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Everything posted by djp14150

  1. He was on bills PS and pulled by Giants because of their lack of WRs. thr thing is he was behind Davis and Diggs. He wasn’t a slot receiver. He was a ST gunner/ returner. buffalo would dress those 2 and a slot receiver and another one. Preferably one with the high speed which he diesnt have. if Davis/ Diggs got injured he might have gotten a shot. If they keep him on the roster, who do they kick off? On offense fir him? in a roster set up 7 ST players— P,K,LS, Returner, gunner, 2 captains 23 D. ..9 DL, 5/6 LB, 8/9 DB 21 O…2 QB, 9 OL, 4 WR, 3 RB, 2 TE. 1 RB/WR/TE 2 rookie spots or injury replacement spots
  2. The logic behind this… use the clock against them by making them do short plays burning the clock. If you go heavy pressure you run the risk of being caught on a big play 50 yd+ play
  3. Bessley TD was done on a WR screen. You runscreens when you think you d will over pursue. dhort pass plays can be an issue with batted balls and Allen throwing hard. the throw outs routes or option route of an out, in , or turnaround a draw is the same as a fake hand off or Allen doing a delayed run 2 seconds after the snap. thr conspt of a hot receiver relies on the rusher leaving coverage of the area the receiver goes.
  4. Brilliant….work on solving cold fusion…..
  5. the issue was he was behind receivers on the depth chart. He was plucked from the PS by a former asst GM and OC. Buffalo has a few draft picks either off if waiver or taking from the PS. this will happen again.
  6. the 4th and 8 was because of a Milano missed tackle. Beasley bobble pick should have been a penalty you also had just misses on plays shakir long throw and drop Davis end of half couldn’t get both feet in Brown mistake on the pic they easily could’ve put up over 50.
  7. a former coworker of mine who has retired is there. Maybe he’s going to see him. when I worked with him his wife was Thai and he had a second home there. Every year he’d take 2 weeks off and travel there. Klingsburied is still going to get paid on his contract so no rush to sit out for a year.
  8. Is the world is round too? this scheduling formula has bern the same since 2002 4 team divisional they create 2 team pairs in each division. in 2010 they reset some team pairs to prevent the issue of both west coadt teams being in a pair. the current team pairs likely won’t get changed until the 2026 season. 2002-2009, 2010-2017, 2018-2025 within conference its every 3 years. The 2 years between it’s tied to finishing in the same position the season befire. there was quirkiness in the KC games sequence because K.c changed parters which affected divisional match up home and road. thry played each other from 2008-2015. 3 were division matchups.
  9. Does the strip mall come with a “ massage” parlor?
  10. https://www.thebiglead.com/posts/damar-hamlin-high-school-teammate-rodney-thomas-interception-celebration-video-01gp9h10s5h6
  11. In the Texans at Colts game…. Rodney Thomas got an INT and did a celebration over the 3. he was a high school teammate of Hamlin and travelled to visit him in Cincinnati
  12. Miami at buffalo baltimore at Cincinnati Chargers at Jacksonville dallas/ Philadelphia at tampa bay Green Bay/ Detroit/ Seattle at 2 seed Giants at 3 seed dates and times TBD Bears have top pick. I don’t see them drafting a QB Texans have 2nd pick. They draft a QB bills opponents outside the division are home—Denver, Vegas, giants, cowboys, jacksonville, tampa bay road— kc, LA, PHilly, Washington , Cincinnati
  13. I go r to the last two where fans can go. My brother lives a mile or so from downtown
  14. Here are the major problems…. 1 arena scheduling 2. nobody will want it as a “neutral site” and be a de facto home game. 3. If it’s going to be a neutral site then getting the bye doesn’t mean as much. That affects competition.
  15. They likely do nashville for a site. remember— it’s more than stadium availability going on in saying a site is/ isn’t available. with many downtown stadiums/ arenas/ event centers use the same parking lots. It’s a major strain to do it on a city.
  16. random off the field accidents have occured causing death — murder — stabbing — drugs/ drinking — csr wccidents — helicopter/ plane crashing — boating/ swimming/ drienung — heart issues there have been college players who died due to a heart ailment undiagnosed. this incident has occured in baseball like getting hit by a ball ( catcher) events that occured during the game and player died then or dhortly sfter is not st all common. desthd in sport are much more common in motor sports..dale esrnhart.
  17. i mentioned this in another thread i also said JAX woukd win division in the prediction thread.
  18. They set the line the Line always changes based on betting patterns to balance out the bets.
  19. if games get cancelled ….that’s why rules refer to winning pct in sorting. is it a bills forfeit? Is it called a tie? What dies KC do? Thry face a team out of the playoffs . If thry call it a tie Cincy clinches division.. they will not say it’s a bills loss because of the score. The play was too short to be considered an official game. Had this happened in the 4 th and Cindy was up by 14 they could call the game official. they will not change the playoff format. it’s unrealistic to try and e en make up this game. The team won’t know his condition until till probably on Wednesday. of course KC could say they aren’t playing on Saturday to equate things and call it a no play or tie like how thry decide this game. had this game occurred in sept they could easily made up the game. They can’t do it now.
  20. league won’t allow that to happen. It woukd be called a tie. It would not be an official game and thry just decide things by winning pct as the rule book says. It’s not long enough to be considered an official game.
  21. How exactly with a week left that does not affect playoff games? if they play Wednesday/ Thursday they can’t play Sunday which then can cause problems in competitive balance.
  22. I had this pre Covid. It might not be as serious has how mine was…. I could walk okay but my knee could suddenly give out. So I walked with a cane for stability until I had surgery. about a third of mine was torn so the surgeon just tore that off. My surgery took 3 months to get. I had it earlier schedule but my surgeon needed one of his own ( playing basketball he tore his Acheles)
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