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Everything posted by Kellyto83TD

  1. No. See if we can trade him and start the guys we brought in
  2. Orton, 67% and 300+ yards. Big throws when needed.
  3. I am just going to believe that was Ralph Wilson helping his team one last time before the Transition. Believe what you want.
  4. Dear God, Bills having to play two teams today, and WTF has play calling went more Conservative vs opening up with Orton in there?
  5. Hackett yes, as he hasn't had an even decent QB to work with. EJ no, he is nothing more than a bigger version of RJ, JP, Trent etc.
  6. Steal of the draft IMHO if the kid really has turned it around. That said, Kujo needs to be moved to Guard and NOW. No way in hell will he unseat Glenn or henderson. So lets get something out of our 2nd pick
  7. Has anything changed where he doesn't suck? No. Is he still on this team? Yes. Are there still fans of EJ's that backed other failures like JP, RJ, Trent and pining for EJ to hopefully get it when he clearly wont? Yes. Therefore the "EJ sucks" threads will continue until he is gone
  8. Learn on the job? We can't wait for learn on the job. You do that when you have a Brett Favre who is still capable of getting you to the playoffs. Buffalo needs a guy NOW. That said, I have seen nothing from EJ that says sitting the next 5 years will improve his game. He just can't process the information at the pro level fast enough.
  9. Who the hell is gonna keep this big cat out of our backfield? Our guards are a work in progress and I think will get there, but Damn!
  10. Thanks Wet blanket. Maybe he just has their number, or has good Mojo against them
  11. Ok stop... just stop. Woods doesn't have anywhere near the talent Watkins does period. That said I love woods, but not on watkins level talent wise
  12. Good kid, wants to do well no one ever doubted that. Bottom line...Buffalo shouldn't have drafted him, he isn't a starter in the NFL. Look no knock against the kid, but he isn't the answer. He has always WANTED to let it rip etc. but he just can't. Has had many opportunities to do so, many open WR's and clean pockets. He just doesn't have the head for the game.
  13. As others posted I wasn't saying he was wrong in other articles but his way of going about them made them bad. This one he really does a solid job on.
  14. http://www.buffalone...two-bills-drive I agree with the fact Marrone looked much more relaxed at his presser than in the past. Folks don't understand he doesn't give two s@#$s about who is the QB, he wants the best players on the field and to win. Seems to me he is willing to buck the Front office to do so. To that I say.....GOOD! I still think this shines a light on that blow up with him, Brandon and Whaley at the end of preseason
  15. I love Sammy's responses, he is telling the truth. That is refreshing.
  16. Yes. QB's get hit all the time after throws. Clean pocket means he had time and was able to step up and throw. Bottom line, he sucks
  17. It will be Orton and a 2nd round pick next year playing QB
  18. Yes we can and possibly will but I have to ask...Why do we need to? In this same play calling that EJ has had there HAVE been wide open WR's! Everyone still blames play calling and I will say this again... You can not play chess with a guy that can't even set up a checker board! Hackett and Marrone were handcuffed by a QB that doesn't have it mentally and apparently physically either so what could they do? Hell the basic crap they gave him he couldn't handle and AGAIN...there were WIDE OPEN WR's!!!
  19. Jesus you thought we were winning 13 games with EJ at QB? Over what....2-3 seasons?
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