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Everything posted by elroy16

  1. Yeah, it's all Rex that made Mario ineffective. Look at this effort, relentless. Here's a link, embedded didn't work. https://vine.co/v/iqjQhj0AhDA/embed
  2. Not surprising and IMO it needs to happen. He hasn't bought into the system and openly complained about it. Systems only work when everything/everyone is doing their job. Mario pouted and quit doing his job. Sure, Sammy complained a little bit, but he continued to go out and do his job. He wasn't pouting and running half assed routes. He kept blocking, he kept getting open, and look what happened, he blew up in the second half of the season. Mario still hasn't done dick this year. Bye Felicia.
  3. Just going to throw this out there for the ones that want to trash Shady. Tyrod Taylor says McCoy heading to Buffalo was factor in him signing with the Bills. Wanted to be around playmakers. https://twitter.com/TyDunne/status/674658619862990848
  4. I get it, but I still don't like it. Running a NFL team with any intent outside of putting the best team on the field is a great way to field a mediocre team. I don't mean to bring up a topic that was argued to death, but I searched for the Fred Jackson was Cut thread and the search is only going back to October and I am unable to find it. The whole thing with M&T bank thing sounds WAY over blown. This is all I could find on that. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/25288308/look-this-fred-jackson-ad-is-pretty-awkward-after-he-was-cut-by-bills What outside of the flyer caused M&T bank to lose all this money and look so stupid? http://www.buffalonews.com/business/jacksons-release-cuts-to-the-heart-of-mts-bills-marketing-campaign-20150831 That article states Fred was a partner with M&T bank since 2011. I'm sure athletes with marketing deals get cut or traded all the time in sports. Why is this such a big deal with Fred Jackson?
  5. So they're willing to spend whatever to get a super bowl, but won't cut fan favorites, even if they're over the hill? I understand wanting to treat your business partners with respect and like they're family, but getting upset about football decisions because they might conflict with marketing campaigns is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard of. If it comes out that this is true and they fire Whaley due to the outcry of cutting a 34 year and the conflict with the marketing campaign, than we are f**ked as a fan base for the next 30 years. Can you also show us how this hurt M&T bank? I saw Tim Graham post how cutting Fred a day before the marketing campaign came out was embarrassing and made a big deal about it. I told him that is stupid and basing football decisions on anything but football performance is moronic.
  6. What the crap is Detroit doing here? The play started with 0 seconds, there's absolutely no reason to be guarding the sideline here. Now when Brady takes a snap with 6 seconds to go, I want to murder someone because no one seems to play this coverage when you know he's throwing a 5 yard out, but damn, Detroit blew it.
  7. Just because it might not have worked in the second half doesn't mean the OP is wrong. I believe the play below is from the first half. https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video/CVJfp7DWcAAyyd3.mp4 Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to embed this, so you'll have to follow the link. Anyway, it's Woods and Sammy stacked, the CB's are 8 yards off the LOS. A quick throw to Sammy is sure to net no less than 4 yards, but easily could go for more. Instead it's some quick slant to Woods where Sammy is supposed to block (Why do they insist on having Sammy block for for other WR's???), but Tyrod throws it into the ground.
  8. I think that is on Taylor more than anyone. On replays of two different plays, Tyrod had Clay open down the seam and then Hogan open running a go from the slot and he missed both. If I'm a DC, I would barely cover the deep middle of the field. Tyrod can't or won't throw there.
  9. Yahoo: We want to stream more games. NFL: Will you pay us a ton of money? Yahoo: Yes. NFL: Will this affect the ability to watch... never mind, who cares. Deal.
  10. I'm a big fan of Woods. While Rex was going nuts on the sidelines after Darby sealed the Jets win, you can see Woods in the background skipping down the sideline. He's a great teammate and I really hope they can re-sign him, but I suspect he moves on. I wouldn't blame him if he left.
  11. All the crap talking on Rex this week is over the top IMO. The IK captain thing was obviously going to happen, he does that every week. Other than that, Rex hasn't said or done anything to disrespect the Jets or anyone. I don't get it.
  12. Lol, nice find. Everything tastes a little better and is a little more funny after wins, I love it.
  13. That was Eichel's best game as a pro so far. He was all of the place, calm with the puck, and was making defenders look slow. Even in just the 12 games or so you can see he's already getting more comfortable on the ice and gaining chemistry with the team. It's fun to watch their transformation from no chemistry and unfamiliar with the system to a real hockey team.
  14. And that has what effect on yours or anyone else's ability to enjoy it? I'll be bringing the bed room TV into the living room and watching both. There's enough stoppages in football to keep an eye on both. Of course now that the Sabres are winning a little bit and I care now, I'll be a drunken nervous wreck for a few hours this evening. Anyone dogging the sabres hasn't watched Eichel and the new team play yet. They are very exciting.
