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Everything posted by RCOHEN13

  1. and Mc'Lovin... 4 starters missing... This is a new TEAM.... This D will be able to keep us in games and just seeing them line up is a pleasure showing so many different looks. Pre-season on not, Pettine was instilled a different mentality. We got a bunch of sacks plus a ton of pressures and hits on QBs. My fav was the sandwich hit where QB felt pressure from outside and TRIED to step up in pocket and throw and Carrington just creamed him. Carrington was all over place too. Very nice to see how well D is attacking.
  2. Game 2: Kolb plays 1st Q and prob about half way through 2nd. EJ takes over and Tuel comes in late 3rd or 4th Q. Game 3: Whoever is leading (hopefully EJ) QB competition plays 1st half then Kolb plays most of 2nd half in not whole thing. Game 4: If EJ is still ahead, i'd bet he plays close to entire 1st half but alot of the other 1's will sit after first 1st Q.
  3. Goodwin will allow Mclovin to focus on being #2 CB. As good as we was last yr as KR, i think if we plan on him being #2 CB, cant risk him in return game when u had possibly FASTEST player in league on squad. What was most impressive as he read block and just blew past everyone. No dancing or jukes, they flew! More of a work in progress as WR and cant see him being above #4 as he is VERY raw as WR
  4. Butler did look good. How bout Edwards on the Slot Blitzes??
  5. Yes, i'm talking about keeping jsut 2 QB's. I'm very well aware the 3rd QB can now be "active" body for game. I just see no value in keeping Kolb around. If he does see the field, over under on games him staying healthy for is 1.5! I like the idea of having a vet QB consdering Tuel is also a rookie but with team having SOOOO many guys that will be not only on roster, but in starting gigs that are very young players. They have all played off each other and fact they are all so young helps them all relate and form bounds.... Going young will only benifit this team. Having a "vet" back up QB is great if he is a TRUE vet. Kolb has barely played and when he did he constantly got hurt. If they wanted a guy to be backup QB and sorta like a 2nd QB coach, they would have kept Fitz as he would be perfect #2 like he is gonna be doing with Locker in Tenn. Let the kids play!!! Their will be alot of OOPS plays, but alot of BIG plays. Seeing Goodwin take BOTH his returns back was thing on beauty and i think if Bills are serious about using Mclovin as teams starting CB opposite Gilmore, having him return kicks is not a good idea if they want him upright for year. As good as he was last yr, Goodwin is faster and did any of u notice how decisive he was in picking his lanes... This guy is gonna be what he hoped Roscoe was gonna be and he;s tough as nails and not made of glass like Roscoe and doesnt dance laterally with ball and try and juke everyone like Roscoe did. He sees lane and FLIES!!! Woods will lead team in receptions this yr! I am actually personally friends with Stevie, and this is no knock on him, but Woods is the catch 70-80 balls this yr and with SJ13 missing so much valuable time in camp, EJ is forming great chemistry with Woods and as he all know, Woods was most polished WR in draft to come out and contribute right away.
  6. We MUST start EJ from get go and its not like Kolb is a savvy vet who can be like a 2nd QB coach to help groom him. Fitz would have served better in that role. ONLY good advice Kolb may have would be for which pain killers are good for different ailments! he;s hurt just about everything in his career and spent a ton of time in training room. I for one, would love to see an extra WR or CB as 53rd guy. We have a ton of guys competing at those positions and a lot of different guys have shown flashes of solid potential. Seeing Roby make that tackle on that flanker screen with a blocker engaged on him that thing of beauty. For guy his size to take on block yet still have the tackle was a very pleasant sight. I REALLY hope he makes team.
