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AReed Deep For6

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Everything posted by AReed Deep For6

  1. i think Merriman changed the culture of this locker room. he liked what he saw here and no doubt helped bring in some players that probably wouldnt have ever signed with us (Barnett)
  2. If VY doesnt work out we should bring in Leinart ... also, too bad Jamarcus cant get of the sy-zrup. how about david carr? wasnt he drafted high
  3. THIS WAS BY FAAAAAAAAR THE COLDEST GAME IVE EVER BEEN TO!! it was 34 degrees raining and the winds were out of control. that was brutal
  4. Congrats on the retirement, does this mean you'll be writing us a report on camp everyday??? haha but really good luck, thanks for your service
  5. A job I certainly hope he is qualified for. It would really mean alot to this team for him to develop quickly this year.... He could look like a stud behind this line!
  6. Lets hope Ralph lives another ten years through our upcoming dynasty! 16-0
  7. We sure should. Josh Reed can go anywhere he likes as long as it isnt Buffalo..... thats not very Midwestern of me
  8. This. It really is amazing how different you guys are there. Everyone is so freakin nice!!!!
  9. New Orleans seems to be a favorite... sounds like a fun place but im not into their food
  10. They are crappy pesimistic sports journalists?
  11. How many sacks does Buffalo's starters get against RG3 this Thursday?
  12. Why would you EVER (EVER!) release info like this about an offensive player. There is no upside to giving this out to the public, and his ribs have just had a BULLSEYE painted on them. It just makes no sense
  13. Id like to see CJ splitting outside for more passes this year. I think the matchups you can create by putting CJ and Freddy in backfield together its just plain scary!!!
  14. You win in the trenches. Trying to do patchwork and bring in luxury positions with 1st round just doesnt work. Ask Detroit fans about taking a WR 5yrs in a row (yea they hit on Calvin Johnson, but I wouldnt trade 5 1st rd draft picks to land him, or anyone).
  15. Sarcasm i hope? Ive been to Lucas Oil Stadium, and it is in no way for tailgating. Its in a pretty populated part of the city, so theres no real place to do it there. Fans are friendly, but not very informed (obviously not all fans, but majority). i had to ask multiple fans last year wearing Colts jerseys who their 1st rd pick was to get an answer. spoke with a Buffalo transplant, who made indy his second team. he said it this way "they are mostly Peyton band wagon fans, they love their Pacers, but after Manning retires they will probably all give up on the team until they get relocated." well lucky for them they hit the lotto twice. i was also thinking about going to Cleveland game this year... anyone have any experience there?
  16. While completely understanding genetics, it is still amazing to me how many NFL'ers have professional athletes (or outstanding college, olympics, etc) blood in their family. Obviously, with good genetics this is more likely to happen, but it seems like you could almost breed super athletes. Im sure we all know plenty of apples that have gone rotten on a good tree.
  17. this is how teams like NE* make a run for so long. once they build up enough talent on the team, they can afford to take BPA year in year out. heres hoping Nix has a few years left in the tank
  18. This sounds like an awesome time. I know im dont post on here heavily, but am always lurking on TSW. For the amount of time ive spent reading some of your posts, i feel like i should know some of you better than i do some family members haha. im running into an issue finding 2 seats for this game (me and the old lady). i feel bad asking this but can anyone help find tickets for home opener. in the fact that i love my bills more than almost anything, if someone was willing to help, id go the extra mile in giving a deposit or whatever is needed to make someone else comfortable in helping me out its a crappy world to try and trust, but i can honestly say i dont think any Bills fan would screw over another fan to make a quick buck. if you cant trust someone who has been through all any Bills fan has, its time to give up on humanity
  19. Wow, these girls are hot!!! and they could kick our asses, what a combination In my opinion the Japanese have the most homely women. Plenty of countries do it better than them
  20. Emmitt Smith is the NFL's all time leading rusher from knowing how to slide into that "glory hole" . When you gave him a glory hole, he could really bust one long on ya
  21. I agree, Nelson is a great player, love his attitude, i think hes an asset to this team for a long time. I love his nack for getting open, seems like a real class act. Did i mention like David Nelson?!?!
  22. Real glad to hear Fitz looking sharp. Also, keeping my fingers crossed that the time we've put into Easley pays off
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