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What a Tuel

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Everything posted by What a Tuel

  1. You could be right. I thought about it, but then thought that was more along the jurisdiction of the courts. Then again, I know it happens all the time with police so yeah, you are probably right.
  2. Yeah, can you imagine if they hadn't banned pools? The guy that died in Maine was the first since 2012 when they legalized them. Pool Drownings in NY in 2010? 2. I am on the side of not banning them because of accidents. Accidents are a part of life and are the responsibility of the person, and not the responsibility of the government to protect us from our own actions. Obviously an irrational person could go off the mark and think of that as a belief we should be lawless, but a rational person would think that it is a balance of prevention, and responsibility. Somethings we need to prevent, and some things we need to be responsible for. But yes, the laws are a joke. Either ban them or don't, but they simply don't enforce those laws. a few dozen counties in NY legalized sparkler varieties because they were tired of people simply going to PA or getting them elsewhere and not paying NY tax. But to not charge a guy who clearly had illegal fireworks when he got hurt is simply ignoring the law. Unless I am missing some reason why they don't believe they were his?
  3. I think that he could have phrased it better but really? Anyone with knowledge of the context, or have seen the video would know exactly what he was getting at and meant. What sounds like a punk are the keyboard warriors that are harassing him because he said there should be consequence for a woman hitting a man. And he was clearly talking police.
  4. Fireworks laws are such jokes haha. "If" they charge him? Weren't they at the scene with the illegal fireworks? Why wouldn't he be charged? Because firework laws are a joke, and only make it harder for lazy people like me to drive to PA to get them.
  5. People tell me that intent or meaning doesn't matter, and that only the offended persons feelings on the matter are significant. If an Irishman takes offense to the name, (or more likely someone who isn't Irish, connecting the dots, and saying wow, isn't that offensive?), then all reason goes out the window, and it is offensive, and should be changed because it is ruining "someone's" day. I am very curious why someone would name a team the Redskins and put an Indian on their logo, if it was meant to be offensive? "Man I really hate those guys, I'll put their face on my national football team! That'll teach'em!!"
  6. What part was wrong? The part where Wilson didn't complete a pass until the last 5 minutes of the second half? Or that there were a ton of 3 and outs? 1st Drive - 3 and out / Punt 2nd Drive - Moved 12 yards / Punt 3rd Drive - 3 and out / Punt 4th Drive - TD 5th Drive - TD 6th Drive - FG 7th Drive - Pats* Turnover / SEA turns into TD 8th Drive - 3 and out 9th Drive - 3 and out 10th Drive - 3 and out 11th Drive - Wilson's Big Drive
  7. So you are asking a fan base that has been deprived of a decent QB for 15 years whether or not they would let one go if they had one? I am sure a lot of people would say sure, pay the man. I am not sure fans are the best gauge for that type of thing or that it is good rationale on what Wilson should make.
  8. I certainly watched the game. I also saw him not complete a pass until 5 minutes left in the 1st half. If you watched that game you would know that it was a game chock full of 3 and outs sprinkled with blown coverage on a drive or two.
  9. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/07/01/obama-administration-team-should-change-name-before-returning-to-d-c/?partner=ya5nbcs I think it warrants it's own thread, but I'll leave that up to someone else. Curious if the next President will keep that threat alive seeing as how Obama won't see a new stadium from the White House before he is gone.
  10. I know people have bad games, but the guy throws 4 INTs in the packers conference championship, and threw the game losing INT in the super bowl on 21 pass attempts. For reference Brady threw 50. What exactly is the guy leading?
  11. Can't there be a distinction between a Flynn, a Wilson, and a Rodgers? Why does Wilson have to be either a Flynn or Rodgers? I guess the people saying Wilson is second in demand only to Rodgers (and maybe Luck) should clarify that age plays a major factor in that decision and not capability, because there are a number of QB's out there that are simply better, but are getting up there in age. Edit: Just want to add that Wilson had a weapon in Golden Tate. Tate is a 1,331 yard WR under Stafford with Calvin Johnson hobbled last year. Chalk that up to passing attempts or whatever, but Tate was a WR. Also Lynch had his best year during Wilson's rookie year. You can argue that was because of Wilson, and I'd agree with you, but does that make Wilson elite? Isn't that what we are hoping for here in Buffalo? A QB that can do something to take the pressure off of McCoy and the defense? Would we call that QB Elite too?