  7. I watched game 3 times yesterday on the NFL.com preseason package. Kiko Alonso- hs to be #1 for me... This guy has great instincts and can cover which has been our biggest issue with MLB's forever! Spiller- in just first 2 carries , CJ looks like he's gonna be a major part and be relied on HEAVILY and i'm comfortable in predicting him landing in top 5 in rushing this year. BUT.... Guy who impressed me most..... PETTINE.... i LOVE this guy... D was moving around and attacking rather than let the O dictate the game. I for 1 am happy than EJ has to practice vs these guys daily cuz this dude knows how to coach a D. Aaron Williams who i couldnt stand at CB looked great at Safety and i love the fact that even after getting burned, Brooks came up with HUGE play in causing that fumble as well as playing very strong on ST. This D is gonna be exactly what they wanted..... VERSATILE! WR- its hard to put too much stock into preseason game 1 but with a team so reliant on rookies at QB and WR, everyone seemed very in sync. Only knock on the day was EJ "pushing" ball to Hogan over middle in a 3rd and short and leaving pass bit behind him . Didnt step into throw and it was behind him and would have been a sure first down. However, in reg season, that route will be to SJ13 which is why Hogan was slot guy with the 1's and even tho ball was a bit behind him, Stevie would have made that grab as it was far from uncatchable just a bit behind him. EJ- looked GREAT outside considering he attempted 21 and hit on 16. Alot were dinks and dunks, but truth is, in a 2 min drill, good QB's do a lot of that as they hit the RB or safety valve in stride and let him pick up some yardage and our guys were getting out of bounds. That 2 min drive was a thing of beauty and even tho i was hoping to see EJ for at least 1st series in 2nd half considering we were getting ball and knowing Kolb was not playing and Tuel would still get plenty of playing time. After that 9-9 TD drive in final 2 min, was PERFECT way to end his day and that leads to Tuel- i actually saw bunch of his at WSU and he really looked sharp yesterday and really got me thinking that the roster spot for 3rd QB "may" be able to used somewhere other than QB. We have alot of young corners who were flying around field yesterday and for me, the BEST part of the day was just SEEING a Blitx from slot corner and him getting a sack and another big hit to force an early throw later on by Kip Edwards. I cant remember the last time we were consistently blitzing from all over field! It was a beautiful sight! We have A LOT of talent and a ton of speed on this squad, and the fact the EJ has to practice daily vs Pettine;s D will only make him that much better. These guys seem like a really tight knit group cuz so many are still "infants!" Let 'em play together. Only way to improve is having them on field. I see no reason to start Kolb and for that matter, KEEP him on roster. His upside is very limited and its not like he's a true vet QB with lots of experience to help groom EJ. The only valuble insight Kolb would have would be which pain killers are best for diff ailments if EJ's get bruised up! I'd love to see that extra roster spot on 1 of these young WR's which may really come in handy as season progresses when injuries start adding up. Other position that i hope we keep an extra guy and cut from somewhere else is CB. We have a slew of young CB's and have a feeling outside of Gilmore, with Mckelvin already gimpy, and in league where teams employ so many multiple WR sets, its crucial to have as many DB's as possible. We have a bunch of guys vying for roster spot there and with so many unknowns, we may very well see a bunch of diff guys being used. To end... my fav play of game.... When Indy threw a quick WR screen to outside and had a blocker engaged already on our mighty mouse, Roby, we still managed to make the tackle. With his lack of size, seeing him make a big tackle was a really pleasant surprise cuz he has already been excellent in camp in coverage. Seeing him in live action, and making a great tackle was really nice to see for such an undersized CB. RC
  8. I dont know if u can call Brad Snith "talented"! unless he has some other skills outside of football I am not aware of! JK... this is the best WR corp we have had at camp in years. The talent is through the roof. I'm hoping they keep just EJ and Tuel and have extra roster spot for WR or CB or even OL.
  9. a delayed blitz.... dont think we did that once last yr!!
  10. BEST part of this game so far... ALL injury timeouts.... to Colts... no injuries so far!
  11. Smith.. these young WR's have chance to be special.. Rather have them in case someone goes down that a vet like Smith who we know is well below average... Get rid of as much of Gailey era as possible!
  12. watch on NFL.com sooooo much better, have Bills broadcast crew
  13. 16/21 just over 100 yards, 2 1st down runs and 2 min drill TD... D is flying around field and Kiko was everywhere. Woods could be 1B to SJ13 hes that polished and Goodwin is gonna be the weapon Parrish was supposed to be cuz he has an all around game and not made glass. LOVING new team and new schemes on O, D, and Special teams! GO BILLS!
  14. It is, but u get the Bills broadcast.... every play Kiko is in on..
  15. He was also a QB that was a long time Starter at MSU and played in a lot of big games in his college career. Probably as many as EJ did! Tuel on the other did not... If we snagged Barkley or Nassib in 3rd-4th, i think that would make Kolb expendable if he hasnt showed much. But to go in with 2 rookie QB, and having Tuel as our primary backup without a vet on the team, that would be we are 1 play away from Clowney sweepstakes! Unless we brought in another QB ASAP cuz this is complex offense and whomever we brought we NEED training camp starts cuz once reg season rolls around, even the back up QB gets limited reps. EJ #1, Kolb #2 and Tuel P.S. rather have extra roster spot for an extra WR or DB
  16. Best thing that could happen for the team. We know what we got in Kolb... Fitz were stronger arm and Rob johnson durability. IMO, let EJ soak in as many first team reps as possible during camp cuz even if we start Kolb week 1, EJ is our future and he can REALLY benefit from being on the field with the 1's
  17. smart move so team can move forward with same crew in place with Whaley and Nix basically helping him settle into role. When i saw that it was Whaley that introduced the draftees on team site, i figured he was either taking over this year or at worst, next year. 1st thing Whaley needs to do is plug the numbers with Overdorf, and GET BYRD SIGNED! in this day and age in video game style NFL its such a MUST to have a ball hawk safety and guy is best player on this defense and if it blossoms to what he had hoped LAST YR simply with a few draft picks and a couple of very good but not huge name signings in Lawson and Branch who i think both will have integral roles on this D, having the Byrd man back there is CRUCIAL considering he will either have a rookie or 1st yr starter or possibly a converted CB starting alongside of him at SS. I'm hoping Duke gets on field alot and not just in sub packages cuz Aaron Williams scares me back there.. I'd rather Searcy get the nod if Duke isnt ready by start of season to take over that role. Searcy may have least amount of talent of the group but its is very good in the box and is "safer" than Williams who i can EASILY see a blown assignment per game that leads to huge gain...
