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Bookie Man

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Everything posted by Bookie Man

  1. Good God Herbstreit is a lame commentator..
  2. Nice. Clean look. Are you not going to see the helmets once this year? So much history and memories. Hopefully they bring em out 1 time before season's up.
  3. You can't go into a 2 play scenario thinking it's 75% that one of these will work. For example.. your odds of picking up a yard if you run 2 QB sneaks in a row is probably like 90%. But say.. you're deep in your own territory and you don't get it on the first try, it doesn't mean you should go for it again because it's 90% that it should work this time. You need to adjust to in-game scenarios... A 53 yard field goal is still 50/50 and if you miss, you give them a HUGE advantage at winning.. From roughly about 5% to 25% chance at winning. A 5X probability increase. THAT'S FREAKIN HUGE! There's no way analytics would favor a FG right there. This is all just my napkin math, but how much better would you have felt with Tyrod having to go 90 yards in 90 seconds as opposed to 57 yards with a timeout? I was so uneasy with them starting at midfield. But I wouldn't have had a worry in the world if they started from their own 10.
  4. Sometimes simple is good. It's about 50/50 that Bass makes that fg. Not really high %. If he misses that Giants get the ball at the 43 yard line, not the 36. So even if they punt for a touchback, it's 23 yards of field position at the very least, not 16. So Tyrod led offense driving 85+ yards for a TD with 90 seconds with no timeouts, I'd have to give that about a 5-8% chance of happening. But only having to go 57 yards with a timeout? I would give that about a 25-30% of happening. Big increase. I feel like analytics would heavily favor running the ball, make the gmen use up their timeouts and go almost the length of the field. jmho.
  5. Yes it was extremely questionable. About a 5% chance Giants drive 90 yards with 1:30.
  6. Offense should really try and mix in some tempo. Josh is good in the 2 min drill.
  7. I hated the fact that he was trying to slow the game down in the second half. You shorten the game when you're outmatched or if you have a nice lead. Neither of those applied. Still can't remember the last time we executed a screen pass. It's actually insane.
  8. Of course Mac Jones takes a safety bc I had Pats +3.
  9. Why in the hell are they playing so damn slow. And I hate the shotgun at the 1/2 yard line. Just sneak the MFer.
  10. It's my fault guys. I have 5 parlays all hinged on Bills just to win. Their going to lose because of my dumb bets.
  11. Let's definitely stop running the ball and running play action all together.
  12. Malik Willis SPEED 75 STRENGTH 80 AWARENESS 4
  13. Josh Norman makes the secondary dangerous… not in a good way
  14. Hey why don't I just go and eat some hay. I can lay by the bay, make things out of clay, I just may, what'd ya say?
  15. I saw some potential. Plays with a little fire. A little out of control though, which was understandable given the situation.
  16. what a shot to the gut all of these season ending injuries are. No sprains or strains. Breaks and tears. Cursed.
  17. Yes. One the more frustrating games I've seen in years. Dropped balls, we kept coming up a yard short on 3rd downs. Reffing.
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