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Steve Billieve

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Everything posted by Steve Billieve

  1. Alright op, you owe me $10, kindly dm and I'll give you my address.
  2. Lots of people do that stuff as part of their job. If they’re bidding on a locker they’re taking risk and deserve to be paid for it. it’s not like the nfl player making millions in a single year can’t afford it.
  3. Superbowl commercials are so popular and expensive, there's zero chance their going to disrupt that. People will tune in to the Superbowl for the commercials.
  4. We put up 20 points, refused to run, and missed a very make-able in the final seconds . . .
  5. Should have been last game too, if not for a dropped pass and missed 44 yarder
  6. “Allen 6/12 77 yards 1 td 0 int at the end of the 3rd” when did they put Kyle in?
  7. I know everyone likes to complain about the refs, but I think officiating has steadily improved with tech and reviews. I remember watching refs get field goals and touchdowns wrong as a kid. It's one thing to not like a call. It's another to make/miss a game winning field goal and have it called wrong.
  8. Return of the prodigal son, just when we needed him, in our darkest hour
  9. if it doesn't work out I would be willing to put on some pants and give it a go
  10. Same thing happens to most states when you take away their biggest city. What is your point?
  11. This stuff is completely nuts. You know it's not rigged BECAUSE of the money involved. The incentives just aren't there. Even taking what Flores has said at face value, just look at what happened. Did he purposely lose for 100k? Hell no. Why would he? He's making millions of dollars because people think he can win football games. What possible motivation could he have to lose them? Certainly not for 100k, it would be irrational to do so even for millions since that's what you are already making legitimately. If the NFL is involved in sports gambling they have an incentive to make sure it's fair. There business depends upon it. Creating "professional" refs gives the refs power. It makes it harder to discipline and fire them. It would make it easier for a "pro" to entrench themselves and be corrupt. Everything about this post is backwards.
  12. Looking at last season from a value over avg replacement perspective it would be hard not to go with RB.
  13. Same. Literally the only mock I've even looked at has been Gunner's.
  14. oops it's very confusing. i think of them as the dynamic duo, but since neither is robin their both just batman.
  15. Signing him doesn't really effect the cap, why would you want to have to replace a top tier returner with amazing ball security. I mean sure, if he loses his job then cut him.
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