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Bubba Gump

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Everything posted by Bubba Gump

  1. KC Queefs....such the perfect team they don't commit penalties. NFL is so fixed
  2. I thought the same thing. They looked like a couple beauts. One looked like he hasn't showered in a month.
  3. Is it my imagination or do Reid and Bienemy get fatter by the week? Sizzler has to close for days to re-stock after they eat there.
  4. I was thinking the same thing. I would at least think a "critical, but stable condition" would be more likely.
  5. She had a pretty serious stroke. Prayers she is able to return to some sense of normalcy, but it's been quite awhile.
  6. The football season and city of Buffalo year from hell, keeps getting worse. Get well soon Murph.
  7. I was in a medically induced coma for five days. When they woke me up, I still had the breathing tube in. I also had to use pencil and paper to communicate. But once they pulled that tube out, yeah it sucked. I ate all the vanilla ice cream they could give me.
  8. What happened to the @mead107 predict the score thread??
  9. I predict there will be two threads dedicated to "predict the score" for the Bills/Bungholes.
  10. 5 days??? It was 12 days since he was concussed. Stay informed guy... I think they are counting this as Tua's 2nd concussion, because he never got over the first one. He played a game and a half within 4 days. No way he was cleared of the first "back injury" concussion. Miami is a clown show.
  11. I thought he was gonna say when I did two years in the state pen. There are some great cooks in there. The stuff they can make with what little they have to work with is incredible. At least that's what I was told 😉😉
  12. Damn.....I thought this thread finally died. 🤧
  13. Well, McDaniels knows Stidham very well from their days in NE. Maybe Josh thinks he can turn Stidham into something still. Gonna see what he's got these last few weeks, and it's all but guaranteed Carr is gone after the season.
  14. Fans want a dome, just like many other fans want open air. Just give it up already. What are you, 12??? Did you see how empty that beautiful "warehouse" called Lucas Oil Stadium was tonight? You know what fills stadiums? Winning teams, dome or no dome. Still waiting for a link showing how a "majority" of the fans want a dome. I'll wait. A small majority would prefer a retractable roof stadium, which is even more costly. But that would be okay, seeing how they could open it up for warm weather or dome teams. Close it for rainy games, I'd be fine. But from the day football originated, it was meant to be played outdoors.
  15. Between last night's game and tonight's game, please tell me next weeks MNF Bills/Bengals game isn't gonna be as crappy.
  16. Not sure whose face I wanna punch more, Aikman's or the referee's.
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