don't think was expecting to be presented the award during SOTU
  12. I don't think anyone told Rush he was getting the award ahead of time. He looked clearly shocked.
  13. Initial reaction (to thread title). Scharfenburger, sounds like when you're in a hurry at lunch. Secondary reaction (to post) Is that what the kids called it in the 60s
  14. If you can't beat 'em, change the rules. If you still can't beat 'em, don't let them play How very Progressive
  15. Bloomberg has no chance. After the convention, debates, town hall, and other events where people see him in action, they'll recognize him as an authoritarian. A creepy authoritarian
  16. which is why trump should be removed from office, for wasting taxpayers money on his impeachment
  17. https://www.pri.org/stories/2020-01-24/doing-western-students-homework-big-business-kenya
  18. so if we shorten the names to 4 letters, it looks like last night's winners were Butt Bern
  19. i'm enjoying the irony of how democrats spent the last 40 months railing against the electoral college, then pull off this caricature of an election
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