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Everything posted by /dev/null

  1. Biden having problems staying on script in front of a podium. Imagine how rough things are going to be for him when he's on stage with Trump. Of course The Narrative will then shift to how Trump is bullying Biden
  2. $100k bonus per win x4 games per week x10 weeks per season =$4M bonus per season Several NFL players make more than that for being on the roster in March
  3. musharing dumado dumada Whack for my daddyo Whack for my daddyo There's whiskey in the jaro
  4. i missed last weeks matchups. what happened to Pat McGroin? I see Luis Perez of AAF fame is in for NY
  5. I haven't watched it but I'm aware of the ending of S1 because Gervais included it in his monologue at the Golden Globes (come back after watching the final episode)
  6. PMS? Do you mean Post Media Syndrome? The condition when she stops being a useful idiot
  7. HBO is turning Playstation game "The Last of Us" into a TV series I hope HBO does it justice because the game was freakin amazing
  8. Gun laws were normalized in 1789, however jurisdictions have continually encroached upon an inherent human right
  9. Two wrongs don't make a right NYC unconstitutional gun laws are among the most oppressive in the country, Anyone possessing a firearm should know the laws wherever they choose to carry
  10. Mini Mike with 46 delegates. That's what, $15 Million per delegate?
  11. I suspect Warren is still on the ballot to siphon Progressive voters away from Bernie
  12. Biden is a good debater when he stays on script. If the moderators keep the debate focused on The Narrative, Biden will do well. If Trump nudges Biden off script, that's when things get entertaining
  13. Combetta is not a very good IT. There's a reason you have two Reddit accounts. One account for legit stuff and the other for pr0n and stuff you don't want traced back to you.
  14. That's pretty much what I did. Ended up voting for Creepy Uncle Joe and have felt dirty ever since
  15. By your own argument, crashed UFOs could very well be drunken alien teenagers. Visiting Earth could be like a ride in the country and anal probes their version of cow tipping.
  16. OJ Simpson murdered his ex wife and her waiter buddy and used his money and celebrity status to influence the trial in his favor. But legally he is not guilty and a free man. Agree that that OJ's later sentence in Nevada was excessive
  17. Open primary in Virginia. Rules are candidates must get 15% of a Congressional District to receive delegates. Bernie, Biden, and Bloomberg are all above 15% in statewide polling with Warren is at 11%. Buttplug pulled out with 11% and I'm curious to see where his supporters shift. Honestly I can't see myself casting a vote for any of these clowns. But I think I'll cast a troll vote for Creepy Uncle Joe because I want the Democrats to take this all the way to the convention so America can watch their Meltdown in Milwaukee.
  18. There are two types of people in this world (okay that thread title was taken). You're stuck on an island with one or the other. So which do you prefer Ginger Mary Anne
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