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Everything posted by HamSandwhich

  1. Lol, I saw this this morning too. I can just imagine him pouting like a 13 y/o little girl. ROFL!!!
  2. I remember when Rogers was cut, I was all like, WAAAAH!!! HES GONE!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT HE'S GONE!!!! WAAAAH!!! FALSE! I do not miss Rogers.
  3. I've been meaning to tell you, you might want to lay low for a little while, pretty sure the cops are after you
  4. How could they deactivate Rogers and expect to win? I don't get it. Did the Titan's leave after the 3rd quarter? Was there an act of God? Something had to have happened that Rogers didn't play and the colts somehow pulled it off.
  5. Agreed, for the record, I am more on Marrone's side on this debate. I think Howard and Simon are out of line at times. I believe in the interview, Marrone made a passing statement that he may be used in a wheel route, he just wont be used lined up outside.
  6. I just heard the interview on the archives and was just going to start a thread about the interview. It seems as though these interviews with Marrone can come across as contentious. In todays interview, I got the feeling that Howard and Simon are getting a bit tired of his act and want him to answer the questions asked. I like Marrone, but he does do a little dancing around questions. It think it comes from both sides, Marrone dancing around questions, but also, Howard and Simon becoming a bit more emboldened in recent weeks and coming across somewhat douchey. I will admit, the last part where Marrone was talking about the veterans and thanking them and then Howard saying "ok thanks coach" to which Marrone responded, "wheres your enthusiasm for our troops", was a little awkward. Howard just reapeated "ok thanks coach" as if to say, shut up, we're done here. Anyone else feel like Howard and Simon are digging and making the segment a bit contentious?
  7. You're reading into this too much. He's saying, he's the coach and he's taking the responsibility. Thats it.
  8. D couldn't stop the run to save their lives. This was a sad game to watch. Very boring too.
  9. It's hard for me to justify wasting Sundays watching this team the rest of the way. I haven't missed a game for 7 yrs. I have a problem though, akin to a heroine junkie, that's being a life long bills fan. That's why I'll prob still be back next week to get my "fix". F&-@ing Bills!
  10. It's obviously EJ can't get it done, just patEJ on the back and say, next week.
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