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Everything posted by badassgixxer05

  1. He should have some ridiculous stats. Clemson plays a terribly easy schedule this year. They just played their hardest oppenent this past week and thats prob a middle of the pack SEC team.
  2. I have a friend from NYC and is a huge Jets fan. I swear i just talked to those guys talking to him. They really are all the same. J-E-T-S until they come out of their delusion and realize they suck. ? we all have been there though.. lol
  3. That's the same with any crime reported. Need evidence for a conviction. Look how many people are in jail. There would be many more if you were guilty until proven innocent. Thank god its the other way around. https://www.rainn.org/statistics/criminal-justice-system
  4. Yeah, i asked my wife the other day where our tickets were thinking they were paper tickets and she said they were in the ticketmaster app. So much more convenient this way. I for sure thought i lost them. ?
  5. Fake news. There are thousands upon thousands in jail for rape. its impossible to win a criminal case with word vs word and no evidence, which you might be right in this case. Only the 2 of them would know for sure.
  6. That's the big issue i see with this whole case. If this assault actually happened, why isn't it in criminal court? The fact that it is only a civil suit screams money grab from everywhere and this lady should be ashamed.
  7. I herd Darnold is off this week. Can somone get him to fly to miami? Maybe they make out and Tommy boy gets mono....
  8. lol, on serious note, Zay looked really physical on that route. Hope we see more of that in game from him this year.
  9. I dont care who is listed at 1 or 2 on depth chart. Just feed this damn kid the ball until he pukes. ?
  10. Same, I havn't been to a game in a few years and my wife got me tix for my birthday. If we can beat the Giants, there will be some hype and energy going on. Hoping for it to be super loud! Can't wait! ?
  11. JA was slicing them up ala Tom Brady until the strip fumble.. I liked the early passing attack. No one saw that coming, unfortunately just had some bad luck and things didnt quite bounce our way. That said, Singletary has to be more involved going forward. The kid can end up being really special. Throw him out wide and keep dimarco blocking in backfield or on the bench please if you really need a RB out there in those formations.
  12. The Korn Shoots and Ladders intro for the Bandits way back was the best live team intro I have ever seen. Like goose bumps all over kind of hype. I wanted to go out there and smash someone.. haha
  13. This is good to hear. Watching the game live you don't pickup on some of these non big stat sheet plays, but he indeed was having a huge effect on Donald. Teams are going to have to game plan for him and leave our ends 1 on 1 many times which is a win for us. ?
  14. Same. Gore has no business taking caries early in the game unless its to spell a tired Singletary. I know its prob a testament to the really good Jets front line, but Gore really looked 36 running the ball yesterday.
  15. Damn, I must say I did not expect this offense to be a passing offense. Some bad luck bounce plays, but Allens accuracy looked a lot better. 64% completion and a game winning comeback drive. I'll take it. ?
  16. Sticks and stones. No words should bother anyone. They are just words. I let them go in one ear and out the other. Ask my wife! ?
  17. Allen is not a high volume passing QB, and this offense wont be designed to make him be one either. We are still going to be pounding the rock and relying on good defense this year. Allen will hit the big pass plays here and there, but not going to all of a sudden put up Mahomes numbers like some of you are wishing for. OP numbers are prob just about where he will fall at end of year. Will be growth from last year, and with good D and a running game that should put us in the playoffs or at least close to it. Should be a fun year still!
  18. Don't worry, I'm sure someone has stuffed him in a locker or two for ya already. ?
  19. Why would I be pissed? Imagine how terrible Peterman would have been without any games practiced! ? JA played too if you remember any of those preseason games. 3 NFL games of experience whether they were meaningless or not before he got thrown to the wolves in Reg season. Preseason games are just an extension of practice. They are important. getting these guys into a routine. Getting the gitters out. Making bad plays and learning from them. Sure some will get injured, but same happens taking snaps in regular practice setting is all im saying. The only coaches sitting starters for whole preseason are the ones afraid they will get roasted when one does get injured. Pats would sit everyone if it was an advantage. They don't, so im surely going to guess its not.
  20. Maybe, but the game experience is also much greater. Like I said, the greatest coach of all time plays his starters in preseason, so i think id tend to lean his way..
  21. Practice doesn't matter. Why do teams practice at all... *sarcasm*
  22. And if no one is injured, team is in sync and we have a good year all the Nay sayers will look pretty dumb. Live game action is a benefit, but always have the risk of injury. Have you ever seen Belichick sit Brady a whole preseason? People must be worried about Belichick...
  23. Not even close. Umberger had the puck. The same thing would have been umberger's teammate taking out Campbell like that on the play. But yes, in todays times of concussions and *****, that would be a dirty hit now too and I would not applaud it.
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