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Everything posted by LB3

  1. I'm sorry to hear that. Always enjoyed your point of view even if it was different from mine. I understand why you feel the need to leave as I've seen first hand how bad that has gotten. Best of luck!
  2. Second verse, same as the first. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/donald-trump-is-a-unique-threat-to-american-democracy/2016/07/22/a6d823cc-4f4f-11e6-aa14-e0c1087f7583_story.html
  3. Watch both. Since losing to Trump, Cruz has become much more of a fighter and a like it.
  4. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/yahoo-news/ https://www.allsides.com/news-source/yahoo-news-media-bias
  5. Do you pause league wide activities for the eventual positives after that?
  6. Crap. I forgot about that rule. I was admittedly a little buzzed and happy when I ordered that Sunday after the game. Thanks for the reminder. I may see what they say since it is mandated that I wear a mask. 😇
  7. Abstained in 2016 after Cruz didn't get the nomination. I didn't like Trump and would not vote for what the Dem party had become (they're even worse now). It also didn't matter in NY. This time I'll be voting Trump in person. I ordered a Trump 2020 Chinese Flu mask just to wear to the polling station.
  8. He was dying inside at 28-3. Hadn't posted much after the first 10 minutes.
  9. No way. When I read his posts,I don't see Otto. This is Bull in real life.
  10. My eyes. Trump isn't going to lose. Social media isn't real life, as much as people want to believe it is. Both sides have a lot of energy against the other side, but there is no energy for Biden. There is energy for Trump. If you think the last few months of rioting has gained Joe votes, you're insane. If you think Dem politicians publicly backing the defunding of the police has gained Joe votes, you're insane. If you think the extended lockdowns favored by Dem politicians has gained Joe votes, you're insane. If you have applesauce for brains, you're Joe Biden. I could be wrong and Joe could win, but I doubt it. I'd accept it and hope the R's put a good candidate forward in 2024 to run against the incumbent, Kamala Harris. I really don't see Joe winning though. If you met me in real life, you'd never know I was a Trump supporter. The overwhelming majority of Trump supporters are silent about it. Some may attend a rally, but outside of that, they don't base their lives around their politics. We just want to live our lives, support our families and be happy. The left is constantly trying to ruin that. We're sick of identity politics and we hate socialism like any hard working person should. The left's shift towards socialism doesn't help them with moderate Dems. Come November, I'll laugh as you cry about the polls being wrong again on election night. After that, I fully expect you whiny crybabies to burn cities to the ground and then move to a new cycle of nonsense impeachment porn.
  11. He said that if the Dems don't steal the election using ballot harvesting, he'll win again. A continuation. He's right. Cheating is the only chance the left has. As an aside, do you not realize this is the exact same meltdown you were told to have in 2016? The left panicked at what would happen if Trump lost and wouldn't accept it . Ironically enough, the outgoing President did not allow a peaceful transition. The left has been in a perpetual meltdown ever since. That's not what he said. Go smoke a joint and relax.
  12. You should have seen the Shoutbox a week or two ago. The talking points were in full effect. "BLM isn't a Marxist movement, it's just a website"
  13. Well if a singer says so, I guess we should all clutch our pearls.
  14. I would take a Trump win in 2020. I will also take the Bills winning the Super Bowl in February 2021!
  15. Yeah, Josh may have had an ok game today, but it still doesn't change the fact that he was an average QB that couldn't even be a star in the Mountain West conference in college. -An equine who never shows up after Josh does well, probably.
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