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Everything posted by sven233

  1. The Browns completed 2 passes all day and won and you are blaming our O-Line? Really? There are so many problems on this team much deeper than the O-Line......
  2. Can't wait for Dick to tell us how good the Browns are!!!!
  3. Nice bomb Edwards...... A whole 3 yards that time!
  4. Looks like Lynch is the only guy that showed up to play today. This is absolutely terrible.... Edwards may be one of the worst ever at this point. JP was better and he was bad...... This is awful....
  5. I WILL NEVER ROOT AGAINST MY TEAM.....PERIOD. I will cheering and yelling, and screaming and doing whatever I can to help my team win tomorrow. However, if they do lose, while I will be very upset at first, I will definitely get over it a lot faster than I normally do because in the back of my mind, I know that my goal is to ultimately win the Super Bowl and I know that we will never do that with Dick Jauron as our coach or with Edwards at QB. So, while I will be rooting for the Bills and I really want them to win, if we don't, hopefully it will mean that we are 1 step closer to firing Dick. I say "hopefully" because I will have to see it to believe it that Ralph will not only eat 8 million dollars on Dick's contract, but then finally be willing to spend $5 million + on a proven winner. Just don't have the faith in Ralph to get it right even if he does fire dick.....but 1 step at a time yet. Gotta get Dick Jauron out of here first. Regardless........GO BILLS!!!!!! Put a whoopin' on the Browns!!!!
  6. Well, with QBs actually willing to throw the ball down the field, it is bound to be more exciting!
  7. OK......Here is perhaps one of the funniest (sad, but so true) things I have ever seen. I saw this on another board and just had to post it. This is how Trent Edwards goes through his WR route progressions.......Tecmo Bowl Style. Well, I guess in Trent Edwards' case it would have to be called "CHECKDOWN BOWL!!!!" Way to read that defense Captain Checkdown!!!! Man, the Bills need a new QB and Head Coach! TRENT EDWARDS READING THE DEFENSE, TECMO BOWL STYLE.....OR SHOULD I SAY CHECKDOWN BOWL STYLE!!!! Not sure who to give the credit to, but THANK YOU VERY MUCH to whoever made this! FANTASTIC STUFF!!!
  8. I'll tell ya, Fitz may not be the long term answer, but the fact is, he can't be worse than Edwards has been and at least it would be something different to watch.
  9. I am now convinced that Losman is better than Edwards......
  10. I just wish they would give someone else a chance at QB.....anyone.....anybody. Stroud could not be worse than Edwards has been this game.....
  11. Unfortunately, that is probably true. They know that if Fitz goes in and performs better than Trent, they will have a problem on their hands that they don't want. I just want to get someone different in there just to see if someone else can make any plays. I need to know if it is Trent (like I think it is) or if it is just the offensive scheme.
  12. They don't even trust Trent to throw it anymore......Get Fitz in there now!
  13. Zwiegles are the best I have had as well. Not even close. Get the POP OPENS!
  14. It's a couple things..... 1. Dick Jauron is still the coach. He is still making the same stupid game-day decisions that he has since he started here. He basically gives up on his team and quits at times. His main goal is not to win the game, but to stay close. We are not winning anything with that philosophy. 2. Trent Edwards is not good enough right now. He is scared to throw the ball. I am not even talking about throwing the ball deep. Edwards can't make the 15-20 yard pass to our star WRs at all. These are the passes that win games and all of the good QBs make.....the intermediate passing game. We have a QB that loves to dump the ball off. The only time he does go down the field is if he goes bombs away. HE HAS NO FEEL OR ANTICIPATION FOR WHEN WRs ARE GOING TO COME OPEN. He only throw the ball AFTER he sees someone open. He just can't anticipate guys coming open and throw it at the right time. Until he reads the plays better on the field, the offense will be stuck in neutral. That's why the season feels like it does. Two of the most important people on the team have no idea what they are looking at and don't have a feel for the game. Until that changes, it is going to be tough for some people to get excited about the games and the season. Me........well, I just love football and I am a die-hard Bills fan. I love it every week and not matter what, I just love it. Unfortunately, there are just some major issues with this team right now. I am just hoping they both figure it out at some point.