  15. Ah, I missed that. That's too bad. Panthers vs Cowboys sounds like a normal game.
  16. When I heard they are doing this color rush for the thursday night games, I looked at the schedule and wondered what they would do next week. Blue vs green would be too close. If I were the Jags, I would have petitioned for black. That gold is awful. Here are the rest of the Thursday games. Eagles vs Lions Green vs Silver? Packers vs Lions Green vs Silver again? Vikings vs Cards Purple vs Red Bucs vs Rams Red vs Blue Chargers vs Raiders Lt. Blue vs Silver? I'm not sure about this one. Looks like really only the Bills and Jags had to get something different, except maybe the Chargers vs Raiders game. Will the Packers go with green and gold or will they have new green pants? I kind of like the idea, not sure yet how I feel about the red Bills jerseys though.
  17. For that reason, I'm hoping we see a game plan similar to the Fins game 1. Move the pocket and keep their D-line from teeing off. Add a bunch of outside zone reads and screens to try and keep them from getting into any sort of rhythm.
  18. I was trying to find a video of the flag, because players spike the ball all the time. If you spike it towards another player or throw it at someone, that's always a penalty. Spiking it after a big play though, that's not always called. Anyone got video of it?
  19. The biggest blunder they made was not calling a time out at the end of the 1st half when Miller failed to get out of bounds. That play started at 29 seconds, I believe he was tackled around 20ish. They call a quick time out, they have two more downs to throw it into the end zone and then kick a field goal. Tannehill and Campbell really blew that one. Back to the topic, I would have kicked a FG to end the half, gotta score points. Especially getting the ball back, failing to get points is deflating. I probably would have declined the penalty and gone to 4th down. That's a tougher decision, but I generally would want to give the offense fewer chances to get a first or score. The way the Bills were converting 3rd downs makes that a tough call.
  20. Are you in Buffalo or just using Sunday ticket? The Bills vs Jags game is not on DirecTV Sunday ticket, just local TV in Buffalo and Jacksonville or streaming.
  21. I don't think it's just having those guys drop into coverage. It doesn't look like they're flying off the snap like they were last year. Hughes used to get offsides penalties or miss time the snap, have to jump back onside and basically be ineffective for a play because of it. It drove me crazy, but most of the time he was getting good jumps and either driving his tackle back into the QB or he'd go around the OT and forced the QB to step up in the pocket. I honestly don't remember a single time he's done that this year, jump offsides I mean. Mario looks down right slow off the snap this year. He never appeared as quick as Hughes or even Kyle, but this year the front four looks like they're just there to occupy blockers and play their 2-gap assignment. Sure that's effective against the run, but against the pass they look slow and ineffective. I know QB's are going with quick throws, but even when they don't, I don't think the front four is getting as many hurries or hits on the QB as last year. That all takes me back to Dareus' quote. When I watch the front four, they don't appear to be flying off the ball, looking to attack the pocket which lines up with what Dareus said. What does Dareus' quote mean to you? In your opinion, is he just complaining?
  22. I can't tell if that's the defensive coaches making them focus on the run so much or what. I've noticed that too with Hughes as well. He used to fly off the ball, but I don't see that this year. Look at this quote from Dareus. http://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/buffalo-bills-rex-ryan-responds-criticism-defensive-schemes-102115 The coaches are telling them to do something that isn't working.
  23. I don't know what Rex is doing. He says it's the players scheme, not his. That's BS. I don't know if it's his ego or what, but he's bringing down the defense. http://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/buffalo-bills-rex-ryan-responds-criticism-defensive-schemes-102115 That is literally what the front four does best, pin their ears back and attack. Get your head out of your ass Rex.
  24. I'm good with Whaley and I agree, I don't really understand the Whaley bashing. That said, what Rex has done to this defense is embarrassing. The D-line has been neutered by (I think) focusing too much on the run. There's no urgency on the pass rush. It's like they tie up the blocker and are waiting for the run so they can play their 2 gap responsibility, but when it's not a run, then they're tied up and don't get to the passer. That might not be right, but we're not seeing the front four go hard right at the snap. I used to get pissed when Jerry would jump offsides, but I'd prefer that over whatever the hell they're doing now.
  25. Awesome gesture made by Dareus to pay for all of those kids and people from his past. The interview on the John Murphy show was really good. Marcell has caught some heat for getting into trouble, but I'm damn happy they were able to sign him long term. Those crying about his sack numbers need to do some research or something. Here's a start: http://www.wgr550.com/JW-All-22-Review-Bills-Titans/22064856 Here's a hint, Marcell and the D-line are doing a lot, even without putting up sack numbers. Want to know something crazy? Seattle had the best defense in terms of points against last year. Guess where they were as a team in sacks? 20th. Just some food for thought for those getting bent out of shape over the number of sacks so far.
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