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Everything posted by Buftex

  1. It seems like every year some generic blockbuster type movie comes out, and shatters all previous box office records, and spawns about 2 or 3 sequals within 3 to 4 years. The last time I went to see a "blockbuster" movie was the Tim Burton "Planet of the Apes" "re-imagining", and it was bloody awful. I know you are not likely to change your stance on tv, but I would argue that some of the great film-makers (writers, directors, etc) of our current times, are working in television, rather than films. The last great era of American films was in the 70's, pre-Star Wars. As time has passed, there are fewer and fewer opportunities to tell, full, adult stories in long-form film, because the financial risk is too high. So now, you see really fine actors and film-makers trying to find their niche in cable tv series, where they can tell extended, fully developed stories. Things like "Mad Men", "Breaking Bad", "The Sopranos" etc etc are really terrific.
  2. Funny, I like Seth McFarland, when I see him as a guest on a talk show, or something along those lines...but I loathe "Family Guy". Honeslty, I think the Flinstones is one of those cultural icons that is better left alone...what was edgy in the 60's was still pretty naive, by modern standards. I am not one who gets offended easily, but I just hate that they have to take something like this, and revive it...likely putting the modern version of "edgy" into it.
  3. In my previous life, as a nerd, I was a huge Star Trek fan. The term "bottle episode" has been around for ages...some thought that the 3rd (final) season of the original Star Trek series suffered, in comparison to the first two, because almost every episode was a "bottle" episode, as the show, and its' budget, were hanging on by a thread. As for the "Fly" episode, I kind of thought of it as the "Sopranos" episode of "Breaking Bad". If you watched the "Sopranos", particularly in the final 3 seasons, they would have one or two episodes each season where "nothing happened", but usually serves as some deeper insight to one of the characters. "Fly" kind of gave some insight into Walts sort of obessesive side, something that has served him well in his shady dealings, but might also derail him. I liked it. Also liked the slowly shifting dynamic of Jesse becoming a little wiser, and a little less compulsive...in the later episodes, more and more, it is Jesse who is the voice of reason.
  4. Wow, I liked Open Water...and Blair Witch...both movies, IMO, were pretty masterful at creating a very uncomfortable and eerie vibe...I suppose I am the only one who liked the last episode of "The Sopranos" as well...
  5. Yes, because libtards would have to dig so deep to find any other examples of Republican hypocrisy. The honor roll of Republican homosexuals is pretty long...almost every one, to a tee was a family values/marriage is sacred kind of guy...why do you !@#$s want to make an argument out of this? Lets see, there was Foley, Allen, Haggard and the lovely Larry Craig...I am sure there are more...really? Enjoy your little tea party...pinky out!
  6. They did rank the helmets...Bills came in at #22, while 6 team helmets received no votes...so those six are tied for last, or, 27th if you prefer! I think the way they did it is the only way you really could do it, to have it mean anytthing...or, mean anything in terms of how silly the article is. Agree, it is a stupid article...Bills new white helmets will be #1 next year! Don't bring your fetish stuff here, okay?
  7. Jerry Butler previously held the position of head of the Buffalo Bills Alumni organization. He was terrific, and well liked by Ralph Wilson. I must say, Jerry Butler is my all-time favorite Buffalo Bill. And very classy, indeed. I had some personal dealings with him over the years, and the guy was just a genuinely good person. I know he has been an assitant, positon coac, in the NFL as well, so hopefully, he lands somewhere. Love to see him back involved with the Bills...might have to wait for Pegula!
  8. Not sure what you mean by that... Saying Keith can't play guitar anymore? Anyways, I have heard (think he even mentioned it on Fallon) that there is likely another Winos album in the works. Much as I love KR, the Winos albums are not too exciting. To me, they almost just sound like Stones throwaways, or demos, with Keith singing, instead of Mick. Not necessarily a bad thing mind you, just nothing real exciting. I have heard Keith bootleg stuff that is much more artistic, and, interesting.
  9. Funny, everything I read on line sounds bad (articles just written in the last hour), but it is "Breaking News" on SportsCenter. I guess the "optimistic" take was from Carl Eller
  10. Ah..I still love the old geezer...still pretty funny guy...but it was a little weird, he has that sort of "old-man" shake to his head...I think they will tour again...I have been jamming out to a bunch of Keith bootlegs over the last few months. I must say, much as I love the Stones, their best days are way behind them...I wouldn't mind seeing/hearing what Keith did on his own...he isn't too proud (like Mick) to do the old kind of stuff, and the guy just loves music...I would love to hear him do a country album...