  15. Actually I saw Fine drop a couple of them today.....
  16. Yeah.....I agree. I say put Lynch and Jackson out there with 2 or 3 TEs and just forget the WRs. He rarely even looks in their direction. I couldn't believe what I was watching from the stands today. I saw Evans and Owens get open on a fairly regular basis and most times Trent didn't even look at them, let alone throw it to them. He immediately looks for his RBs and TEs. So I agree.....put them all on the field at the same time. Maybe they will get some looks.
  17. I actually like our O-Line for the most part. They had a rough day today, but they had a lot of injuries to deal with as well. Hangman had a terrible game and when your C has a bad game, it tends to move across the line. But, for the most part, i like our line, especially our 2 new guards. ut yeah, they had a rough game today. QB doesn't help though when he doesn't get rid of the ball sometimes, though. O-Coordinator doesn't help when hardly any screens or slants are used either. Many of the O-Line issues could be helped if certain things were done.
  18. Like I said in my other post, there was a time last year I was certain Edwards was our guy. I saw him make every throw there was to make. Somewhere along the way he lost it and he just can't seem to get it back. There is no good way to say it, but right now Trent has no BA**S. And if there is 1 position in the league where you can get away with it, it definitely is not QB. We are still looking for our QB of the future and it makes me sick. I really wanted them to put Fitz in today to try to spark the team and maybe.....just maybe.....get the ball in the hands of our playmakers. But, just another reason Jauron needs to go. He has no feel for the game and how things are going. Many coaches would have made a change or tried SOMETHING to wake up the offense, but he just wimped out again as always. Jauron is a wimp and he has a QB to match.
  19. Ok guys..... I am still way too frustrated to be sitting here and expressing my feelings about this game. However, there are 2 things that were perfectly clear in this game that basically will not allow us to take the next step as a franchise. Sure, there are others, but these 2 things are very obvious and the most crucial to the success of this franchise: 1. We will never win anything with Jauron as our head coach. DUH! I know, we all know this one. We have seen it time and time again, but his coaching decisions in this game were absolutely awful. 4th and 1....down 2 scores with about 7 minutes left. PUNT. That was the moment of the game you either give yourself a chance or you take yourself out of the game. Fact is that punting there takes you out of the game for good 99% of the time and it did today. Sure, they could have gone for it and not gotten it, but at least you tried and did whatever you could to win that game. ANOTHER CHICKEN CALL BY A CHICKEN COACH. We will never win anything with him making the decisions. 2. After a gazillion years, we are still looking for our QB of the future. Trent can't cut it. I liked Trent. I really did. There was a time last season I was sure we had our guy. But something happened somewhere along the way and all he is now is a scared QB that has no idea what he is looking at on the field. He has shown it in other games, but today especially that he just can't make the plays necessary down the field. Now, I am not talking about the 50 yard bombs or whatever. I know he can make those throws (he didn't today, but I know he can make them). I am talking about the 15-30 yard throws down the middle of the field or along the sidelines to his WRs. I was at the game today and saw Owens and Evans getting open on a fairly regular basis and they didn't get the ball at all. Not only were they not getting thrown to much, but on most occasions Edwards NEVER EVEN LOOKED IN THEIR DIRECTIONS. He immediately looked for the TE or RB ALL DAY LONG. The WRs were an afterthought all day and to Trent, were really not a thought at all. I know there was pressure all day. I know the line had trouble today. BUT THERE ARE EASY WAYS AROUND THAT! The quick slant was there all day and only thrown once that I can remember. The CBs were constantly backing 15 yards off the WRs and instead of just getting the ball out to them quickly and letting them try to make a play or just hitting the slant, Trent constantly ignored the WRs and went to is RBs and TEs all day. I did not see 1 crossing pattern to Owens to get the ball in his hands. I know AVP is calling the plays and some of that is on him, but Edwards is right there and can audible at any time. WE CAN SEE IT. I am just afraid Trent can't. Somewhere along the way Trent got scared and is now a mirror image of his head coach. WAY TOO CONSERVATIVE AND SCARED TO TAKE ANY CHANCES EVER. We will not win anything with a QB not willing to get the balls to the WRs.....not even looking at them most of the time. Anyways, sorry to rant guys. There is so much more I could get into now, but I am still so frustrated with this game today and where we are as a franchise. Can Trent get whatever he lost back? I don't know.......Can DJ lead this tam anywhere? Not a chance.
  20. of course......probably gonna get screwed with that timeout
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