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Doug Flutie Band

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Everything posted by Doug Flutie Band

  1. And looks good doing so? Do we instantly give him 50 million? Do we all buy Orton jerseys? Do we bow down to the mustache messiah? The road to the playoffs always goes squarely through New England in this division, and if the Bills beat the Pats I'm ready to believe. If they get beaten handily, it's just another year of business as usual.
  2. Who the heck are these people that are saying Chan Gailey was good? Those people exist?
  3. Golden Tate had an affair with Russel Wilson's wife which was the direct cause of Wilson's divorce and the reason Tate is no longer in Seattle.
  4. lol he's not open at all what are you talking about? you mean he's open in the second shot after the ball was already thrown? ya that happens once the ball is thrown they stop covering their guy and go try to get the guy with the ball
  5. Orton is better than EJ but let's not get carried away here. Eli was a #1 overall pick, has 3 Pro Bowls, 2 Super Bowls, and is the Giants all time leader in passing yard and touchdowns.
  6. There is only one good QB in the league who almost never throws for 300 yards, and that is Russel Wilson. He is a statistical outlier because of the non traditional Seahawks brand of football. Throwing for 300 yards one time on it's own means nothing. Never throwing for 300 yards in your career? That does mean something.
  7. No sense trying to explain it to you. You have a closed mindset and can't see reality. People like you continued to support Losman, Edwards, etc. long after it was clear they were busts.
  8. Actually Orton has already done it several times in his career. But to see it happen in his very first game as a Bill, even after a slow start and on the road, was very telling - considering that EJ has never had a 300 yard game in his career.
  9. the linebackers are doing better on the whole than i thought they would when kiko went out i thought that unit would be a huge liability
  10. Not really. There are a hundred guys that can play at that sub par level that EJ plays at. That's why it's so hard to be an NFL QB. There are tons of guys coming up every year that are ALMOST good enough, but not good enough. That's EJ. It's not like he went above and beyond what dozens of other QB prospects could have done in any way. EJ's failure was complete and to suggest overachieving or to try to put a positive spin on it is lunacy.
  11. he's a capable run stuffer and horrible in pass coverage tight ends eat him alive but he can stick his nose in there and stuff the run when its needed he's not really an every down guy or a guy you build a linebacking corps around but he can get on the field for half the snaps and contribute
  12. Terrible article. This is the same tired argument that everyone uses to try to justify crappy QBs. "Oh hey these other guys at one time had similar numbers to EJ so therefore EJ is the next Peyton Manning!" Use your eyeballs people. Watch EJ play and anyone can see he is no good. Stats don't tell the whole story, and this is a very clear case of searching for numbers that support your case. Yah, let's compare EJ to Aaron Rodgers. Makes sense. *fart noise*
  13. Look At Me Post Also, it's not really common Internet jargon but is somehow used on these boards often.
  14. So if Orton does better with the same OC, then who will you blame EJ's failure on?
  15. Of course it should be Orton. One thing any long time Bills should should have an eye for is hopeless QB prospects. If you can't watch Manuel play and see the writing on the wall, you have your blinders on. The fans always said to keep giving Losman another chance. Trent another chance. EJ another chance. Talk about character, though! Wow! Losman was always heavily involved in the community. Trent had Bill Walsh himself vouching for him as a stand up leader. We all see EJ saying the right things to the camera and trying to play the role. Here's what every crappy Buffalo QB does: 200 yds/game career passing 1:1 TD:INT career ratio 60% career completion percentage 75.0 career QB rating Losman, Edwards, Fitzpatrick, Manuel. Go check their career stats and compare. Manuel is cut from the exact same cloth as his predecessors.
  16. Of course it should be Orton. One thing any long time Bills should should have an eye for is hopeless QB prospects. If you can't watch Manuel play and see the writing on the wall, you have your blinders on. The fans always said to keep giving Losman another chance. Trent another chance. EJ another chance. Talk about character, though! Wow! Losman was always heavily involved in the community. Trent had Bill Walsh himself vouching for him as a stand up leader. We all see EJ saying the right things to the camera and trying to play the role. Here's what every crappy Buffalo QB does: 200 yds/game career passing 1:1 TD:INT career ratio 60% career completion percentage 75.0 career QB rating Losman, Edwards, Fitzpatrick, Manuel. Go check their career stats and compare. Manuel is cut from the exact same cloth as his predecessors.
  17. of course marrone will be fired he's tied to manuel and manuel sucks they wont come close to a winning season this year or next if he somehow survives this year he wont survive next the new ownership will hopefully gut the entire front office - ESPECIALLY russ brandon who is the worst thing to ever happen to the bills (whaley is ok the rest of em up front are do nothing leeches that took advantage of an old man)
  18. it is 100% a choice, you are just weak and rationalizing it classic victim "i cant help it" mindset
  19. http://sports.bovada.lv/sports-betting/football-team-props.jsp The line is at 6.5. Vegas knows best.
  20. If you can't objectively see that EJ is easily one of the worst starting QBs in the NFL, if not the absolute worst, well then I salute your fanhood but have to say you are either pretty uninformed about football or being blindly optimistic because you love your team.
  21. w/o the specialist the bills expect to give up on average probably 1 td and several more big plays over the course of the season eliminating that is far more impactful than keeping that 53rd guy on the roster instead of practice squad
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