  11. Uh, Rico, 2002 and 2004 were two of the more entertaining seasons over the last decade plus...sad as that is. I guess I can understand thinking he sucked as a Bill, but I don't get that hate you have for him...he got old...it happens...I'd still take him over anyone who has followed, at the Bills QB position...
  12. I guess I am not understanding...according to Sal Pal, it sounds more like it is in the owners best interest to negotiate a deal, before June 3rd. If they don't, there will be a hearing to determine the validity of the previous ruling by the judge, who lifted the lockout, the day after the draft. Either way, it sounds like the courts are forcing some action...
  13. Sal Pal, on ESPN, is saying that a judge in Minneapolis has ordered that owners to make a new offer the the players...they will negotiate for 4 more hours tonight, and possibly tomorrow...scene described as "positive" and feeling that a "break through has been made", and there has been "significant progress"!
  14. I guess I am the only one who thought the first Blair Witch Project was a very good film...sure it had a gimmick that has been copied/imitated to death, but when it came out (I saw it the first weekend) I think it was pretty highly regarded by most...it was a pretty scary flick, without being "scary" at all. I recently saw "Burlesque"...I am not sure if it is the worst movie I have ever seen, but definitely the worst thing I have seen recently...it was not bad enough to be good (Showgirls set the modern standard here), but just bad enough to be truly awful.
  15. Yeah, I agree, but Tancredos' take wasn't exaclty brilliant either. If anyone watches MSNBC or FOX, they would realize that this is pretty much consistent with 90% of the content of both stations. I give Tancredo credit for not letting Bashir put words into his mouth. The OP is implying that MSNBC is somehow exclusive in using this kind of nonsense "jorunalism"...hate to say it, but the other network kind of created it, or at least perfected it, and everyone else is just trying to jump on the bandwagon. There is a whole generation of "news personalities" that have carved very nice careers for themselves doing precisely what Bashir does here (and in other pieces)...
  16. Youre on a roll...seriously, you should put some money on this stuff at the begining of the season. Let me ask you, assuming this is all scripted, as you suggest...how would Stern and his minions ensure that an "exciting rookie" fell to Miami. I realize that isn't one of your "sure things" in the scenario for next year, but you put it out there. How could Stern ensure that a rookie panned out? In the NBA, only roughly a third of the first round draft picks ever even end up being functional NBA players, and the odds drop considerably after the first round.
  17. Hasn't it been "stupid time" for at least 2 or 3 years now?
  18. ECF gets off to a great start...Bulls are played tremendous defense in the second half of that game...almost reminded me of my guys, from just a few years ago...hats off to Tom Thibodeau and the Bulls... Would love to see Rose and Durant face off in the finals...
  19. I have stuck with "Dexter" through five seasons, so obviously, I enjoyed it to a degree...however, I must say, I have enjoyed each season a little less...it is a great concept, but, for me at least, the characters are just way too one dimensional. I thought this past season was not very good...
  20. Yes, you could say Cowherd is very "pro-choice". Since the NBA season has started, he has been railing on all the "haters" saying that Lebron/Heat are the new shiny object, so we should just learn to enjoy it, rather than be a "hater"...he reminds everyone daily, that he has had "Lebron's back" all along, the only one in the media...etc etc
  21. After the Lakers were eliminated from the playoffs, after a few commercial teases, Cowherd revealed that as much as some "bitter" sports fans might like to see the big dog fall, it makes for a far less entertaining, and far less interesting NBA "final four"...despite the fact that the callers who were calling in, and the emails he was receiving, were overwhelmingly delighted the Lakers were done...I think he was just disappointed because it eliminated the tired schtick he has had about the Lakers for the last four years, from his daily drivel... now he only has LeBron to talk about... It hasn't stopped ESPN from cramming the WNBA, Women's NCAA and US prosoccer down our throats...or FOX Sports from cramming NASCAR down our throats... I would argue that those sports are very relevant, in some areas, and off the radar in most...not unlike the NHL.
  22. Sometimes he sounds like somebody imitating someone doing a bad imitation of Andy Rooney...
  23. Not sure what you are finding so controversial here, dev....the video has been removed, but here is a recap from HuffPo...politician says/writes something controversial/inflamitory , someone asks him to clarify...what's the big whoop? Is the objection that Tancredo was there to talk about immigration, and the topic turned something else? MSNBC is obviously slanted one way, the other guys are slanted another, and CNN is irrelevant...Tancredo didn't seem ruffled... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/11/martin-bashir-tancredo-obama-bin-laden_n_860474.html
  24. I never particularly cared for Matthew Barnaby's on-ice personality, with the Sabres...maybe a schmuck off the ice as well? http://www.usatoday.com/sports/hockey/nhl/2011-05-14-barnaby_N.htm
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