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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. He seemed to be in mid season form on his clapping.
  2. I thought the call against Stanford last night was wrong. IMO, the receiver lowered his head and hit the defender in the face mask with the crown of his helmet. For obvious head hunting I have no problem with ejections, suspensions and fines. Last night was none of those.
  3. Chargers ... Rivers is the best QB in the division, Melvin Gordon may be the best RB in the West, Keenen Allen and Mike Williams should get the job done at WR. On defense ... Add Derwin James to Melvin Ingram, Joey Bosa and a defense that was really good last year and they seem to be the best team in the West by far.
  4. And they all have their paychecks signed by Bob Kraft.
  5. Wonder if Walt Coleman IV is as big of a patriots nut hugger as his father.
  6. Considering that I'm not one jumping through tables, I'm not embarrassed.
  7. Crack, Meth and spice = the pitiful trifecta = a big no for me
  8. Her money is as green as anyone else, I wouldn't throw her out of my store for those shorts ... I see worse all the time.
  9. Picking her up in a bar ... Hellz yes Knowing what I know ... Hellz no. Sorry but I don't need to go to a correctional facility for conjugal relations, I can pay for hotel relations on my own.
  10. You'd probably have to be drunk to be out in Oroville (wherever the hell that is) at 1 in the morning. He definitely looks like he has consumed some meth over the years though.
  11. League wide, this will be the year of the personal foul ... Hughes will get 5+
  12. I think that may have been my last Dead show, not through choice but more or less circumstance. Became self employed in March of 88 and it just took away much of my free time.
  13. That motivational speech would lead to laughter if not suicide or genocide... the doobies lead to the laughter part.
  14. I thought about watching a motivational speech but I wasn't motivated to do so.
  15. I'm generally a 20% tipper ... 20%for fair to good service ... Less than fair service and I've left less ... Great service can get 30% tip. Twice however I've left nothing. The first time we were halfway done with our entree and they made us move to another table because they needed the space for a party of 12, we were at a table for two, @*&! that, you don't make someone move in the middle of a meal, never went back there again. The second time we went to a Mexican restaurant ( not Taco Hell) for one of my Daughters 10th birthday. She brought 3 of her friends, plus my other Daughter, wife and myself, we were seated and ordered drinks, received those and then ordered dinner. 45 minutes later I flagged down the waiter and asked what's taking so long ... he went into the kitchen, came back and said it'll be another 15 minutes ... 45 minutes later, again, still no food, I asked for the manager who came and promptly apologized and said it'll be out in 10 minutes ... half hour later still no food and I reamed this guys ass out in front of everyone ... 10 minutes later I got the food to go and wasn't charged ... Never went back.
  16. It's all in the ears and tastes of the listener. The 60's - through early 80's IMO was the best music ever. Fans of classical and other genres would obviously disagree with me, but as I said, it's all in the ears of who's listening and that's just my opinion.
  17. New issues, old issues. Two surgeries so far this year gives me that feeling of Zay being injury prone, I hope that isn't the case.
  18. I'd be surprised if he were cut, I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up on IR or the PUP list.
  19. I guess, they didn't play Rochester '88 ... They finally updated their website and they played an elective show. Set One: Alabama Getaway > Hell In A Bucket ; West L.A. Fadeaway ; Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again ; Lazy River Road ; My Brother Esau ; Blow Away ; Ramble On Rose ; Sunrise ; The Music Never Stopped Set Two: China Cat Sunflower > I Know You Rider ; She Belongs To Me ; Lost Sailor > Saint Of Circumstance > drums > space > Dear Mr. Fantasy > Throwing Stones > If I Had The World To Give > One More Saturday Night Encore: Mister Charlie ; You Never Can Tell (C'est La Vie)
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