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Everything posted by AlCowlingsTaxiService

  1. Detroit made wise FA moves when Megatron retired and therefore their WR corp is strong while ours is .......... And Cleveland? Well, they blow, but I can see a plan moving forward and if they draft well? Who knows
  2. didn't he get fired for talking naughty with Trump? Oh wait, That's Billy Bush - my bad
  3. sure ..... "Wait till NEXT year" right? I don';t know about you but I'm just a bit tired of that outlook ... having said that, I would EXPECT his foot to be sore ... but can he play with it?
  4. they are nice ... but overall the women at Oceanside were not attractive
  5. This is the Bills we are talking about .... they haven't earned the right to play a "C-" game at a crucial point in their schedule
  6. THE BUFFALO BILLS ..... EVEN A BLIND SQUIRREL FINDS AN ACORN ... CALL 1-800 BBTICKS With that mission statement, it's my job to lose
  7. Yea, I felt like they were teasing the beginning of "the War" in the upcoming previews
  8. I enjoy them .... perhaps you should make an attempt if you feel you could do better?
  9. adapt or die ~ Darwin (sounds good anyway) Had Uber in Miami for the Bills game weekend ... Driver (Jimmy) gave me his cell. Any time, any hour, we had our own personal driver on call ... the ONE time we tried to get a cab? They said they would call back, none did except one ... 3 hours later (at 4am) ... #uberinnewyournow
  10. Give the Bills Mafia group on Facebook a look see if you think THIS group bad .... not too much more then extreme negative ninnys AND the "I sport a woody over EVERYTHING the Bills do" crowd
  11. Looks like the Bills have the market cornered on oft-injured receivers
  12. I thought the rap against him was that he had short arms ... those stretching exercises in the off season certainly worked
  13. I hate to bash ... I am sure the OP is gleefully amused with his original and ingenious plan
  14. I will root for him no matter whom the Bachelorette picks
  15. buy the Pepsi ... smuggle airplane bottles of Red Stag in ... problem solved (just my THEORETICAL approach to the issue)
  16. let those who haven't thrown frozen burger patties when drunk cast the first stone ... besides, he probably confused it with a frisbee
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