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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. I know.. but PBO latest was textbook stage fright... totally lost where he was, or what he was talking about... never saw that before in a seasoned pol... though I once did it myself... bad memories...
  2. PBO and his condescending look may be his downfall... ya have an opponent talking about loss of jobs, cost of healthcare, taxes, and PBO stands there smiling, like, "I can bullsh1t better than that"!!
  3. how do you know a politician is lying??? if they use a personal example, as in a story, but don't give you names.... even a first name will make me believe your story might be true.. But to use nothing, I KNOW your lying...
  4. of course he is... all that ruling from day one stuff will do that... and that will be the line after today..
  5. Cinga's take so far.... Romney is destroying PBO with facts... But is looking like a man after about 10 too many cups of coffee... PBO has no substance, but appears the more clam of the two...
  6. Ha!!! In one turn by PBO, he fulfilled... what do I expect?? Well, to hear these terms at least once... The rich can afford to pay more Everyone needs to pay their fair share The more fortunate..... go back to Clinton tax rates "DING" Warren Buffet and his secretary....again... I inherited.... Millionaires "DING" Billionaires "DING"
  7. wow.. PBO just proved his tax policy is wrong by his remarks...
  8. darn... I forgot the term "investment" in my above predictions...
  9. already Lehrer using "trickle down" as if Romney said that...
  10. what do I expect?? Well, to hear these terms at least once... The rich can afford to pay more Everyone needs to pay their fair share The more fortunate..... go back to Clinton tax rates Warren Buffet and his secretary....again... I inherited.... Millionaires Billionaires
  11. why???? oh why??? did I click that link?? GBD... most of the time, you post things of substance, but this one unfortunately, is very lacking... for too many reasons to list...
  12. Your Host... wow... memories... There was one within walking distance of Hamburg High, used to go there a lot.... Senile I guess, can't remember the shopping plaza it was in, but I think there was a Tops and Red Barn there as well... to the youngsters... yeah... reminiscing... cause those were the good ole days...
  13. and where did that response come from? haven't seen it in the Dem talking points yet... Did you mean to post this in a voter ID thread maybe??
  14. explain that please? I'd like to know your thoughts on the "deep rural" areas of this country... could it be your clinging to guns and religion moment?? just curious.... help me understand???!!!???
  15. why bother when most states are not going to get the ballots to them in time to be counted anyway?? This is a very disturbing trend however that needs an explanation... A 92% drop in ballot requests?? Only 1700 requests out of 167,000 eligible in just one state??
  16. but will it matter?? I'll bet unfortunately, this report goes no where, just like the Libya thing. We need to refer to PBO as the Teflon POTUS... thing is though, he and his team are drowning in scandals, but no one seems to care...
  17. if that's what you prefer to call grey matter in your head, sure...
  18. Yeah, I saw one fly overhead a couple days ago, and I live in Suburban Baltimore... Was easy to tell what it was because of the sound. Isn't this all just wonderful? Our government now gets to spy on us in our backyard? It's funny though that speeding cameras are being challenged in court here, and have about disappeared for the last couple months, but now this...
  19. It doesn't matter if Volmeer or Mankin play. So funny when you think about it, but now the the regular officials are back, let's remember they like to play favorites during games, and of course, no one is allowed any where near Brady... Yeah, the replacements were really bad, but at least they were equally bad to both teams....
  20. the second group, are more critical thinkers, knowing, through experience, that what they are told, may not be true. They have the ability, and the desire, to weight all the facts, and because of this, more able to make an intelligent decision before casting their vote... Key here!!!! first group, blindly believes... second group, thinks for themselves...
  21. wow... I thought this was a thread about PBOs use of a tele, but find a bunch of crap posted about other POTUS use of it... Look... NO ONE, in the history of the world, uses the teleprompter as much as Obama!!! And in the rare cases that he wanders from it, he typically makes an absolute fool of himself, and this country by association unfortunately... Smart??? I wish he was... The simple remark in a post, that he was too smart to come of a tele, only shows the ignorance of that comment, and by proxie, a vast majority of the people that will vote for someone that CAN'T speak for himself without screwing up his remarks... I'm not getting down on PBO.... He ain't that bright, not at all, but I know that and won't hold it against him... What bothers me, is how stupid the electorate has become, even more so, over the last few years for believing his line of crap, and too easily, forgiving his "gaffs"... There are 2 types of "smarts" in the world... First one, is book smarts, that which we were taught, or are being taught by whomever we follow, making life decisions based only on this criteria... The other, is common sense smarts, one that people weight what they hear and are taught, against everyday life and personal experience, and make a decision based on that combination of factors. PBO followers are of the first group, even to the point of disparaging the latter... Need I go on???
  22. holy crap!!!! I knew he had wings of an angel!!!! That's what's really under the shirt. huh??? stirring... boiling... having fun....
  23. of course they don't.... They're DEAD!!!! darn, and most of the time, it's conservatives banded as conspiracy theorists, but this takes the cake...
  24. good try, but you can do better... ya need a jingle that will stick for this campaign to move "forward", and I'mm here to help, for a nominal fee of course... Let's try... Obama, Obama, we are all like Osama!!! wait... sorry... wrong jingle... how 'bout... Washington, oh Washington, we are all ignorant DIN??? There we go!!!! That one will stick for sure!!!
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