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Everything posted by Kellyto83TD

  1. They have a decent OL, they can't block for !@#$ing ever! IKR. EJ is just another failed attempt by this Organization to find a QB. Can all of them including every damn scout. Its obvious by now they dont' know what a good QB looks like
  2. Keeping fans from yelling things? !@#$ them. Fans have been here before Brandon, Whaley etal and will be here long after. Fans have EARNED the right to boo and complain and NOT show up. New ownership should take notice and step to in fixing the issue. And if they think moving the team will fix things? NO City other than Buffalo would have put up with this **** 1/10th the time they have. LA? **** they can't sell out when the raiders were there. Toronto? They don't want the NFL period.
  3. I hope we can find a new owner worth a damn that puts winning first. **** can everyone from Brandon on down to the !@#$ing waterboy. **** can most of the current players as well. This whole thing has needed to be completely gutted for a long time now.
  4. EJ flat sucks as a QB throwing the ball, so hell lets line up 2RB's and a FB in the back field and just run the damn ball. No **** it would work better than this **** we have watched all pre season. And as for as Moron and not showing anyone the playbook yet... unless you got Payton Manning coming out of that playbook to play QB, who gives a damn.
  5. He is right. I wont, the guy sucks. He needs reps....like 5 years worth before ever being allowed to start again, but I digress...
  6. Uh... looking at footwork, play action, and the way he delivers the ball..... Good thing there is no 'Open Competition' for EJ lol. I will LMAO if he comes in and tears the Lions a new one and looks better than anyone we have had in awhile. That said watch his Presser, this kid is going to be a coach someday.
  7. He isnt HC material, but our asses are stuck with him until the new owner cleans house
  8. Again...what plays are Hackett supposed to call with a QB that locks onto the primary WR, Cant read defenses worth a damn and IF he can, he is very slow in doing so? From a mental standpoint you might as well be asking him to work with a HS QB behind center. Hell Maybe Hackett needs to speak to the press and tell it like it is. If he is fired I would expect him to.
  9. Its called the Bills are trying to cover it up. With the rest of the cluster !@#$ that is this team this is the last thing they want to address. For the record I stated I hated the Marone Hiring. I think Whaley and Brandon know they !@#$ed up that move
  10. She was the main Character other than Powers Booth's character. I would say 85% of her on screen time she was topless. All I know is it was so much you finally just watched the movie lol
  11. We don't really have ONE QB worth a **** on this team.
  12. And in much more important news... Saw sin city II last night. Eva Green spends 70% of the movie topless. Just sayin...
  13. Can we clarify something here? The Bickering Bills were all pros and several of which went on to be HOF'ers. Lets never use that term with this crap team or anything like it. When we have a HOF QB, RB, DE and some of the top guys in the NFL at their positions bitching at each other...THEN we can use that reference again.
  14. Hackett is held back by **** at QB. So lets fire him, then make MARONE do the play calling. I mean isn't marone some guru that helped Drew Brees for awhile blah blah blah? Make his ass call the plays and lets see how that goes
  15. No, nothing else matters until the QB position is upgraded to a damn good to great talent. Something we havent had in nearly 20 years. Have you stopped making excuses for the **** QB's yet? No would be the answer. +1
  16. Well this is turning out to be one cluster !@#$ of a year and it hasn't started yet. Top LB and maybe top talent on Defense goes down with an ACL, we trade next years first for a WR when we don't have a QB to get him the ball, All the off the field issues with players, the sell of the team, etc. You got Marone in my opinion losing the locker room, now he is going at it with upper management and to top it off.... we dont have a starting QB worth a **** and the backups are crap. Can we trade Watkins to Cleveland for our first rounder back, because we might be picking first next year and can use a QB that the new GM, HC and owner will be choosing.
  17. This is not good. There is a serious disconnect. I feel for Marone, he is strapped with pure **** for the QB situation.
  18. If they lift the blackout rule then why would most stadiums sell out? They wouldn't.
  19. So a GM can't !@#$ up on the way out the door huh? Not as a FU to the organization who is pushing him out the door? I'd go back and look at John Butler's first round pick in 2000 before I went down that path.
  20. Its called EJ sucks and he knows it. His entire QB corp sucks and he knows it and Whaley hasn't done **** about it but bring in ANOTHER Loser Bull **** he had to
  21. Bottom line the entire QB corp is the worst in the NFL right now. EJ is one of the 2-3 worst starters in the NFL right now. Jesus we have screwed the pooch for 18 years with THE most important position in all of football AND do not have a first rounder next year.
  22. So sign another guy who hasnt done **** in the NFL at all. Christ. Maybe the new owner DOES need to clean out the entire front office and coaching staff.
  23. Right... Lets compare a guy who is lost and was tabbed as having issues coming out of college to a HOF QB. Wow....
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