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Orlando Buffalo

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Everything posted by Orlando Buffalo

  1. I honestly hope you are a troll, I can't imagine going through life like you are presenting yourself.
  2. You are correct but I am not familiar with him and I had thought he was linking to his own article.
  3. "In a moment of madness"? Who the heck has a Molotov cocktail around? I literally have never seen an actual Molotov cocktail but doubt it just appeared when they decided to throw it. This is not a punch or an extra drink, this is deliberate and planned.
  4. I actually like common core math for middle through high school. The biggest issue with math at the lower levels is that elementary school teachers by and a large are not good at math and therefore teach the kids math as if they are the final level. I literally have kids entering high school who don't understand that negative numbers are a continuation of positive numbers just on the other side of zero. Common core math only fails at the lower levels when a teacher does not understand that there is multiple accurate ways to understand logic and math.
  5. Dude you must hit the big things first and then work down the list, if you tell them everything at once they think you are lying.?
  6. It is impossible to know anymore- logic is now the domain of white privilege to leftist.
  7. Venice is nice, though I live in Orlando area and unless you are a beach person I recommend Orlando. Don't forget what you pay in property taxes. I have a friend who lives in Pittsford NY and as a household we make similar money and my house is more valuable by a little bit, he though pays almost 15k more in taxes a year. He can't figure out how I travel and save money like I do- well over the past 15 years I have paid 200k less in taxes.
  8. I don't think you know what a couple of the words you are using mean.
  9. The fact that I acknowledged the fact that they don't all vote in the first line shows that reading comprehension is not your strong point. Also all your sources show convictions are rare, it does not show that fraud is rare. I address that topic in second article but once again you clearly can't comprehend.
  10. Tibs I know you will believe anything the State of NY tells while I move out because of was sick of being lied to and treated as a servant of the state. I actually have no idea if the NRA is shady like the Clinton Foundation because I do not give them money, I do not do research unless I plan to give them money. But I do wonder if these guys are so bad why is the only punishment that is being asked for is that the criminals can't run charities in NYS?
  11. Reminds me of when NYS sued Wegmans for "misleading" coupons in the 90's. If I remember correctly our family got $6 in coupons and the state got $20 million. It is a waste of time and a money grab.
  12. I don't know many who ever feel good voting- if you are paying attention you are always picking the lesser of two evils. No one has become president since Washington without pissing people off. But as for "nobody" I know several small business owners who love Trump and are quite enthusiastic, and I knew several govt employees who thought Hillary was the greatest ever. You need to expand your circle.
  13. How? Even the NYC health commissioner says you are wrong.
  14. Obviously we have a population of criminals in this country, though I doubt it is as high as 14%, but some places the police might be too involved in daily life. I will bet though the vast majority of those that want less are in deep blue territories.
  15. They are apparently checking and quarantining 35 states. I saw what their tourism industry is as far as dollars and Cuomo must be praying for Biden so the Fed will bail them out
  16. So we can safely say 60-70% of Americans are pleased with their police and less than 20% want less police in their area.
  17. I am not opening an article from a non secure website but if Covid destroyed a small town that sucks but is amazing the pass Cuomo and Deblasio get for destroying NYC. Cuomo is literally begging the people to come back.
  18. Vote for any Republican? Please read his books and his greater thoughts, he is not saying vote for a Republican. His entire belief system is based around the concept that individual liberty is paramount to our society. The fact that you feel he is a Republican and do not realize he is Libertarian says more about you and the current state of the dems than anything about him.
  19. Do you actually you think you hold a candle to the intelligence of Sowell? I assume your definition of propaganda is simply anything that proves how wrong you are.
  20. Actually I think all of enemies of America were trying. I am not a fan of Obama but he was far better than Joe.
  21. I know that all the dead people that are still registered don't necessarily vote Democrat but when they live in Detroit it is a pretty safe bet. Also just to point out the Colorado article shows that they know fraud was committed they simply can't say for certain who is guilty of it. https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/detroit-has-2500-dead-people-registered-to-vote-lawsuit-claims.amp https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonexaminer.com/dead-people-voting-in-colorado%3f_amp=true Please keep pretending you believe voter fraud does not exist, it is fun to watch the idiocy.
  22. Bill this is called a joke- now it is funny because it is widely known dead people vote for democrats especially in places like NYC and Chicago.
  23. I know you truly suck at math, and logic, but to compare Desantis to Cuomo over deaths is pathetic. If FL ever gets to 50% of the deaths of NY you still would not have an intelligent point, but at this point where is is not even 25% just come off as lacking any logic
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