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Everything posted by unbillievable

  1. Just watched Dr Strange... They went with America Chavez?! One of the most hated characters in Marvel Comics? I know they held back in the movie, but she is insufferable in her own book. Missed an opportunity to use Illyana Rasputin here. Much more beloved character with similar dimension hopping powers.
  2. When are they going to show us renders of the new Bills stadium? Buffalo might host a SuperBowl!
  3. With the multiverse, they can bring back any character they want, even with a different actress!
  4. Tom Brady was also a 5th round pick. I bet he could win a few Superbowls if he cheated.
  5. #13 Jack Browning, the co-starting Kicker/Punter.
  6. People weren't concerned about Bojo's holding when he was here. Even if he was horrible, Bass' accuracy only changed by a single missed FG when he switched to Haack. (82% to 87%)
  7. "The movie proves there was massive cheating. What it doesn't show is who cheated. " That's the argument I'm already getting from my liberal friends.
  8. Fathers can decide if they want to support a woman and the child?
  9. Arm length is to help a CB knock the ball away when he is being blocked out by a WR. Rarely is it about out-jumping a reciever. That's how players like Levi was effective, the reach around...
  10. Why not include that the clock starts when they kick the ball, instead of when the returner catches it.
  11. I'm hearing from protestors that "1 in 4 women have gotten an abortion in their lifetime."
  12. I find it interesting that the majority of men are pro-choice, while the majority of women are pro-life.
  13. How much did it cost to fly all Shakir's friends and Family to Pensacola?
  14. They're already rioting and burning things. Can't "prepare" for something that is already happening.
  15. I'm struggling to find any Men's issues that women are not allowed to comment on.
  16. He doesn't have any blocked punts on his stats, was it in bowl games? The report says he gets punts off too soon, which hinders his gunners' ability to get downfield. Everyone is making a big deal about taking 3 steps; is there a way to teach him to take no steps?
  17. I'm going to say it now: If they tell the kid to kick it into the bleachers every time, I won't care if he ever gets one inside the 20. Bonus points if he can doink it off Dallas' scoreboard.
  18. Interesting. ...But, Beane mentioned this: A Draft board is not necessarily based on who is a better player overall, but who fits each team the best. It's not Mel Kiper's top 150 players. ...However, having a base grade and adjusting it for each team's targets could be valuable. I always wondered why teams don't employ experts focused solely on gathering intelligence on every opponent.
  19. Apparently, learning how to hold a FG is as difficult as figuring out how to read a defense.
  20. The same reason Josh Allen was the 3rd QB picked: A lot of upside but still learning the position.
  21. THere are 25 pages worth of people saying he can't hold a FG. Not that it's a "possibility", only that he can't. Don't act like people are saying "maybe". The fact is that there is video showing him holding for a FG, but posters still insist he can't. It's not being discussed, it's being posted like a proven fact.
  22. Bills were already the #1 Defense in the NFL. I think they will remain in the top #5, mostly because teams this year in the AFC are better overall.
  23. People here act like Araiza was horrible at holding and can't learn. The fact is that no one has seen him try, and he has the entire summer to get it right. The only thing I would add to his training would be to dunk the balls in water before the snap.
  24. Bills are the best team to develop a punter. ...and the difference between horrible Borq and elite Haack in holding caused a 5% accuracy difference. That's 1 out of 20.
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