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Everything posted by Kellyto83TD

  1. If not, its damn near going to be close to it... At least 1A. First the team does a collective FU to all the doubters (including me and Crow btw tastes better with Gravy....) and Beats Chicago AT Chicago. NO ONE expected us to win period. The Bills had ample opportunities to fold like a deck of cards, instead they circled the damn wagons like days of old and fought through and won. Next the Sale. Anything else need to be said here? All Bills fans can breathe a sigh of relief and Jerruh can go suck it! Now the most important coming up....The !@#$ing fish are in first place! This is as big a must win as there has been in Bills history. We can with one game be #1 in our division. Of all the weeks that Miami who just beat NE can walk into our house...this is it! It still amazes me how in the darkest of times that just a few days can make all the difference in the world.
  2. I hope he does. Its best for the team and it also sends a message to the team, fans and new ownership that they are willing to park their egos and do what is best for the team
  3. Ah another guy who wants to be good, but just isn't. Its not like EJ, JP, RJ, Trent, Fitz wanted to be bad...they didn't. Problem is they just were
  4. This has been discussed, if they go 4-4 then you can just about count on a 5-11 / 6-10 season at best. The last 4 games of the season were damn near sure losses before the QB fiasco
  5. Just as soon as this guy gets the playbook, he needs to start. The Front office needs to show new ownership they are willing to do whatever they need to in order to make the playoffs. Orton hands down gives us our best chance at QB. I would rather go 10-6 and make a wildcard or damn near to it, than try to have EJ "develop" this year like we have tons of other QB's in the past. Then have him fail like all the others end up giving Cleveland a top 10 pick from us as well. Screw Development of another guy that looks just like the other past failures. Start Orton and have a legit shot at making the playoffs THIS year.
  6. No matter what the Bills STILL after all these years can't find a damn good starting QB.
  7. 1) they are RIGHT 2) if he didnt flat out SUCK they wouldnt' be bashing him
  8. Because he flat sucks. We are tired of **** QB's in Buffalo
  9. It should have already happened. We need draft picks
  10. I want the best for the Bills period. Have said this for years, whatever it takes to get the best QB out there. Are you saying that you would rather go through this year with EJ even if Orton is the better QB? If so, how can you call yourself a Bills fan if you want the best players on the bench? I said it about Collins, Billy Joe Hobag, RJ, JP, Trent, Fitz and now EJ, They need to go. I didn't like any of them and I didn't like the EJ pick when it was made. He isn't the answer. I am sick of sitting here almost the entire time from 1996-2014 knowing we have **** at QB.
  11. Give orton 4 weeks to get this offense under his belt and I say let him play.
  12. Incorrect. He has been written off because of what we saw last preseason, all of the season that he did play AND the entire offesason / Preseason this year. The kid doesn't look on the field any better than he did last year coming out of FSU And that is a HUGE concern. Bottom line Orton even at this stage is an upgrade over EJ. I hope we don't have to see him until about week 3-4 though so he can get some time under his belt with this system. Orton imho should have been brought in the minute he was done in Dallas and allowed to compete with EJ.
  13. I am with you Dean, we need an upgrade, but for now a quality backup would be good
  14. Now if he can come in, and EJ go down say Game 3 and Orton get us into the playoffs...
  15. Agreed. I really wanted Carr...And Dalton. He's right is the correct answer.
  16. AND... No first round pick which should be a top 3 pick considering how this team is playing. Many heads getting chopped by new ownership I hope.
  17. Been that way since 96' because this team STILL can't seem to find a QB worth a damn.
  18. WTF do you want them to do? EJ Can't read a defense to save his ass, slow with his reads IF he halfway gets lucky to read a simple D. Then misses Wide open WR's. I mean **** man, what else do you want? The kid is not the !@#$ing answer and now no first round pick next year to possibly correct the issue. I say do your username about 600x this year and don't let him hardly put the ball in the air.
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