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The Real Buffalo Joe

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Everything posted by The Real Buffalo Joe

  1. Whoa! Postive Bills stats, AND expressing a thought that EJ Manuel isn't a total draft bust, in the same thread?!?!? Are we sure this is allowed?
  2. Good. Let them. I hope Marrone, or some of the players hear that. Get them pumped.
  3. This feels like the movie Semi Pro where they're all rooting for 4th place. Although, Brady's career is dwindling, and I wanna kick his @$$, I 'mean really stick it to him one time before he retires.
  4. This is the saddest, yet most accurate description of my new home city.
  5. Hey buddy! I live off an FM road! On a street called "My Rd." Everything else you said is sadly accurate. The whole FM system is stuipid, it was confusing for me to learn my way around. Luckily I live far enough away. Last year it sold out, and the only ticket I could get was a 49 dollar face ticket for 120. That was also when Texans were Super Bowl contenders, and this is a fair weather city, so I'm not sure about next year.
  6. Oh ok. Thanks for the clarification. That's awesome then. I live in Houston. Won't even have to travel.
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last time we played against The Texans, it was last season, in Houston. So wouldn't that mean, assuming, it is Houston for our AFC South oppenent, which is what it's looking like, that the game would be in Buffalo?
  8. Need I remind you people this is the same troll that suggested we just "draft Johnny Manziel before he's eligable, and just sign the contract before Roger Goodell can say anything?"
  9. I don't know why I'm giving into this troll, but ever hear of the Manning family?
  10. Imagine if our FO/Coaching staff came here for advice. http://onion.com/1f3rdsB
  11. Pettine. Also, thankful that Buffalo still has a team right now. Even if they're not playing here this weekend.
  12. The Comeback was more of a Houston choke than a Buffalo win.
  13. If they did move, I'd hope they did with us what they did with Cleveland. Let us, as a city, or country, buy the rights to the name/logo/records. So in that case, if we do get an expansion team at some point down the road, however possible it would be, that team could be the Buffalo Bills. Not to mention the name wouldn't make sense outside of Buffalo, although neither does Utah Jazz.
  14. I'm sure this has been brought up before, and I'm sure there's more to it than this, but why doesn't Ralph sell 49% of the team to someone? He'd still have controlling interest, and then when the time comes, he can sell that other 51% easier.
  15. You realize this is coming from the same person that suggest we draft Johnny Football in his freshman year, and just sign the contract before Roger Goodell can say anything, right?
  16. I have a bottle of champagne from the division championship in 1998. Never opened. Decided to wait till we won the Super Bowl. Every year we don't win it, it ages, and it will taste that much sweeter when it happens.
  17. I took the trip to New Orleans this weekend to see the game. I just wanted to comment that the Saints have the nicest, most hospital fans I have ever dealt with on the road. Five people stopped me on my way to my seats just to thank me for coming, and recomend different places to eat. Some playful trash talk back and forth, but I never felt threatened or scared the whole time. A truly classy fan base.
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