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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Cough*Cough* I am hourly and get shift differential. Sunday pay is 25% more too... Most games are on Sunday, right? 😉
  2. Ridiculous? Nothing is ridiculous about the Vulcan Nerve Pinch!
  3. Gilligan's Island... To numerous, for example: The Professor keeping a transistor radio alive for 3 years but can't fix a hole in a damn boat.
  4. If Beane brought us 6 rings... 30 years later would we boo him? WTF...
  5. Yeah. Teams take penalties to stop the clock. I guess like fouling in basketball?? They should do runoffs if penalties are in sequence.
  6. McD wasted the TO and then he has the nerve to throw Josh under the bus during the mini sideline interview with the reporter chick as McD was jogging off field for halftime!!! I am pro-McD... BUT that interview had me screaming like a MoFo at the TV!! Man up McD and blame yourself too for bad clock management!!! What a rat McD was. Thank God Josh is chill and doesn't dwell on that shi...
  7. Cast iron is expensive too! 😆 I registered there and awaiting approval. I am gonna post this: This is us when we were down in Miami when Tyrod was beating up on the Fins 42-14. 😆... Those choads on Fins board will love the Tyrod victory lap! 😆 Boy... We've been over-taking Miami for decades! Thanks SmartPhones...
  8. I can tell you but don't want to be insensitive to the mentally challenged. It's unfair to them. Anyway, is that a downstate NY accent I detect? More people die in heat related events than cold related.
  9. Thnx. Just like the defer! Even before the rule... The concept of the extra possession "double dip" was lost on almost everyone.
  10. Josh's interception on 4th down vs. the Dolphins netted +15 yards than turnover on downs.
  11. I thought it was about ziplining. 😆
  12. Why didn't Elliott drop the INT on purpose. Making the pick cost them 15 yards. It was actually a nice roll of the dice by Josh. Picks like that really don't show in stat sheet. Like a touchback on punt. 20 yard line don't hurt them.
  13. Over the last 5 years when has BFLo NOT shut down their potent offense, hobbled or not? Who know who's the architect of this? 😉
  14. Technically speaking, down there in The Everglades, aren't the Seminoles still at war w/the US? They don't even have peace going for them. LoL...
  15. Put all playoffs at a neutral fair weather site or dome? Or at least the Conference Championships @ the SuperBowl site.. ??
  16. I wasn't laughing w/a buck fitty-three left last night... I was an all-out freankin' MuthaFu...er! "Sometimes the bear eats you" [I still think it was a bad, cooked spot] First fresh new Phins choking memes rolling off the InterWeb presses:
  17. 😆... We can hit Las Vegas w/your tech and my brains, we'll be billionaires in no time!😉
  18. AND streaming sucks. Don't watch it in a public bar, restaurant... Etc... The lag is hideous! Watched Chargers in Nashville BillsBackers and it was a full 2 minutes behind my phone. Socks if you're getting texts from people OR others in establishment know the outcome, you can see it on their faces. Anyway... He's right. NFL blows and is greedy!
  19. https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/DAL8859
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