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Everything posted by Manther

  1. Has the FO missed, sure. They miss less than most. Our draft picks make the team or get poached from the Practice Squad. I personally would like less DL taken in the draft especially since they are rotational players. And, most are projects on 4 year contracts that take 2 years to develop then we need to decide to pay them for rotating? I would like more high OL draft picks too.
  2. Agreed, so grateful. This is all I ever wanted was an opportunity to compete annually and have the organization built from the top down. Let's not forget the Pegula's and how they led building this including improving the facilities, training staff, hired this excellent front office and coaching staff, gave them the tools to succeed including the money for players, coaches, scouts, and very deep management staffs! Well said Virgil and great post! The draft used to be our Super Bowl and nothing less than hope and a prayer. Free agency was retreads being over paid IF we got them, coaches would not come here. We can finally have and enjoy nice things! Enjoy the ride, go Bills and let's bring the trophy home this year! If we don't we are still winning and will fight on my men and rise to fight again!
  3. No byes moving forward sounds good to me! The last team in each conference that got the 7 seed had a 9-8 record. The 8th seed would have had a 9-8 record. No bye is more profits for the NFL, more fair to all the teams competing in the playoffs and for the playoffs. If 8 teams made it into the playoffs, I believe Detroit would have made the playoffs at 9-8. In the AFC it would have been the Steelers at 9-8. Seems like a logical easy improvement since they added the extra week. Go Bills!
  4. Why do you think defaulting to whoever has the 1st seed at the moment is wrong? It's very tough, there is no right answer.
  5. Not sure that is fair. Not saying it isn't, it is not bad. But, lots of ways to slice and dice it to benefit the Bills OR KC. One sided discussions can be spun in the direction anyone spinning wants easily. But, yes, Conference games are already used for standings and seedings.
  6. I feel the same way and NOT JUST because the start of the game and score when it stopped. I don't like the coin flip for that or anything at all. That is not a reasonable solution.
  7. Well said and agree with all of your thoughts. I dislike the Chiefs and their fans more than a week ago.
  8. And, as said in another thread (which I agree with), Allen's elbow seems better.
  9. Agreed, I think its fair for the Bills. I also think this is fair for the Chiefs. No Arrowhead for the Bills is great. Like someone else said, the Cincy game was a coin flip. So, for us to only play at home and neutral sites is pretty good. Tough on Cincy if we play them they need to come to Orchard Park. If we play Cincy and we probably will, that should be a neutral site too. So, I think this ended up very good for the Chiefs, very good for the Bills, meh to not quite good for Cincy. Anyways, beat the Fish and see what happens next. Go Bills!
  10. I think next year we need to have Davis 2A or 2B. We need another potential #2 to compete with him.
  11. Poyer playing on a torn Meniscus and bad elbow is playing for his team and not a new contract. Poyer played with bad ribs and was not cleared to fly earlier in the year too. He is dedicated to his team and tough as nails! The Meniscus will heal and won't be a problem with future contracts. You don't need a Meniscus. It is just a shock absorber for your knee. It is just a matter of pain and pain tolerance. A partially torn Meniscus is more painful than a complete tear or maybe that is the ACL. The elbow could cause problems for Poyer and future contracts and will see what happens at seasons end regarding the next step with his elbow. I think the Bills will pay Poyer.
  12. All valid and really good list! Off the top of my head you can add in Tolbert over all the RBs. Feliciano and other Oline over younger Olinemen like Bates and Boetteger. Same on the Dline with Oliver, Epenesa and more vs the journeymen DL for rotation purposes we signed to reasonably hefty deals (we could get out of quickly) with little production.
  13. I doubt we would get a comp pick, but, maybe the Pats ** would get less comp picks
  14. Hmmm, interesting. I absolutely agree on Cam Lewis. I think he can play CB and S. And, agree with the Minnesota game and Cam's ability moving forward. I was always surprised when folks on here said he would be the next player cut if we needed a roster spot. Regarding Dean Marlowe, in his first stint with the Bills I thought he was the back up to Poyer AND Hyde. 3rd Safety and great at the role and stepping in when he started. He played great every time he played. Barely skipped a beat and I think he played Special Teams. We let Marlowe go and I thought it was for younger players and to save some cap. We then brought Marlowe back I was surprised he has not played. He knows the system. My thought is since Marlowe has not played he has lost a step. Marlowe is not what the Bills thought they were getting in the trade and Marlowe is less of a player now. The Coaches must think he is not the next man up. Not sure what to think, but, something does not add up. We will see this Sunday if he is active or not and if so how much he plays.
  15. Agreed, that is it! Win the game! And, we control everything in front of us!
  16. Crazier things have happened. Las Vegas could win. But, I agree there is a better chance of winning a coin flip than the Raiders winning. Division games can always be interesting and I wish Carr was playing. The nice thing is no matter what we don't have to go to Arrowhead. Even though we have had recent success there, it is huge homefield advantage and tough place to play. I think Pittsburgh wins that game. They can and have still played some good football this year. If their D is healthy they can be disruptive. They are used to big games, the Browns are still the Browns and Watson isn't playing well nor is his team.
  17. Thanks for confirming Bengals had the 3 way tie breaker. If the Raiders beat the Chiefs this will be another layer of interesting. I guess what ifs are over and focus on KC losing tomorrow and then go from there.
  18. That would be the best case scenario to right the choices that were made. The choices weren't perfect, but, made and fairly solid. I think Baltimore should not have been involved. Unless the Bengals would have won the 3 way tie. Not sure what have happened if there was a 3 way tie. Previously in this thread someone suggested Cincinnati won the 3 way tie break. KC loses to Las Vegas --> KC is 13-4 BUF loses to CIN and beat NE --> BUF 13-4 CIN beats BUF and beats BAL -->CIN is 13-4 IF Cincy would have won the tie breaker they are missing out for 3 way tie for 1st place in the AFC. Otherwise, if not and KC loses, BUF wins, CIN wins...Bills #1 seed and CIN #2 seed. Then all is right in the World again. Go Las Vegas!! Go Bills!!
  19. Agreed. They should have the #3 seed as they deserve it based on merit AND then throw in the ultimate sportsmanship and unselfishness they have shown. It is not right.
  20. So be it. The Patriots have 2-3 asterisks and we did nothing wrong, the Pats ** did.
  21. That is a valid point. That point alone should settle it and keep in consistent.
  22. Thanks for the update. I thought so originally and someone else on here suggested he was on the PS and i just took the word.
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