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Everything posted by Kellyto83TD

  1. Realistically its Kyle Orton, too bad they won't let him see the field.
  2. To us EJ Bashers.... we are right. At some point the repeated QB apologists will wake up and realize since Kelly we haven't ever fielded a guy that was truly a Starting NFL QB (Even bledsoe in his old age was really nothing more than a backup) Funny didn't trent have off the chart Completion %? Again stats do lie. EJ is captain checkdown II, he is a liability esp. in the redzone. 3-1 TD/int rating? When he has 30 TD's and just 10 INT's then you can possibly use that stat.
  3. EJ should be benched. Unlike in Miami QB IS Our greatest liability and the one thing holding this team back. Again Bills fans trying to compare apples to oranges. And the NFL is pretty much saying the same thing about the Bills and EJ.
  4. Jesus this again? EJ has shown NOTHING....NOTHING AT ALL To say in 3 years he will be anything but a back up or out of the NFL entirely. Christ the good QB's show very quickly there is something there. EJ has shown **** since his very first Training camp. Russell wilson and Collin K both showed in their rookie camps they would be something special.
  5. Before I gripe, I think we lost to currently the best team in the AFC. The pats surely aren't it and very beatable. This leads me to my concern, Chicago doesn't look great, Miami looks like crap after beating a seemingly down Pats who by far don't look great. Flipside for the Bills like I said is I think SD might be the best team in the AFC. I think yesterdays loss was a good thing. The Bills needed to be brought back down to earth and it showed our clear weaknesses. EJ is not the answer at QB. YES I am on EJ and will be until he isn't in Bills uniform. Not going into this for the billionth time, he just isn't a good NFL starting QB. I don't want to hear about how young he is as guys like Russell Wilson showed in their FIRST NFL preseason camp they had "it" have have done nothing but improve. Sick of the excuses Bills fans give for **** QB's. Been this way since Kelly retired in 96' and its the same old tired ass excueses used for RJ, JP, Todd, Trent and on and on and on... That said...Pears sucks. Gilmore is another Nix bust, this kid hasn't come close to living up to his billing or first round pick status. Hell they directly attacked him At this point I see if I can't put him in the slot and go another direction at Starting CB. Pass rush wasn't anywhere near where it has been, but this can be worked on.I thought we did a good job shutting down Gates. Another thing missed is this team didn't fold and give up. In fact they made some half time adjustments and Played better on D in the 2nd half. That is an improvement over previous years. As I previously stated I think this is a good thing we got beat and glaring issues are shown NOW in week 3 against a non division opponent so we can try to shore what weaknesses up we can. Yeah any loss sucks but hell we weren't going 19-0 folks and in light of the ugly there were some positives yesterday we can build on.
  6. There is Liberal USA for you. If they don't get away from the NFL catching Liberal BS then they lose money. All these companies need to nut up and weather the storm. Let the Rice/Peterson things play out then let the NFL make a decision.
  7. Bottom line is he and Ray Rice need to sue the NFL and the teams. Just because there is peer pressure neither has been convicted of a crime.
  8. Esp. On Defense. SD looked like crap against Arizona then bounce back to beat Seattle and hang 30 on them. If our D can shut them down and we can get a win at home against these guys, it will really serve as a statement to the rest of the NFL. I mean think... Miami toasts NE and we crush them. SD beats the God Like Seahawks and we can beat them...
  9. +1 On that topic...how is Buffalo winning? Running the damn ball.
  10. Been a realistic fan since 83' so yeah... I guess I am on the bandwagon.
  11. He is big, strong, powerful, quick, fast and SMART! He already knows how to make slight adjustments to his routes to get that little bit of extra separation.
  12. Been a realistic fan since 83' That is one hell of a bandwagon... I felt better about the Bolts game before they took apart Seattle, but then again they sucked against AZ so who knows. We need the home crowd as loud as they were yesterday that is for sure.
  13. and thanks to Green Bay....Our Buffalo Bills stand alone at the top of the AFCE rankings at 2-0!
  14. Dean I get homerism is the thing here I really do, but I am spot on and far from the only one to see it. I get everyone is still on the "we beat Miami" High and that is cool as a win is a win, but What I say is completely true. EJ isn't getting it done. He severely restricted what we could do today. Now bash, whine, complain, take cheap shots over the web all you want, it doesn't change the very harsh truth, EJ is showing he isn't the answer.
  15. Yes. When you sit here and see we could have done MUCH more with better QB play in the redzone and pretty much ended the game in the first half. Stop with the excuses for the guy. He is nothing more than Trent, RJ, JP etal of the past in a new form. QB play severely restricted us today and I am telling you its going to hurt us badly when we play better teams.
  16. Outstanding post. I was at a place with tons of fans from other teams and the Bills had one of the Big 3 TV's and they were all saying at half something about how we should have had the game won outright with better QB play in the redzone. You could see from the playcalling it was to the point they didnt' want him putting it in the air down there. But many fans on these boards just like all the crap QB's in the past just will not get it through their heads
  17. EJ was not good period. IF you watched objectively you would have seen his play costs us greatly in the red zone. that game should have been 21-0 or at least 17-0 in the first half easy if he were worth a damn. What concerns me the most is the homerism toward another crappy QB. The excuses keep coming just like all the failures in the past.
  18. No. They are a cost and a headache the team doesn't need. If you want to see T&A then go somewhere else. That is all the Jills and any other "cheer squat" for an NFL team is...T&A for adult males...and some females.
  19. No. The Liberals need to stop being so over sensitive and butt hurt. If I were Rice I would sue the NFL and the Ravens. He was already punished and now that they are bowing down to liberal peer pressure they cost the man his career? Sue.
  20. Run at him. Chip him. **** guys this is easy football 101 stuff. You guys have way too much time on your hands it seems
  21. No one. The entire staff from Brandon down through ticketing and waterboy all need to go. The problem with this franchise is it needed to be purged long ago and Wilson wouldn't do it. No one stays.
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