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Everything posted by yall

  1. How dare you insinuate islam is violent! Say that one more time and I'll blow you up!
  2. I just got a Miller jersey for my birthday. At first I was dissapointed that it wasn't one of the new ones. After seeing the new ones... well... you can understand why I said "At first".
  3. Yeah, I heard it too. Nice to hear Howard fired up in the morning. Well done JSP!
  4. Finnally, something we can all agree upon. Class act all the way.
  5. I don't know why Troy Vincent speaking would have any effect on the Pats, but ok... (I know you meant Law...) The point is, that Law raising a fuss, didn't help. Spikes making a stink also, will not help. He should know that. He is a professional. When professionals do stupid things, they take criticism. It's really that simple.
  6. Oh snap.. you got him there. Listen, Spikes does deserve critisism for those comments. They were stupid. Especially "why don't they just put me on IR" nonsense. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Takeo is also one of my favorite players, and it makes it all that more annoying when your favorite guy on the squad says stupid sh*t.
  7. Yeah, and the Pats obviously had their heads on straight for the upcoming game. What he said was stupid. He contradicted the coaching staff and doctors. They were dumb comments, and as a professional he should know better. Bench him? No effin way. Cut him? Ha... he is one of our best players. Settle him down and don't let his initial hysterics ruffle anyone in the lockerroom and everything will be just fine.
  8. I've use my Mac as little as possible. For Video and Audio editing, it's great, but as others have mentioned, OSX crashes a lot. It's hella unstable, and as far as I'm concerned the environment is about as non-intuitive as it gets. Since I've been running PC's with XP, the opposite has been true. Not a single crash or driver issue. Ggranted I build them myself for the most part, so I am able to troubleshoot things before they become issues, but it's just easier to use my PC than it is my Mac. For a while I thought it was because I'm so conditioned to use MS operating systems. Most of my programming experience has been on PC's or on IBM (Mainframe/Midrange) systems. But I realized that my computer illiterate girlfriend prefers the PC to the Mac any day of the week. The other thing that kills me about Mac's (and all apple products) is that smarmy, hollier than thou attitude that seems to be rampant amongst Mac fanboys. I loathe going into the Apple store to pick up an iPod accessory or RAM for my Mac. Those people are downright haughty, as though they've discovered some new element, the properties of which have the inate ability to save mankind from itself. Once, at the checkout counter (I can't recall how the topic came up), an associate was berating internet explorer, saying how she couldn't believe anyone would put it on their computer, and MS was the devil(or something like that). When i asked her "If IE was so terrible, how come it is the default browser on every machine in this store, preloaded at the apple factory?", she had no idea how to respond. It was like the man came out from behind the curtain.
  9. Um... yeah. It's called "combat" and it sucks. I'm not saying the US hasn't been negligent in a few cases of friendly fire (hell we do it to ourselves sometimes... see "Pat Tillman), but it's not as thought it is done on purpose. When humans are engaged in deadly combat they sometimes make quick decisions for fear of their life, which often turn out to be the wrong ones. The military takes friendly fire seriously and usually does everything within its power to avoid it. Unfortunately, not all mistakes can be avoided.
  10. Always. My roomate from college, never. Long story short, we flipped because he was driving like an idiot. I'm alive, he is not. Seatbelt totally saved my life, while his lack of seatbelt was his undoing, as he was thrown. Wear 'em people!
  11. For starters, I'm not sure where they get off calling it lasagna pizza anyway. There are no noodles and all the other ingredients are standard pizza toppings. It looks like a thick crust/sicilian pie to me. Second, while Buffalo has the best wings, there are some pretty lousy pizza joint floating around out there, as mentioned before. I do love Airport though. They are probably one of the most consistant places we order from. Christophers is pretty good, as are Just Pizza and Franco's. Beyond that, Buffalo is hurting. My other major complaint is the hours of operation of nearly every suburban pizza joint in this area. It's damn near impossible to get a pie delivered after 11:00 PM, on any day of the week. Ridiculous!
  12. He made foxnews and cnn. The same outlets that carried the breaking news of Erie County employees toilet paper shortage.
  13. Well I used Cubans and Russians as examples due to the fact that they are or have been ideological opponets of US foreign policy. I just threw the Swiss in there for the hell of it. What were the terrorists from 9/11? Well, by birth most of them were Saudi's if memory serves me well. But ideologically these people held no allegance to their home nations, but rather to their sick religious beliefs.
  14. Well, the article does state that multiple answers were given. But you are right, polls suck. If anything, it seems like one of those attempts to further divide people. That being said the "cause" can be traced back to a lot of things, but religious fundementalism IS the root. After all our foriegn policy towards other areas of the world hasn't always been stellar, and yet we haven't suffered any attacks on civillians from Cubans, Russians, or the Swiss.
  15. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/07092006/3/cana...lame-u-s-9.html "When participants were given the option of choosing more than one cause for the attacks, two-thirds blamed Islamic fundamentalists and their anti-Western views" So, 2/3rds of Canadians actually appear to have a brain, while 1/3rd feel Islamic nutjob fundies bear no blame. Thanks for the support gang... (I'm being a bit facetious here, but it just strikes me funny that 33% of those polled didn't seem to think the preponderance of the blame should be laid upon the shoulders of those who purposefully targeted civilians.)
  16. Whats a good place around Buffalo to rent one? We live here, but kinda wanted to get 5 or 6 of us to go in on one together for a game. What does it cost for a loaded one for 2 or 3 days?
  17. No, he isn't bitter. He just can't formulate a counter argument, and relies on (poor) one-liners when confronted with fact. He represents all that is awry with the internet. He is a troll.
  18. Ok, I think I know who the drooling idiot is here... (and for the record it isn't the award winning, previous sports editor of one of the largest circulated newspapers, hall of fame comittee member journalist who is the only reporter to have covered every single super bowl)
  19. My B-Day is coming up and my fiancee asked what I want. I would like a new Bills jersey (I was gonna get a Joe Burns to match my Sammy Morris, and keep the 3rd string RB trend going) but I don't want her to spend a lot of money. I would take a Sabres jersey too, since I don't have one. The question is, where is a good place to get a cheap jersey? They don't have to be "official" or replicas or anything like that. I'm not so high on any player that I won't wear some no-namer or scrub either. Any suggestions? Thanks...
  20. What do you mean? I can't hide mediocre guitar playing without the benefit of heavy distortion! Hell, ya never know though... I will ask the rest of the gang about it.
  21. What will really pi$$ me off if she makes a presidential bid, is the fact that she is currently running around trying to convince NY voters to pick her as our rep for the senate. "I'll represent you for six years..... or until I find something better" Nothing but a f'n snake.
  22. It was a little long, so I shortened it for you. I highly doubt the folks here on the board are afraid of Phillips right now. It's ok to be angry at a murderer, simply for the reason that they are an awful human being. And my brother-in-law, who is a trooper in the Albany area knew Longobardo, so I'm sad for his loss in the form of a friend and co-worker too.
  23. I'm not saying it wouldn't be cool, but no way. Game day is far too important to me. I couldn't enjoy myself in the regular way if I had to worry about equipment, performing, and sobreity!
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