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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Please take your condescending, disingenuous bullcrap someplace else.
  2. No, because we were eliminated from playoff contention with today’s loss.
  3. So Kincaid is Canadian even though he was born in born in the US. Got it.
  4. When players create untenable situations like Lynch did when he was here, there are few good options available for GMs. You can’t just give up on a talented young player, especially one who is a vital cog in your offense as Lynch was his first couple of seasons. The hope was Lynch would mature and stop the negative behavior before it became untenable. The only time Nix could have maximized the value in a trade was after Lynch’s All Pro season in his second year, and Buddy would have been crucified had he traded him at that time. Sometimes you just reach a point where you have to cut your losses and that was the situation with Lynch.
  5. He was born in Las Vegas and he’s as American as can be.
  6. In the land of chowder, beans, and Revere Pats fans have less and less reason to cheer There is no place for hope And they can’t seem to cope Knowing the dynasty’s end is here
  7. Thursday night football is an abomination that shows contempt for the players.
  8. What Allen sees is usually the first read in whatever concept is being run on a particular play and as Allen has said, Diggs is the first read in most of their pass game concepts, Diggs frequently gets open, so it’s no surprise Josh is gonna target him more than anyone else. So I’m not sure it’s entirely a question of trust. Just the other night, we saw Josh try to go to both Davis and Sherfield who got open on deeper routes only to see them trip and fall. All that said, it would be nice to see other receivers be the focus more often.
  9. Yesterday, I posted Diggs’s stats vs NE since he got here in 2020 and he has averaged 95 yards and a TD vs. the Pats in the six games. He’s done that against a multitude of approaches by BB; from single, to double, to bracketed coverage schemes. Instead of acknowledging Diggs has had success vs. BB, the the poster for whose benefit I furnished those stats said BB will stop Diggs this year because Josh doesn’t run anymore and BB wont have to use a spy. I could only shake my head.
  10. As Allen has explained, Diggs is the first read in most of their pass concepts, he gets open far more often than not, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that’s where Josh chooses to go most often.
  11. Stupid is as stupid does. Glad that he has the fire to defend a teammate and that goes a long way, but as QB, he needs to be smarter than that.
  12. Diggs’s success against the Pats since becoming a Bill suggests otherwise as he averages 95 yards and a TD against BB.
  13. While Mac Jones is not from Nantucket And his noodle arm simply can’t chuck it He still wipes his chin With a satisfied grin Because he’s so proud of his talent to suck it
  14. While Bob Kraft keeps intending Another strip mall happy ending His starting QB named Mac Keeps playing like a sad sac So Bob’s massage is still pending
  15. Two teams intimately familiar with each other and I expect another tough slog with an intra-divisional opponent.
  16. I’m as concerned about such a Diggs dependent passing game as anyone, but Josh explained in his post game presser that Diggs is the first read in most of their concepts and he’s usually open so I can see the logic in going to him so often.
  17. True, but when it comes to pass coverage, he’s already far better than Dobson or Klein even though he’s a greenhorn LB with one start under his belt.
  18. True, but at the rate he’s presently going at, he has a better chance of setting the all time loss record first. Maybe he will retire with both records.
  19. Klein is a huge liability in pass defense and has been abused in the regard every time he’s been in the lineup. Let’s hope he never has to be called on to play.
  20. Your first sentence serves to inform your second sentence.
  21. Look at the Chiefs sitting there at 1-5 after six weeks in the 2015 season. Hard to believe.
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