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Meatloaf Sandwich

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Everything posted by Meatloaf Sandwich

  1. Kiper and them DON'T CARE if they are wrong now since they are already looking at next year's draft. Only TBD cares about what kiper said half a year ago.
  2. The second that happens I go tell the police/security to watch closely and let them know people are intoxicated. They either stop immediately or get kicked out quickly. Quietest stadium in the world, only coughs and laughs heard throughout.
  3. I am just happy to have a DC that knows how to use his defensive weapons correctly.
  4. I love it if it work out good for the Bills players. Hate it if we are near last on the list. Pretty much how 99% of TBD and all other sports fans mentality is.
  5. That defense kept us in the game to win it in the end. That is all you can ask when they have an offense that is still learning. Also all of that without our starting secondary.
  6. A Win that looks like a win before the 4th quarter. Something to the tune of 20-0 by the half would be nice. My heart can't handle that type of dramatics.
  7. Forgot in the last play EJ had pressure in his face, Fitz would have crumbled or thrown an INT.
  8. I doubt Pettine gets hired as a HC anytime soon since the NFL has been trending away from defensive HC's.
  9. This might be a huge step, when the other players start to believe in the QB. That plays a huge part in offense and defense, do they believe in their QB.
  10. Everyone going crazy over the play calling but they forget EJ is a 2 game rookie with barely any preseason under him. He's learning and getting better. By mid season this offense should look like what people want it to week 1.
  11. The more these guys play together the better they will be. Also will be nice getting Byrd and Gilmore back.
  12. I just want EJ to play more smart football. I don't care what anyone says 0 turnovers By our QB is amazing since NE is prized for that.
  13. On NFL LIVE Stink, Saturday, and Herm Edwards all said the Bills would win this.
  14. That's nice you are talking predictions lol. I am talking about the Pats are 2-0 with 2 division wins.
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