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Everything posted by 34-78-83

  1. Another 500 catches and some serious playoff stats would probably do it. He would really have to stop having those every other year injuries.
  2. Is anyone remembering that we beat the living stevestojan out of them last season with one hand tied behind our back (they took away our running game and the infamous fake punt call.) and basically the same two teams? In THEIR Stadium. Just a thought....
  3. Burns was a very good Special teamer last season on coverage units....That is probably the reason along with his backup FB option.
  4. That would be True only if being more left Brained / OCD logical was "better" which it isn't necessarily
  5. As stated, it would be Price. He is a capable backup (when healthy) for both tackle spots.
  6. I'd dump Crowell over Haggan, who has played well....
  7. If you were refering to MY comments on Willis, please read my post again. If not, nevermind
  8. That's a very good point Nodnarb you are correct. You'd think it would be so easy too to stop doing..
  9. Ok, Ok that was actually funny But get the flock out of here nonetheless
  10. Looks like a reasonable guess to me. I'd prefer a keeper of Lawton over a guy like Haddad just for special teams value (Haddad has not returned kicks w/ us) and Lawton's FB potential looking pretty good. I'd probably also keep a guy like Bannan over Crowell.
  11. Cool... I know you've heard it before but I'm telling you there is a distinct change in his setup as well as in his play-action game. Wyche is making a difference. Now it's up to Drew to keep at it.
  12. Good ol'e Rosie! Boy could he drag a defender or two on his back or what?
  13. Indeed. I see now that you are speaking of the extremes on either end. Gotcha
  14. BF, the humor in your post here certainly rings true, that's why I try to stay away from projecting players stats and prognosticating the team's success or lack thereof. But it is still alot of fun (for me atleast) to report on the things I'm seeing and share my views with fellow TBD'ers and especially those (such as yourself) who are not local and cannot attend practice or cannot always view the games. Yes , even in the preseason. Let me add if you will that camp reports from members like Mike32282 were VERY much appreciated by many of us here.... B)
  15. I'm proud of you Mike for not shredding my analysis of your favorite Bill as much as I'm sure you wanted to. B)
  16. I know you're just being sarcastic, but there's actually plenty to B word about listed in my report (IF one actually reads it). It's people like Pesteroo who take a phrase like "solid but unspectacular" and turn it into "solid" for their own childish reasons who need help with the English language. I posted this thread for those who actually give a crap and by request from another long-time TBD member.
  17. The difference between you and me kangaroo is that I actually watch the games, understand the game of football, and contirbute to this board. There is nothing "fluffed" about my post above. I post just the facts. If you actually watched the games or knew WTF you were looking at you might understand that situationally, the running game was a success and forced the lions in tight and allowed for a play action passing game. I know it's poular to be negative about everything these days but I dont jive with that stevestojan and I never will. Please refrain from posting on my threads in the future asswipe.
  18. Hopefully some of you that didn't get a chance to see the game will appreciate this. I'm just gonna list some "bullet" points as they come to mind after watching the game approximately one and a half times : - First team Oline: Looked VERY solid across the board. The "push" from the interior three guys (Smith, Teague, Valarial) on running plays was consistent and quite encouraging. Although DET didn't have a couple of their DB's in, their DL is fairly formidable so again this was good to see. I noticed also that in the passing game, the line is setting wider in their "Spreads" than last year, which is the correct thing to do to get better angles on outside rushers, and something you can afford to do if your interior linemen are holding their own. The boys gave Drew enough time to throw and a nice pocket every time he dropped back and I saw some nice chip blocks by L Smith to help Teague out quickly. M williams is slowly but surely starting to look like a high draft pick again. Jennings had a false start when Matthews was in. - Bledsoe: Very sharp I thought for the second game in a row. Very confident out there. Stepped up into the pocket well. Two good play action fakes. Hit his receivers very accurately. Got rid of the ball quickly. - Rb's : McGahee was solid yet unspectacular. He did find a few nice cutback holes on his own, including the touchdown run. Is still a little hesitant before hitting the LOS although some of this to me is because we are used to Henry and Willis is more of a patient runner, and some is due to maybe a lack of confidence in his reads... Shaud Williams looked very good again. Showed enough speed to the outside to beat defenders and also showed great vision to the hole. He doesn't have alot of power but I don't think he's really that type of back. Simonton showed some decent moves as well but not quite as good as Williams. - Wr's : Moulds is definitely back to being Moulds. 'nuff said. There was an Evans sighting as he broke open and caught a short pass over the middle. I had noticed that most of his routes are kept to the outside so it was nice to see him in the middle of the field for a change. Aiken showed GREAT RAC ability turning a short pass into a 51 yard gain and using that swat move that he undoubtedly learned from Moulds. He really looks like a Moulds clone although he's just not quite as ex[plosive. Shaw looks steady and solid. He caught the 4th down pass to keep the opening drive alive and appears to be running crisper routes this year. Reed had a nice catch and run over the middle although he fumbled at the end of the run due to extra- effort. Freddie Smith blew it by dropping a pass that hit him square in the shoulder pads. Hadda has some sure hands but he just seems too one-dimensional to make the team. - DL: Overall nobody really stood out to me on the DL last night other than Bannon. He really looked like he was playing to save his job and had some nice penetration and held the line well against the run. Most of the time the starters seemed to be giving @ 80 %, much like last preseason when all the chicken littles came out re: our run defense. - DB's: Wire looked solid in run support as expected. Greer got toasted for the first time that I have seen in the pre-season. Baker made a couple nice hits. On the Lions 1st TD pass there were three db's all in position and all three went for the pick and wiffed. Vincent and Clements were quiet although Troy got his nose in their nicely on some gang tackles while Clements shyed away from contact a couple times. I'm gonna hold off on the Special teams because they were really rotating all sorts of players in and out of that unit. I'll also hold off on TE's and LB's until I get a better look later.... Hope you all enjoy
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