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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Interesting, a sixth season means Better Call Saul will have a longer run than Breaking Bad The Mikeolorian. This is the way
  2. You're new here so I'll save you some time. Tiberius is either an activist troll sent to seed disinformation or a blue kool-aid drinker. In either case he isn't worth engaging, and a large number of the PPP regulars have him on ignore
  3. If I were in the British delegation, I probably could not have resisted the urge to bid her farewell with a "See You Next Tuesday"
  4. Feds considering travel restrictions to/from China https://www.cnbc.com/2020/01/28/white-house-discussing-china-travel-restrictions-amid-coronavirus-outbreak.html
  5. did you ever notice that the MSM portrays some Republicans as moderates or mavericks and the kind that even Liberals could vote for? Until those Republicans are actually on the Presidential ballot, and then they become raysis warmonger super mecha literal Hitlers that take peoples jobs and give them Cancer. Then when those Republicans are no longer a threat, they are painted as the moderate and reasonable Republicans again?
  6. Of course they do. Teachers are lazy government workers and fewer children = less work for them
  7. Depends if you or someone close to you ever had Cancer. If not, then you're not a bad person. Just kind of an a**hole If you have witnessed what Cancer does to someone, you would never wish it on anyone
  8. You just want to disenfranchise Cadaverous-Americans, many of whom are houseless
  9. So who else wants to see party pics of Lauren Sanchez and Ivanka Trump mud wrestling?
  10. My guess is this was conducted around the time Clemson played Ohio St
  11. I'm surprised Texas hates Oklahoma. If anything I would have guessed they hate California, like just about every other Western state Everyone around New Jersey hates New Jersey. Massatwoshits hates New York. Most of New England hates Massatwoshits People in Florida hate Florida Kinda dismayed that West Virginia hates Virginia. I was kinda hoping West Virginia follows up on their recent proposal
  12. The Doomsday Clock, run by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, has moved forward to only 100 seconds to midnight, the closest it has ever been since its launch in 1947. The lack of action on climate change and increasing threats of nuclear war were the primary reasoning for the move.
  13. It's MSNBC. The talking head didn't really say the Los Angeles N*ggers. The Russians hacked their feed and Deep Faked her voice. And anyone who disagrees is colluding with the Russians
  14. Conversely it is disheartening how communication technology really has been corrupted by those same corrupt souls to keep the population at large uninformed and attacking each other
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