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Everything posted by yall

  1. To the people that voted 'no', I must ask that you explain your reasoning. A bands presence in the HoF should be determined by things like influence, sales, longevity, importance, innovation, etc. Just voting 'no' because you don't like them is a bit juvenille.
  2. That's right. Shoulda known... I'm a bad fan!
  3. Maybe Jauron saw game film of Posey getting deked by Chad Pennington...
  4. Of course, you actually can't. the Senecas do not allow their employees to gamble where they work. They would have to hoof it up to the falls if they wanted to gamble. I too think a Buffalo casino is a bad idea, in that it will do nothing to help the city. But then again the city and the county, by way of those of us who live here, do nothing to help ourselves. Living here is like being in a Red Stripe commercial... "Boo demanding more from your public servants... Hooray apathy!"
  5. We call him Butters simply because he looks and acts like Butters from South Park. I guess I don't see the "gay" inference there. Care to elaborate? edit: And yes I do have a myspace account. It used to be a means for bands (I'm a musician) to share their material and advertise for auditions and such. Then the high schoolers came, followed shorty thereafter by the pedophiles.
  6. I voted for AiC but I have always felt they were more of a metal band that got lumped in with the grunge bands due to their location and timing.
  7. Exactly the kid of stuff I'm looking for... beautiful. Of course he knows nothing about this, so when I pass him the link on Monday morning, he'll be pi$$ed.
  8. My friend and I have regular arguments over email while at work. Unfortunately he sometimes gets himself into debates that are far over his head, but continues to argue, defying all reason. Please read the following email conversation and let me know if any of this (only edited out references to real names) makes a lick of sense to you. (He is not supposed to surf the net at work, and in a previous email mentioned surfing wikipedia) Feel free to insult him, and I'll pass him the link: 1st email: i thought you werent suppsoed to be surfing anymore butters? ;-) his response: Me C#1n353, me play joke, me put pee pee in your coke. my response: what??? his response: Brother... never mind. You missed the entire correllation between internet usage and my care for peoples opinions on my level of it. my response: for starters, worst.email.ever. second, what correllation is there between you being allowed to surf the net and some childish saying? his response: The correllation would be in the world I edited to protect the not-so-innocent. I hate having to explain everything to you. ; ) my response: you aren't even making a shred of sense. let me see if i can understand your stupid butters logic: there is a correlation between you misspelling(or more to the point purposefully mispelling for the sake of non detection) the word chinese and your usage of the internet, as prohibited by work. was that pint at lunch too much for you? alcohol and keyboards are a dangerous combo, butters his response: Sometime I think you just tune me out when I talk. *sigh*
  9. Man, I gotta get one of my dog's into my avatar if I want to fit in around here... I was surprised to see that Holcomb seems to be getting favored when it comes to reps with the 1st squad. It would seem he might be "penciled" in as the starter. Kind of surprising when you consider all of the camp reports, plus all of the coaches comments, and factor in media opinions as well. Everyone seems to have these 2 guys neck and neck, with the occasional edge going to one or the other as that day's practice dictates. What I'm getting at is this: If they are both almost equal right now, why wouldn't you let the 3rd year guy get more of the 1st team reps? All things being equal, the fact that the 12 year guy has little room to improve, vs. the 3rd year guy, who should have more room for improvement, makes the 3rd year guy seem like the obvious choice.
  10. Seriously, how many subscribers must TWC have? Even if the number is as low as 10 million, with the contract being 100 mil/year, divide that by 10 mil, and then another 12 to get the monthly cost. (About .83 cents per month per customer to have it as a regular basic cable package) But TWC figures "Hey we can get a butload of folks to pay for our 6.95/mo premium sports pacakge". Rip-off artists.
  11. Indeed it is. I love that stuff. I could put it on a doughnut.
  12. Rosina's Coil Sausages w/Webbers red relish! Yum! Sometimes we do venison back straps in my home made sauce too. Our unique tailgating thinng has always been beer bowling though. We used to get to the main lot around 7AM, and play, cause you need lots of space. We'd get in a big circle (say 20 feet in diameter) and place our beers in front of us. Then you roll a softball and try to knock down someone'e beer. The rules are: 1. Your beer gets knocked down, you have to grab it, pound it, and replace it. 2. No throwing at the persons beer to your immediate left or right. Good times, but it's a mess if you play with bottles. ; )
  13. Nice pics, but where is the report? ; )
  14. Hoorah for !@#$ dirty cops that make the good ones look bad!
  15. "Good News!" "Your local cable company carries the NFL Network." That was the automated response I got when I called. To be honest, I'm not sure what they hope to accomplish. They should instruct angry viewers to call Time Warner. One thing is for sure, if it and/or Stern are gone tomorrow, I'm pulling a switch-er-oo to Direct TV. As far as a link goes, Toeknee24, I don't have one regarding Time Warner Cable losing the Howard Stern OnDemand, but they don't carry it in their other markets so I'm not hopeful.
  16. Don't get me wrong, I'm calling too, and if they drop Howard Stern's on demand they will lose most, if not all of my business. (Don't think DSL will be quite as good as uncapped cable...) But it does say "may" quite clearly. I'm reasonably sure we will wake up with NFL Network tomorrow morning. The contract is already paid for, so why would TW just dump it? It doesn't make sense.
  17. It's a place where they take sick people. (I saw your avatar and couldn't resist)
  18. But you are using logic and common sense to counter a lack of logic and common sense. You'll never win.
  19. Heh... When I saw the topic, I was half expecting to see that he dropped a weight on his toe when he was working out. But that would, of course, imply that he works out.
  20. Yeah, and the fact that he is doing things differently than Donahoe is cause for concern?
  21. There isn't even any proof that they knew about the rape/murders when they attacked the GI's. Could be coincidence that those poor dudes were from the same unit. But hey if you're a radical islamist, it's easy to justify murder. Just don't take a train in Bombay...
  22. I agree, but at the same time it can be overwhelming. Seriously, I would have to quit my job, and not sleep if I wanted to protest every single instance of government waste. I would be all peeped out.
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