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Everything posted by In-A-Gadda-Levitre

  1. I don't know the exact answers to your questions. I can ask if you want. In general, 1&1 gives you a lot of free stuff, but it's not highly customizable or full featured using Website Builder. You can't easily make changes to sitebuilder pages via html and other tools unless you spend the $99 to get Website Builder Plus, etc. They offer a lot of free trials of SEO types of features, but usually tied to some fee-based upgrade. there's a process to use a 1&1 domain with a Weebly site, but I doubt if you can integrate Weebly with 1&1's sitebuilder
  2. I've used 1&1 for a few years, really low prices and good support. I used their sitebuilder at 1st, it's really easy. Strongly recommend.
  3. an update... Stones in Exile is now on Netflix. Free streaming now, DVD at some point
  4. I don't or absolve or blame Modrak. Judging by the fact that Nix is a professional scout by trade, I trust him to make the right call on Modrak's value to the team. Either it was too late this year or Nix thinks he's doing a good job. Time will tell. I don't accuse you of anything. You provided three articles and none of them made your point any stronger. As Alaska Darin says, you don't know what goes on in the Bill's war room, how much influence Modrak has over the selection process, or (most of the time) how he grades the prospects. Your quoting Florio's rants and unnamed singular sources doesn't help, just saying.
  5. All three of these articles do little to bolster your case. Yes, Modrak was forced out of Philly when Andy Reid got the power over personnel. Big deal. His replacement, Heckert, didn't even have final say in personnel, even though he was the GM. Andy Reid is one of, if not the most powerful head coaches in the league, so it's no surprise that Modrak was fired in that soap opera. In the PFT archive, it never even hints that Modrak used reporters to plant stories. It quotes one of Florio's unnamed sources that he's being considered for top FO posts because Lenny P and Tom Donahoe keep plugging him. Also, look at the tone of the article. It's clear that Florio has issues with ESPN that extend way beyond Tom Modrak. Lastly, the Jauron saving Modrak's job is a 1-liner in 1 media outlet, again PFT with one of their "league sources". Did the Bill's beat reporters ever mention this story? You'd think if it was real, it'd be documented by a named source, more than once. Sorry, doesn't pass the smell test...
  6. oops, we must've been posting at the same, sorry for the dupe
  7. looks like MG had a typo. Chris Brown said Kirk Chambers was LT with the 1s today...
  8. they usually bury it in bonus money that doesn't count towards the cap
  9. Clements made $80M with the 49ers, whats another $20M or so between CBs?
  10. Yes, they're letting him handle some snaps while he's rehabbing. Don't read into this too much, it's just a way to get on the field without putting too much stress on his leg. Nobody has said he's gonna play center this year, but I suppose it's possible once training camp starts.
  11. yeah, but... The reason that most Macs are more stable and less prone to crashes is because there's 1 hardware manufacturer who also makes the OS, most of the peripherals, and the apps. There's little or no driver conflicts or unlimited combinations of hardware and software and versions, which make PCs cheaper and more flexible, but also more unstable.
  12. nothing wrong with direct drive TTs, but they're louder than belt drive, unless you use a sound dampening mat or something like that. Also, if you use a moving coil cartridge, they can pick up inducted noise from the motor. If you're a DJ, you have to get direct drive because of the spin-up time is way, way better. So, if it's audio quality and low noise you want, go with a belt drive. If you're not that picky and you want constant speed, less parts to wear out, and fast spin up, get a direct drive.
  13. sign up for any of the free image hosting sites like Flickr, ImageShack, or Photobucket Upload your pic(s), copy the URL to the pic, and paste it into your post, using the "Insert Link" icon if you want to use a pic that's already on the internet, copy the URL and paste using "Insert Link" again
  14. +1 ya, if you can afford them, Thorens rock, but put your money into the cartridge, not the TT great choice, Ortofon has always made very high quality, relatively low cost cartridges. Can't go wrong with Denon TT either
  15. I assume you're exaggerating. He wants 1 extra day a week to be with the family. As long as he brings it on game day, it shouldn't matter to us.
  16. Go to My Computer, right click, left click Properties, click Hardware tab, click Device Manager, find audio/sound card device, right click and uninstall it, restart Windows, let Windows discover the device and reinstall the sound drivers.
  17. how can you say that? AS has made it clear from the beginning it's about being with his family and has said repeatedly that he only wants to play for the Bills. The reference to Houston was about where else would he consider playing, he said Houston because it's close to his home and he knows Bill Kollar, the line coach. Yes, training camp is a turn off for him, but it's not about being on a championship team.
  18. interesting quote from Chris Brown on today's Mini Camp highlights looks like he's adjusting to playing in space...
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