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Everything posted by elroy16

  1. And one of those was MetLife stadium that just opened 5 years ago. You'd think that would be a top of the line facility, but Rex seemed very impressed with everything. In his sit down with Chris Brown he says it's the best locker room he's seen. High praise right there. http://www.buffalobills.com/video/videos/Bills_Focus_Rex_Ryan_Sit_Down_Interview/a432e861-b8ca-4c4c-8ffb-eafe7598ff13
  2. You realize that this past year was their first year with Schwartz? And that the year before that, they had Pettine, who basically runs Rex's defense? So how exactly did they field the 4th best defense this past year if it's so hard to change systems?
  3. If I remember correctly, didn't Schwartz talk about how he was going to try and keep some terminology the same so that there wouldn't be as much of a transition? I have faith that these guys will be in mid-season form by week 2.
  4. I'm 90% sure she's in the video when EJ first comes to Buffalo and she introduces herself to EJ. It's definitely a little thing, but I like that Rex introduced himself to her. She looks like she is just going to let him go without saying anything and Rex takes the initiative.
  5. I don't think the situation could be summarized better. This defense played well under pettine and better under Schwartz. Ryan isn't stupid, he won't force a system that the players can't execute. The defense won't take a step back, they'll probably get better. I can't imagine roman is anything less that Hackett, more than likely better. Therefore, how is this a step back? A second year of consistency on offense equated a worse offense. The defense was in its first year of the system. The op makes some ok points, but I think is missing the big picture.
  6. To be honest, if it was all about job security, then forget Marrone. I'm fine with asking for an extension, but don't quit if you don't get it. If he had issues with Whaley and what players he was bringing in, then I would understand him leaving. Leaving before you finish a job because the situation isn't ideal is a total B word move. If you leave because of creative differences, that's more acceptable for me, but I still don't like it.
  7. Aaron Williams, Bradham, and McKelvin are just a couple of examples of players that took a few years to develop into solid contributes. Marrone said Kouandjio is better now than at the beginning of the year. Let's see what he can do with a full off-season before giving up on him.
  8. I thought it might be a flag. I believe there's a scenario when you aren't supposed to block back towards your own end zone. That's what Wood did there. I'm not going to complain about it. You gotta believe Mathews had his head on a swivel the next time he was pursuing a runner.
  9. I noticed the same thing. I actually liked it at first, he started the season with some nice deep throws on the money. I think his throws hurt the receiver's ability to make adjustments to the ball in the air on throws that are off target. Now that he isn't throwing accurate, we aren't seeing as many deep passes completed. I think the biggest issue is with the medium and deeper throws down the sideline. For example the 4th down to chandler, the pass had no chance. He also blew a similar throw to chandler against kc in the red zone. He doesn't get enough air under to allow the receiver to make a play on the ball. That's not his biggest issue or why he isn't a good qb, but he isn't helping himself.
  10. Does this mean Wynn will be healthy enough to play? I don't remember seeing Bryan Johnson get too many snaps, but it seems risky going into a game with only 3 ends.
  11. If you mark Sammy a bust, you are entering a world of pain.
  12. I know this is petty, and refs certainly miss calls, but that is such a blatant hold on Hughes.
  13. I don't know who Michael Silver is, but he's an idiot. No way in hell the Texans and Browns take the two wild card spots. Take out his two long shots and I can't get too bent out of shape with what the rest thought.
  14. The taunting penalty was stupid. Kyle and Dareus go offsides, should we cut them? The roughing the passer was unfortunate. He went high to try and bat the ball away but then made contact with the QB's head. It wasn't blatantly late or anything dirty. The face mask was unlucky. He went up to try and defend the pass and ended up grabbing the face mask. Seriously, wanting Bradham gone for one bad day is ridiculous. He was pretty bad today, no question, but he's been very good. He's really far down on the list of people Vick has made look bad. It'd be dumb to give up on him now.
  15. That was a great play and looked like he might have been a hair short, but thankfully they didn't replay it. Definitely a heads up play by the rookie. I was trying to find when that happened, was it the following play that took place in the 4th? 3-6-BUF 30(11:59) (Shotgun) 18-K.Orton pass short right to 14-S.Watkins to BUF 36 for 6 yards (59-T.Whitehead). If so, that helped setup the only TD of the game. Regardless, great play by the rookie in addition to the ridiculous catches.
  16. I used to go to McFadden's which is near the foggy bottom metro. It's been a few years, but that was always a good time. I've never been to Laughing Man Tavern, I'll have to give that a try. I think Jimmy's is the closest Bills bar to McLean. I live right around Tysons and don't know of anywhere else. There are tons of places that have Sunday Ticket though if you're looking for something closer.
  17. So you know the playbook and know what was called there? As far as I know no one has specifically said who's fault that was, so we don't know. If Sammy takes more of an angle, he would have had a TD because the safety wouldn't have been there in time. We don't know who's fault that was which is why it annoys me when people automatically put it on EJ.
  18. Weren't they pronouncing Moreno like Marino? That's all I really needed to hear to know they sucked.
  19. I'll be at that game (Wife is a Ravens fan) then we're driving up the Buffalo for the Bills opener. Needless to say, this work day can't end fast enough. Probably the best part about being at the game is I won't have to hear about Ray Rice from the commentators. I'm just going to keep my mouth shut about that whole situation. Ravens games aren't too crazy (at least when I was in Bills gear), but I've never ripped on one of their players. You never know if there's a crazy person near.
  20. Overall I thought they played above average. The pass blocking seemed more consistent than the run blocking despite the stats. Now you can't disregard the long runs, but it felt like most runs were only 2 to 3 yards at most. Some of that I think should be blamed on the play calls. They run too much out of the shotgun for my taste. Granted dioxins big gain and I believe Fred's to setup the game winning field goal were both from shotgun, I still don't believe in it. Spiller especially is not very effective running from that formation. The pass blocking today was solid besides a few break downs. Henderson had a hold and got beat bad for a sack, but played pretty damn well for a 7th rounder. Like I said, I thought the run blocking left a little to be desired, but not a bad day overall.
  21. I thought the same thing about the timing of the signing. "The Bills had Orton on their radar for more than a month, but had their previous offers rebuffed." http://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/sports/football/2014/08/30/kyle-orton-signs-nfl-buffalo-bills/14854171/ That actually made me feel a lot better about it. I think they have a clue, so far it's just not panning out as well as we all hoped.
  22. I got pulled over after a cop pulled up behind me at a light and smelled the burning J. It might be because it's more potent or because cops do something about it more often now.
  23. I can't believe no ones suggested moving Glenn to guard. I've always been against it, but if pears is playing at a higher level than Chris Williams and Henderson continues to play well at LT, moving Glenn to guard might put the best 5 lineman on the field. It's still very early for Henderson, so I assume they'll put Glenn at LT to start. Glenn did get a little time at LG in mini camp if I remember correctly.
  24. I wish the streaming worked a little bit better. The first week is usually pretty rough. After that it is better, but still looks DVD quality or so.
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