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Bookie Man

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Everything posted by Bookie Man

  1. That will go down as one of the greatest throws I've seen that wasn't completed. Along with the Davis 4th and 21 drop vs Jets last year week 9.
  2. To be fair if you were to take away any teams 2 starting DTs, MLB and CB1, they would look awful.
  3. Back to back games defense allowed Tuh-rod and Mccorckle to drive the length of the field with under 2 min to go. That is GD alarming.
  4. Hopefully Josh starts going to him more and more. Love those quick hitters to him off PA.
  5. It's abysmal. For both sides. Today it was against us. You just never what team is going to get hosed any given week. I can get it if the ref missed ineligible man. But to see it (correctly) and then pick up the flag is very odd.
  6. Been saying this for weeks. They definitely need to mix it in. Remember how the Brady Pats would go to it for spurts of the game. Offense needs to give themselves a jumpstart it seems. They looks so lethargic when they try and go ball control and take the play clock down to 4 every time.
  7. It'd be sweet if the d could get a sack today. There has been zero pressure.
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