  18. NO WAY Kolb gets cut... i see your thinking, but if a vet QB gets the axe it will TJAX
  19. 100% agree... Its a must watch show for any hardcore football fan and is the only reality TV show worth watching! As much as i hate Dolphins, i watched every episode and the best episode in history of show is when Tannenhill is sitting in QB meeting room and talking and teams and divisions in NFL and had no clue who played where... That was an instant classic! i was in total shock how a guy that was a 1st round pick and a QB who is supposed to be "smart" guy and didnt know it. Not like there has been major re-alignment in last 10 years and for a QB not to know that i found just hysterical! We actually DO have quite a few "attractions" for producers of show... Having a QB competition is GREAT for show as it was last yr with Moore and Ryan and was god for TV drama seeing how Phins made decision and we have a great storyline at WR at Phins did last yr but we at least have TALENT there to see who will win which jobs. And we got last yr's star of show at training camp this year is HOGAN!!! On D, it will b great TV seeing how coaches discuss hybrid D and moving guys around and stuff. I've watched all seasons of the show and NONE of which hurt a team in terms of competitive disadvantage cuz teams see things... Show is about inner workings of training camp, tough choices at key positions, find a vet or 2 to "follow" and same goes for a few young guys. Would be a GREAT way to get to know WHO are guys are as people, not just football players! I for one would never even have to DVR an episode cuz i'd be watching it live EVERY week! I'd love to see the training camp pranks especially at WR with SJ13 now being a "vet" WR and whole bunch of kids at his position.. i can see Stevie doing some awesome stuff to them and there is no one outside of the QB's that would gain national media attention like Stevie would!
  20. I remember when we lost Winfield... he was so good vs run and even tho didnt get many int's we has excellent in coverage and fact he's still playing shows how tough he is. Those were years were were all over Ohio State corners with him, Clements and Youboty (who never figured out game and couldnt stay healthy)!
  21. Completely agree. We will keep 5-6. I think we keep 6 this yr cuz of lack of TE's on team. Think we keep 2 TE and 6 WR this. I 100% agree with the 4 guys as locks, hope Smith gets cut. Just cant stand the guy. Even when he runs, he looks lazy and has bricks for hands. We have abundance of kick returners and Leotis is a star in that spot anyway. I hope Rodgers stays out of trouble and makes team cuz his talent is through the roof, hopefully he realizes what's at stake here for him, a JOB playing game u love and make TONS of money doing it... Even an entry level rookie contract is HUGE money for a kid right out of college with his back ground.. I was pulling for Easley pre-draft, but just dont see how he would fit into this kinda WR corps.. Think he will get lost in shuffle with no role and get the axe. The guy i'd love to see make it would be Hogan! after watching last years Hard knocks show... he would be good kid to have around. He is also a converted TE so size is there and is very fast. Could be a great special teamer or at worst, hopefully he makes it on PS
  22. 100% agree. That D SHOULD be top 10 just by having Pettine over Wanny. Frankly, i'd take most posters on here over WANNY! On O, we will prob be very inconsistent cuz of all the youth expected being on the field. But u cant teach speed, and we do not lack speed! Spiller alone is capable of scoring from anywhere on the field. Im very hopeful that 1-2 of our WR outside of SJ13 "catch on" fast. I think Woods will be very consistent. The guy catches everything thrown his way, great after catch and was the Reggie Wayne to Marvin Harrsion last yr with Lee there and STILL caught 85 balls in a pro style offense. Not one of these gadget offenses that throw 60 times a game. We was a monster yr b4 and over 100 catches as the #1 guy. I think we will be in contention for offensive rookie of year catching 60 for 900 and 6 td's and possibly being over 1000 as i see him breaking a few long ones after the catch and being a 1B next to Stevie by mid year. Hopefully TJ improves from year 1 and seizes chance they are giving him. I dont think he beats out Woods for starting WR but we will be running so many 3 WR sets, it wont matter and Goodwin is WAY too raw to be a #3, especially as a rook. He will be a gadget guy on a bubble screen or throw him a bomb here and there. He is not a great route runner and does not have greatest set of hands. He Roscoe, but faster and less elusive. Roscoe had decent hands though, he just couldnt stay on field, and i have same worry about Goodwin. I really think think Rodgers will not only make team, but be on field a fair ammount by mid year. If he can stay out of trouble, he has more upside than Woods! Whether he ever comes to realize it.... who knows... I can easily see us winning 9-10 games if we START EJ and let him run a wide open system. We will make mistakes, but the games will be exciting, and with the speed we have now at WR to go along with Ej's speed and most important CJ.. He will find ways to have some highlight reel td;s from 50+ yards. Here's to optimism!!! GO BILLS!
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