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Everything posted by FLbills

  1. I have been a Bills fan since about 85' - 86'. I have never set foot in the state of NY. My fandom started when I was watching football with my pops, He was / is a diehard Steelers fan. I was about 8 years old and Bills and Steelers were playing, I started rooting for the Bills just to have something to talk smack to him about. While watching the game, I realized that I didn't like them just because it was the team playing against the Steelers, but more or less just enjoyed the way they played the game. I didn't fully understand it at that time, but now looking back on it it was just a quiet and efficiently played game. They came in, handled their business, and got the job done. Now my goal is to make it to the Ralph for a home game in December. Living down in Florida does not make that that easiest of feats to accomplish, but the payoff will be tremendous.
  2. http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2014/07/05/who-is-face-of-bills-franchise/ After reading this article it got me to thinking what should be taken into account for what exactly makes the "face of a franchise". While M. Williams is definitely a great player, I do not believe he has all the necessary "criteria" for a franchise face. Not only do they need to be an impact player, but there are several other factors that should be taken into consideration as well before one can be dubbed as the face of the franchise. Leadership, on and off the field. Interaction with the fans and general public. What is that person's overall marketability. I am sure I am leaving a few things out. With the Bill's getting little national recognition, I can see why the author chose Williams as his choice for face of the franchise. With that being said, I would like to hear everybody's thoughts on who they feel is the face of the franchise and why.
  3. Lose a point for claiming grammar police... Your post above ended with "Period. End of story,". Hence Dibs' post of "Capital, start of sentence." Just some good ole witty humor...
  4. True, but the logical side of statistics says that the more plays Watkins is involved in, the greater the chance of him being injured.
  5. You should have Used the sarcasm font... ;-) #nosarcasmfont
  6. I don't think he's getting concerned with OTA's alone, but more so the fact that was one of EJ's big issues last year and still seems to be an issue so far this year. I see that as a reason for concern. Granted, new pieces are in place, what has been shown so far to change opinions of EJ's play? We as fans typically only know what's reported. His accuracy issues must still be an issue if they are still being reported.
  7. I wonder, do his ratings increase because a few people post on TBD? Let's say others post on their fav. teams respective board about him, out of all those people that read said post , how many of them actually turn on his show due to a few people posting about him? I agree that his job has been accomplished, as people are talking about the article. I just fail to see where it would be much of a rating increase. Just my $.02.
  8. Jeez, this whole crab leg incident is really gaining some steam...got himself into some hot water this time. just give it a little more time, I think things will simmer down.
  9. IMO...I think between Watkins, Woods, Williams, and Goodwin (and others) this will be a very talented bunch of receivers with a very high ceiling. Consistent (not elite) play from Manuel should be enough to propel them to the playoffs. Watkins has proven to be a force at the position thus far and I believe he will bring that level of play to the NFL. It appears that the winning attitude at OBD is really gaining steam. I would also have the inkling to believe that the FA and rookies just joining the team see the talent that has been quietly added to the roster and feel that they (insert name) can get this team to the next level. That kind of thought process instills a winning attitude and the players really buy into it. OBD hasn't had a winning attitude in some time. Sure they want to win, but the attitude just wasn't quite there. A new regime that shows we're going to make moves breeds confidence in the players. Instead of the FO just standing back pat and taking the punches as they come, they show aggressiveness, & a win now approach. Mark my words, this team will be a completely different team than we're used to seeing. One with a winning way. I myself am very excited for the upcoming season. It's going to be fun watching them in the playoffs.
  10. Anyone know the name of the Bills waterboy??? In all seriousness, I hope it works out for him.
  11. My sentiment is this, I will not root for a guy once he leaves Buffalo, good, bad, or indifferent. Sure, he played up to his capabilities while he was here, but that was his job as with any other NFL player. Any success that anybody else has with any other team could come back to potentially bite us, because you never know who we're going to end up having to play. It does not mean that I wish injury or anything bad happening to said player, I just do not wish them success.
  12. Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria cosa buena Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena Hey Macarena! (Ay!)
