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That's No Moon

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Everything posted by That's No Moon

  1. What if his name happened to be Simpson? After reading all of this I can't decide what the best option is. It does make me smile that we can reach a consensus that Tim Graham sucks though.
  2. The sheet on this one has a little less in the way of measurables but the previous owner commented about its high motor.
  3. It's risky honoring living people. See also Simpson, Orenthal
  4. Cows are girls. The old logo has it's man junk out. And FWIW, a bigger, angrier, stronger, faster, humpbacked version of a steer is a pretty impressive thing. Cow Bull Bison
  5. Kuondijio was supposed to be a #1 pick, he slipped because of concerns re: his knee. Also, when we are speaking of him we need to remember that, though he's entering his 3rd year, he's only have just turned 23 when camp opens. For perspective he's only slightly more than a year older than rookie Laremy Tunsil.
  6. Vince Ferragamo and Bruce Mathison are not nearly low enough. Joe Dufek is last and will always be last until the Bills start an actual dead person at QB. How about Brian McClure, are we not counting strike scabs? Dennis Shaw was Offensive ROY in 1970 so that automatically puts him ahead of a bunch of guys. Lamonica absolutely positively did not suck. My grandmother would tell you until the day she died about how pissed off she was when they traded him to Oakland. Others missing: Matt Cassel Leo Hart Dan Darragh James Harris Kay Stephenson Tom Flores Warren Rabb Al Dorow Johnny Green MC Reynolds Tommy O"Connell Bob Brodhead and Richie Lucas (our 1st ever draft choice)
  7. That's a really cool response to that situation.
  8. So they named it the RRS Sir David Attenborough. BUT they named it's remote (and still really expensive) submersible Boaty McBoatface so there's definitely a high amount of win in that. Seriously, good for them for having a chuckle.
  9. <raises hand> I'll take their check for a couple years and I promise not to B word too much about Connecticut.
  10. I'm just spit balling here but wouldn't it possibly be more effective to remove the entire head and spinal cord as an attached unit and reinstall it into a different similar height body?
  11. PRESTOOONE! https://youtu.be/uphjOgJwLHU?t=8 Also, I did not realize Jason Segal was in this movie.
  12. Well, beach season is rapidly approaching....
  13. 3 follow up questions. 1. Where the hell WAS the woman? 2. How pissed was her husband when they missed the ship? 3. How was the husband still ultimately to blame?
  14. I think the first sign advertising Husky cheerleader tryouts got an undesired response.
  15. Giving dick pictures to minors is kinda bad. Taking dick pictures with minors is worse. Miners are totally fine with dick pictures though.
  16. I know, think about all the football he had to halfass his way through to get that kind of money.
  17. Bob Griffin Josh McCown Connor Shaw Austin Davis Cody Kessler You're probably right about that, though I'd rather have EJ than at least 3 of those guys. Wonder if a mid-round pick next year could get it done.
  18. I'm certainly not going to count for you but if you add up all the NFL washouts either from draft picks or UDFAs that bounce around from team to team to team and never really do anything I think my math is pretty close. At this point it's a pretty solid bet that Hankerson, Salas, Little, and Boykin are known quantities and you've seen the best of what they've got to offer based on their bodies of work. Hogan got a decent contract out of New England but again, he's pretty much a known quantity at this point. Is it POSSIBLE that he becomes Wes Welker? I guess, but the odds of that are still astronomically stacked against it. The odds are that Listenbee will bust out too (only 70% of 6th round picks make their team in a given year and 90% are off that team in 5 years) but he's still an unknown so that has some intrigue. I've seen Leonard Hankerson play in the NFL, I haven't seen Kolby Listenbee.
  19. Hankerson, Little, Boykin, and Salas are the NFL version of discarded tickets on the ground a horse track. 99.99% of them are losers but there will still be a guy looking through them. At least with a draft choice you have the mystery of the unknown. The '05 Saints had Az Hakim, Devery Henderson, Michael Lewis, Joe Horn, Donte Stallworth and Nathan Poole. A decent set of WRs. They picked Marques Colston in the 7th round the next Spring. I don't think they were sad about it.
  20. Yeah I can't remember ever talking about how our TE situation is an abysmal mess. It's a good thing 6th rounders are supposed to step in and start because we spent a 6th rounder on a TE last year. Thank Christ for 6th round draft picks amirite? Crisis averted.
  21. Did we not have to sign guys off the street last year? And not for nothing, the kid looks exactly like Fred Jackson when he runs so if Doug got us a new, younger, faster Fred? I'm in.
  22. She's military officer, not a nun or a saint. Her job is to lead others in the effective killing of others. Let's not overglorify the job. And FTR, hell's yes.
  23. I'm sure there are several shuttlecock jokes in there somewhere.
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