  12. I think you need to go back and watch Brady's press conferences about this, and then determine who is handling it incompetently. Brady violated a rule, and everyone knows it. However you are falling into the Patriot organizations exhaustive efforts to exaggerate any aspect that will cast doubt on Brady's guilt. Take "the dieiting deflator" for instance (If you don't know, google it). How can you not see that they are throwing anything at the wall to see what sticks, and you are falling for what stuck, and ignoring all the other crap that didn't? Brady and the Patriots organization are being incompetent about this, and exaggerating the entire thing. If Brady would have come forward and stopped being a smug db, then the NFL wouldn't have had to go on this little escapade at all, and people like me would have shrugged it off as people do stupid crap (after some small penalty). Instead we are stuck in this ridiculousness because Brady is "out to prove his innocence" in a matter that everyone in their right mind knows he did.
  13. Awww don't say that, I was just telling someone I was glad to see no Bills.
  14. Kyle Orton came in and turned a 6-10 team into a 9-7 team am I right? Just saying there is probably more to Seattle's success than Russell Wilson arriving to save the day. A good QB is certainly a huge step up, especially from what they used in 2010-11 (Tarvaris Jackson and Matt Hasselbeck). That doesn't make him elite. I mean isn't that what we are looking for to push us over the edge? They aren't "huge" numbers, they are what decent QB's put up these days. Granted Wilson just hasn't had the attempts yet, but why we give him the benefit of the doubt that he would perform at that level with that much work is beyond me.
  15. True, because of the great running game, and the defense. Are we to just assume that 600 passing attempts per season would result in elite QB numbers? I won't make that leap yet. Maybe we will see that when Lynch retires, and we will find out.,
  16. Are you including his read option in him being elite? Since when is 3,500 yds passing 20tds 7ints elite? Luck - 4,700 yds passing 40 tds 16 ints Rodgers - 4,300 yds passing 38 tds 5 ints Brees - 4,900 yds passing 33 tds 17 ints P Manning - 4,700 yds passing 39 tds 15 ints Roethlisberger - 4,900 yds passing 32 tds 9 ints Ryan - 4,700 yds passing 28 tds 14 ints E Manning - 4,400 yds passing 30 tds 14 ints Rivers - 4,300 yds passing 31 tds 18 ints Tannehill - 4,000 yds passing 27 tds 12 ints Brady - 4,100 yds passing 33 tds 9 ints At what point do we consider his passing to be average among the good QB's but not elite? If you want to include his rushing stats in his passing stats go for it. They still don't eclipse the top 7 QBS in total yards or TD's. And before you consider passing attempts, consider what you just said and replace it with "Pete Carroll was not particularly confident in the Hawks' passing game during the regular season."
  17. I just caught the second half of this movie on tv a few weeks ago. Had no idea it was based on a current player. Maybe Sandra Bullock needs to get out there and boss him around a bit to motivate him.
  18. Wow the Dolphins had $22 million in dead cap this year. Crazy.
  19. A lot of people do not count the Seahawks as they consider Wilson a top QB. I think he is a good QB, I just think he is the worst of the best. So yeah, I'd say the Seahawks started it first. Of course we would be fantastic with a QB like Russell Wilson, but we'd be even better with a Roethlisberger, Rodgers, Luck etc. Just being better than what we have shouldn't elevate Russell Wilson's "elite" status.
  20. http://espn.go.com/nfl/statistics/team/_/stat/rushing/year/2013 Looks like Jackson was 4.3 and Spiller was 4.6. They combined (890+933) for 1,823 total rushing yards. Manuel and Choice amongst a few others rounded up the rest of the 2,307 total rushing yards. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/buf/2013.htm In 2012 we were 6th in rushing with 2,207 total rushing yards. http://espn.go.com/nfl/statistics/team/_/stat/rushing/year/2012 In 2014? 25th with 1,482 yards. Spiller getting injured didn't help, or Fred for that matter, but our offense was so bad in all aspects last year. http://espn.go.com/nfl/statistics/team/_/stat/rushing
  21. My parents also passed one down to me. I have a 1991 Championship Season bottle. We share the same hope to sometime soon!
  22. A lot of people overreacted last year when we saw the preseason with our own eyes. There were quite a few "winless for winston", and "3 wins tops" projections out there. While our offense was horrid, as was reported, we still overcame it. We just gotta be patient and take this stuff with a grain of salt. There isn't much we can really do about the QBs at this point.
  23. There is this misleading tweet going around with the media interjecting their "educated" opinion on the matter. That doesn't help the panic though. I have had a number of people telling me we are doomed because of it. https://twitter.com/viccarucci/status/608702411859980288 I also hear WGR was tearing the QB situation a new one. I didn't hear it myself though.
  24. Yeah it would be nice to hear better news out of OTA's. On the bright side like others have mentioned, with such a stacked team, we can probably trade up in the draft next year, and take another stab at a QB.
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