  13. Huh? Replying from phone? Damn auto correct... Lol
  14. If u complain about somebody complaining and then say u wish u had the time to complain about said complaints... Ah never mind...I don't have the time to finish complaining... Sorry, just a lil humor to keep it fun around here
  15. You have "touched" on the point of him being gay two times in this relatively short post...am i missing something here... The other day you made a comment about Jim Leonard not being good because, I believe your words were, "he is too white" but I may be misstating that one. But definitely a comment about skin color... What's the deal? That speaks volumes to the maturity level with which you are working. Wether or not Tebow is gay, and Leonard is white, black, or hell even blue for that matter is completely irrelevant to their abilities athletically. If you don't care for somebody's skill set at least use an argument with valid points... He's gay, or he's white, just leaves me to wondering what on earth that has to do with anything Buffalo Bills, or even football related for that matter. Or is that the kind of well educated, informative responses that we can come to expect day in and day out? Again, I'm just wondering.
  16. I guess I'm more of a glass half full kind of guy. As you say a dismal rebuilding season, I see it a season where it appears that they're putting the pieces back in place (finally) to return this team back to a respectable level. As another poster stated, we will have our growing pains, and some painful Monday mornings, I also expect to have some great Monday mornings. While putting up W's is the ultimate goal, I feel that there are other things to look at this year, such as the progression of the offense & defense. We haven't even played one game yet and already being slated as dismal. Try to look for the positives that will come each and every week, even if there isn't a mark in the W column. This new Buffalo Bills team is chock full of exciting young players. They feel like they can compete with anyone in the league, they appear to have a swagger about them now that hasn't been there for several years. I am proud to be a Bills fan through the ups and downs, good and bad. This is the season where it finally starts to turn around. I, myself am stoked to watch the season unfold. So to that I say, GO BILLS, you have my full support and let's go kick some ass.
  17. I would define decent as a 3rd round pick. 2nd round would be even better, however, given the fact that he's playing the injury card right now I just don't see a team going higher than 3rd round. The message being sent to the next guy in line is this, We tried to negotiate a long term deal and we were unsuccessful. We tagged him with the hopes of retaining his services for another year, in order to buy time to hopefully renegotiate next year. however Byrd does not wish to remain in Buffalo. We are willing to try to negotiate, but we will not fold like a lawn chair when it comes to players high contract demands (even though we as fans were never clued in on what those demands were, one would assume they were high. Hence the reason for not being able to work out a deal.). I also believe the MW deal last year played a significant role in Byrd wanting a big payday this year. MW was one of the top rated DE's in the league, and got a huge contract. Byrd is viewed as one of the best FS in the league and is demanding a huge contract as well, but I feel FS has less impact. IMO a serviceable FS can be just as effective as a top FS when being utilized correctly in the right defensive scheme. However a top DE vs. a servicable DE will have more of an impact as offenses will game plan for ways to neutralize the DE. It's hard to justify paying a big paycheck to a player that just doesn't have the "stay away from him" effect. Again, just my opinion.
  18. I agree with your disdain for Byrd and having him ride the bench. However, looking at it from a team standpoint, why not trade the guy. It will effectively do two things, 1. Give the Bills something in return (hopefully decent) while he is still viewed as a top 5 or 10 safety in the league. 2. Eliminate a potential cancer in the locker room before it has a chance to develop. He doesn't want to be here so get rid of him before his attitude becomes an issue. Kind of funny how his injury is one that can be easily faked, and there is no real way to prove it (I may be wrong on that, with having an MRI to prove it). I say cut the ties and get something in return while he still has value.
  19. Down here in Daytona, E.J. had an article printed about how he was going to start after recovering from minor knee surgery. I realize that all Bills fans know this, but I was pleasently surprised to open the paper this a.m. and see an article about the Bills in a Daytona newspaper. I guess it could be due to the fact that it's because E.J. came from FSU. Either way, I enjoyed it, as I believe it might be a step in garnering national (partially) media coverage. I looked for the link however best I could tell it was only in the paper vs. being online. It was a J. Wawrow article from the AP.
  20. Maybe I'm just a bit slow, but what is the relevance if Marrone knew about it or not? I mean what is the actual debate about? Not trying to be a d!ck here, really just trying to understand.
  21. Pride would be the only reason for this, while pride will do a lot for this young team as well as us fans, I'll take a W any way we can get it...you think they're going to feel bad for us or wish we were at full strength. No, take the win, 1 step closer to post season
  22. Coach to GM...Marv Levy Although isn't really sticking to OP's original question of who else as far as players.
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