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Everything posted by HamSandwhich

  1. I haven't said this at all this year, an perhaps I will regret this, but Hackett must go!
  2. Seriously, where in The heck is Spiller? We need a spark, and the best spark anyone could ask for is a CJ big run. I can't stand this gameplan
  3. Doesn't looked good for that Pitt defender, he wasn't moving. Looked like Stevie kneed him in the head Kolb style. Hope he's ok
  4. EJ got hit high and right in the helmet. If It was Brady, that's 15 yds
  5. I'm getting sick and tired of watching a team that gives me hope and then lays eggs on my hopes!!! BS!!!
  6. This! X100048592940038 How is he out on the 2 min drive????!!!??? Sick and tired if the ? Calls!!!
  7. Grain of salt for EJs first game back, but white flag for the season if we can't win
  8. I know we're trying to protect a rusty EJ but at some point we must throw deep to open up the running!
  9. Would you look at that? They held him to less than 5 yds on that play...
  10. Zzzzzz, whole lot of nothing from both teams right now. EJ better start warming up!
  11. Tuel was not here to start this year...Marrone said "In a perfect world, he would be on the practice squad. However he played so well in presease, Marrone felt he couldn't put him on the practice squad for fear that he would be plucked by another team. Does that sound like a coaching staff that has no faith in him for future purposes? Though this weekend may not be very good because he is still green, he was seen as a long term developmental QB. What did you all expect? HE IS A ROOKIE!!! Wow! He's still gotta learn. Again, Marrone didn't want to put him on the practice squad because he was afraid other teams may want to take him off the squad. He's a developmental QB. Apparently, Marrone feels most comfortable with him at this point. Not very many choices, he's the best at this point. Tuel is not horrible, he's just young and green and developing.
  12. No one has ever said that. College is college, if he gets the chance, lets see what he can do in the NFL. To be clear, I'm not saying I think he's going to be awesome. I think he may very well fall on his face, I'm just saying, you can't judge him on his quarter and a half of NFL production. He was signed for a reason, poor college past or not, its in the past. The coaches see something in him. I trust them more than I trust TBDers. No offense ;-)
  13. So, are you saying the QB injuries are just a figment of my imagination?
  14. People are ridiculous for saying Tuel is going to be horrible, what are you basing that on? Tuel's game against the Browns, of which, coaches admittedly say he had 0 reps during practice that week? Give me a break!
  15. Another question I would have, if he found a girl, and they had relations, would it be necrophelia? If they had kids, would their kids be "undead"?
  16. That is exactly why we can't have nice things here at TBD.
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