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Everything posted by don_of_manhattan

  1. This past Sunday's game against the Jags was significant, not only because the Bills showed they now know how to win against a tough team, on the road, but because it is another classic game between two good teams. Remember the playoff game against the Jags in December 1996 (still mad over that one), which was the first home playoff game lost by the Bills; the Doug Flutie bootleg on the last play of the game; the shellacking we gave them down in Jax in October 2001 (I remember the date because it was the week my youngest daughter was born and I watched it with her sleeping next to me while my wife got some sleep), etc. These two teams have played some great games over the last decade or so and, quite frankly, better than the games against the fish. I only hope it is a sign of things to come. I haven't been this excited about a win in a long time. don_of_manhattan
  2. Jacksonville is a wonderful city. I grew up in Buffalo and spent 6 years in Jax after my family moved there - most of my immediate family is still there. I was there in the mid '80s when they had the Jacksonville Bulls and it was fun then. I actually follow the Jags a bit as a VERY distant second team to the Bills. Bills by 7!
  3. I hope so. Could part of this be (after he realized the Bills wouldn't bite) that he just wanted to skip camp?
  4. It is a personality issue - some people are just wishy washy. Look, the kid, even though he was eleven, is probably a fan of convenience. I think people like that never really enjoy the great victories, because their loyalty is not as strong and their emotions not as deep. It took me 26 years to get over SB XXV and root for the Giants in the most recent SB (of course the fact they stood in the way of a perfect season for the hated pats made it easier), but my emotions run deep for this team - perhaps his will never run as deep. Bottom line - let him in - he'll have to deal with his own commitment issues. ps - I made this sound way too serious.
  5. I am seen someone get a clean hit with an suv (last year while on a business trip in Chicago) and believe me, you know when you hit someone and also know that this was not a clean hit, because you do not walk away from a clean hit with one of these vehicles. The man made a mistake - no one was seriously injured or killed, let's move on. There are many lessons for him to learn from this. Young drivers, especially men, are ALWAYS doing something stupid behind the wheel - that's why you have to practically take a second mortgage on a house to pay auto insurance when your teenage son begins to drive. Let's all be glad it wasn't more serious. NY state is notorious for not punishing these types of crimes too harshly. If he develops a pattern, then we have a problem here. Given the circumstances, I don't think jail is necessary (jail, leading to an incarceration record can a have VERY counterproductive effect sometimes). This had to be a rather traumatic experience for him as well - I understand that he has not been 'in trouble' before. Give the guy a break. For those of you who fret about the wealthy and famous getting better legal deals - welcome to America, where it DOES matter who you are and where you come from - let's play ball.
  6. I haven't lived in Buffalo since 1982. My immediate family also moved away that same year. I have always been proud to be from Buffalo and have many fond memories of growing up and going to school there. I don't get back there very often, but I still order Bocce's and wings occasionally and on my first trip back earlier this year to attend my uncle's funeral, Bocce's on Bailey was my first stop (I grew up going to the one on Clinton Street). I am a HUGE Bills fan and living in NJ, finally got over my bitterness about SB XXV enough to root for the giants over the pats this year. I don't know hockey so well, but I root for the Sabres. I went to the following schools: PS #53 (k-5); PS #81 (6-8); Bennett High (9-10) and Williamsville North (11-12) and spent a year at Buff State before transferrring. I have lived in DC, Florida, Michigan and have lived in Northern NJ since 1991. In all honesty, I can't say I want to come back, but my heart is with Buffalo and I always want good things to happen for the city - I am truly a product of the city. don_of_manhattan
  7. Way too young - prayers to his family don_of_manhattan
  8. I hope we are resting starters and looking foward to a bye week!
  9. Outside of the dolphins in Toronto, which does SUCK - I think it is tough schedule - tougher than we deserve.
  10. I show my young kids clips of Kelly's games - I miss those days!!
  11. It wasn't about PC, it was about stupidity - McNabb is a great QB and rush couldn't wait to take a swipe at him - I don't know why they would want that non-credible, lying s.o.b. on their show anyway.
  12. Answers: 1 - You know why we told them not to go in there in the first place - because we would be where are we are today - we CAN'T fix what we have allowed to happen to Iraq - they have been fighting each other for 1500 years, WE ARE NOT GOING TO STOP THAT FROM HAPPENING - WE CAN ONLY GET IN THE WAY AND CONTINUE TO USE OUR SOLDIERS FOR BULLET STOPPERS - give me one example of where we have been successful at nation building....that new shite government/theocracy will not remain in control of the country - THAT is not democracy. 2,3 - You know what, toppling Saddam was stupid for another reason - it really upset the balance of power in the middle east - Saddam kept the bozos in Iran in check - check out how they have been flexing since he has been gone (including Hezbollah). I am not Jewish, but I understand the necessity of having Israel there - why did supporters of Israel think this was a good idea? Do people really think we are going to take over the entire middle east? I boggles my mind. BTW, Israel has some theocracy stuff happening too and while I am a supporter of Israel they have not been blameless in their treatment of the Palestinians. 4 - we have military interests in some places already. we need to choose a better place to have them because there is intense resentment about that - remember 911 - osama indicates our military presence in Islam's holiest land as a major reason for the attack - plus our 'friends', the sunni saudis run one of the most oppressive governments in the world - why aren't we trying to topple them? Let's quit playing games and killing our people over a cause that can't be achieved. Does anyone remember Vietnam? It was not a good cause, it was not a good war and we lost over 52,000 troops - for what?
  13. Remember, there is NO character requirment for football's HoF - it's all about what happened on the field...
  14. I live in Jersey and am planning to watch the jests game with a friend who is a huge jests fan...I can just sit and watch the game with no real emotional attachment - not being in the playoffs AGAIN is starting to suck - big time
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