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AReed Deep For6

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Everything posted by AReed Deep For6

  1. Go away Trent, dont you have the Eagles offense to learn?
  2. Looks like hes been enjoyin the food in NYC
  3. one time there was a guy wearing a bills hoodie in one of them fornicating movies and the ugly Bi*** made a wide right comment
  4. I really cant see how anybody here would not be for this. I know our plan is to build through the draft, but the guy is 25years old, he is a young guy who could be a key piece of a franchise for the next 8-10years. add a young dominant receiver with tons of upside and his best years in head of him. we could really be in a position to make some serious playoff runs for a few years.
  5. I hope he has his own island as a float during the SB Parade
  6. i know jets defense had a down year, i think they bounce back. with that being said someone who can pick up first downs and control the clock/run game with tebow is their best bet to win...... so LETS GO SANCHEZ!
  7. Id agree Fitz isnt a deep ball QB, but Wallace would completely change the offense. Sure we may not have time for 7 step drop backs, but its going to keep the defense honest. Defense will have to pick a poison, either try and stop the short quick routes and risk getting burned deep by Wallace, or have Wallace even further open up our quick passing game. He's alot different than Evans, Wallace is a burner he alot more physical, and he can go up and get the ball. Think of how well Wallace would complement Stevie. Have a running game to setup the pass, im salivating over an offensive tool like this.
  8. In the most friendly way possible, can i ask.... What the did this post mean? Haha Nevermind Im an idiot, i just had to read it a few times. Training camp has me all loopy, throwing in a few beers didnt help me any
  9. Hey guys, im looking for a pair of tickets for the preseason opener but really dont want to pay full price for preseason. Any season ticket holders that cant make it and want to make a deal? please
  10. I'll fess up. I was shouting on here how stupid of a move was. Had the culture of the locker room actually been well like we all ass-umed, we'd all have been right. Overall, good move and it shows a big difference. Look at where taking a*holes with talent has got the Raiders recently
  11. Yea, but he ran that guy over in the Hall Of Fame Game
  12. Carolinas fans aren't owed anything. For the short time theyve been around they have enjoyed a few good runs, its no fair.
  13. My link Thats pretty cool, you could argue he shouldnt have done this, but i like it anyways (attitude anyways, not panthers winning the SB) Ryan Kalil is expecting the Carolina Panthers to have a magical season. The sixth-year center bought a full-page ad in the Charlotte Observer on Wednesday, telling Panthers fans their "unwavering support" would be rewarded this year. And Kalil has a goal in mind how fans would reap the benefits with what he said is "One hundred-percent, sterling silver victory. The Lombardi Trophy." The 178-word open letter, called "a war cry to fans," had one emphatic statement: CAROLINA PANTHERS -- SUPER BOWL XLVII CHAMPIONS! A three-time Pro Bowler, Kalil told the newspaper he didn't tell anyone about the ad for fear of being talked out of it. "Every team says it every year, whether it's publicly or not," Kalil told the newspaper. "They say they're going to win the Super Bowl. We've said it in the past in meeting rooms and behind closed doors. This year's different. There's a sense of urgency, a winning attitude that I haven't seen before. And it's in the way we prepare. It's in the way we approach each workday, and I think fans will see it in the way that we play."
  14. Do you have to go to VZW in Rochester to get tickets, or was that just for the night practices?
  15. Why would Buddy say its now ok for Carrington to get as big as he wants? Don't you want your Dline to be as big as possible in the 3-4 than 4-3
  16. So basically you should be able to hit this from farther out because you don't have to kick over any lineman?
  17. thats funny. interesting to see if "Bob" says anything back. he seems pretty classy i would guess he doesnt
  18. Agreed, how could you even pretend like Donald Jones (cant catch, inconsistent) or that Easley (hasnt played a down in the NFL).... utterly ridiculous statement
  19. us young'ins refer to that as a "bat wing"... because if you look at a bat wing its really thin and veiny. i bet when you first have that surgery your skin looks like your wearing an outfit 2 sizes two big, soaking wet hahaha Do you like long walks on the beach and pillow talk too?
  20. They already did it, it was wednesday night
  21. Its been a few years since i caught the ESPYS but it was really great. The host Rob Riggle was really funny, his opening monologue was really fun. I thought they did a great job. Scattered throughout were some really moving segments. First the whole story on Pat Summit, everyone in the room was crying their eyes out except her. Shes a strong woman, it was really amazing to see. Followed up later by the story of Eric Legrand. It really sucked seeing a kid who was in the prime of his life fighting as hard as he could just to do simple things that we take for granted. Im man enough to admit I was boohoo'ing through both segments. It really put into perspective how stupid we are when we b*tch about having a bad day. There were alot of amazing plays. My only gripe was "play of the year", was a 3pt shot at the buzzer. I thought it was weak, obviously a cool play but nothing compared to the punt return from a college game, and most of the other plays. Overall, I was very impressed with it all!
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