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Punching Bag

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Everything posted by Punching Bag

  1. Imaginary numbers? Gronk would be a natural Square Root of -87.
  2. Rob Johnson has a better claim to that number. He could do one day contract and retire with Bills with that number and make jersey sales jump for people buying it to burn.
  3. Cousins IMO was not an issue. it was a three year contact and he showed that he was available just about every game unlike Jackson.
  4. Went to my first Bills game when I was a kid walking to the Rockpile paying for tickets from collected bottles. Panic is your nature not intrinsic to what you quoted or we all would be chickens with heads cut off. Chickens can live with heads cur off as proved by TSW and Mike.
  5. There is always panic here; on a 1-10 a rating of 6 is normal. Instructions from parent company NYT?
  6. Sure they will just not above the table. Teflon™ Br*dy got money under table including his avocado supplements.
  7. If that is true then he needs to get his offense staff especially OC to understand that and to adjust game accordingly.
  8. It makes me so happy that Dr Dork is in meetings with team and can get info reporters cannot. Reminds me of leroi who used to work in laundry or janitorial services and would get information from trash cans.
  9. Maybe he has to do what Browns QB did - assault women and get a year off paid.
  10. Of course. More money fits in briefcase than in a gun.
  11. Had online sales/scammer on line for almost an hour on extended warranty and then on another phone I picked it up and told person to please stop chatting with my father for he is almost blind and cannot drive. I told him I drive a company car and have no need for a warranty when he tried to switch to me. The WORST ones are those who got your name and number from a list via timeshare. Some will not accept no for an answer and repeatedly call back trying same sales pitch.
  12. I have a CD but unsure how to share it. I think it is also copy protected for backup copy I tried to make failed.
  13. Beasley not being signed again so Bills need a Rapper. I can see a free agent safety wanting to go to Buffalo because Coach McD has shown that on his defenses safeties get a lot of attention plus with Hyde questionable and Poyer injury rate going up the new player likely to get a lot of reps.
  14. I have experience with this. Eight years I went between doctors with each doctor diagnosing issue as something different including one who declared it in my head. Doctor declared it was planters and I said it made no sense because issue was in ankle not foot bur he said if you soften the muscle of the foot the issue in ankle would be corrected. He put me in a hard cast and in a week it got worse to point which I could barely walk so he said something is wrong and had MRI (first time any doctor did that) and he found a cyst size of a golf ball surrounding ankle bone which had grown around muscles, nerves, blood vessels, tendons, etc. Six hour surgery corrected issue with therapy. Lesson: planters fasciitis can be diagnosed with NO MEDICAL EVIDENCE but only what patient tells doctor.
  15. I think he will sign tag last possible week paying whatever fines he is required and then have a doctor diagnose an injury like planters fakeitis while he is doing preparation work and he will not play a game again for Ravens.
  16. If I did Sports Betting I'd put money on the over. I have never placed a bet with a bookie, legal or otherwise, in my life. No lottery tickets other than occasional one my wife purchased for "luck". Gambling is not a vice for me.
  17. I would have guessed that one of the division foes would have signed him to improve their team and hurt the Seahawks.
  18. The current Bills are a lot less leaky than previous Bills coaches and staff. They could have hired a senior defense assistant and together recrafted defense to counteract how other teams are beating Bills. Leslie Frazier is very respected by the locker room. This is not like the first batch of coaches Coach McD hired and let go after first year. There is talent here a rising defense mind could use to continue increasing his reputation. Frazier did not announce his retirement and while it might be health issues he also might be taking a year looking at college teams to get new ideas on revamping defense but we will not know that until at least fall when appearances of him will be reported on.
  19. Stack overflow from too many faults and not been rebooted.
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