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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. I'm not going to read all through this thread but have a comment or two to add... I was out of town for a few days.... Bayonets, obsolete??? Less of them needed??? Tell that to a Marine. Well known throughout the world for their rifle marksmanship, the bayonet, is the weapon of choice for close quarter combat... Ya see, yeah, I'm one of "those" and I loved my bayonet, because I could shove it up you a$$, and cut out your tongue... The ship/boat distinction was one we played on our fellow warriors, the squids... Call a surface vessel a "boat", and you knew a fun fight was going to ensue... Y'all are aware of the supposed "animosity" between sailors and Marines, but believe me, it was mere "brotherly love" IMO... But it was fun to call a ship a boat, and a boat (submarine or cutter) a ship, and play with each other for a while... :-) Ironically, I was last on a "boat", the USS Tarawa, in 1978 and the ship was full of dart boards, with Jimmy Carter's picture on them.. Would love to float with them one more time to see what's on those dart boards now.... The defense budget.... and.... crony capitalism..... Had to put that in there... Folks, remember those 700 dollar hammers?? It still happens!! We pass a military budget, full of ifs/ands/buts, that require the defense dept spend the money as our congress critters want, too often, with strings to local districts, or a pet project that spends beyond what something normally costs. It happens throughout government... Space Shuttle??? Aren't all of us sad, but amazed that it is retired after so many years? Did you know, at least one part of each shuttle, was built in every single state? Required by law??? Is it any wonder why we just shot up a private rocket to the space station at a fraction of the cost? Google is your friend... Check out the "spare" engine budget for the F-22 Raptor... Why??? Crony capitalism... Can we cut the defense budget?? We need it to be stronger than it is. We need our hero's to be safe, well supplied for the mission, and taken care of if traumatized in the line of duty, but we don't need a pet project that requires we spend 700 dollars for a hammer... Yes, we "could" cut defense, but first, the cronyism needs to go..... Both parties are guilty of it, but PBOs comments about bayonets and horses, ships and boats, should be, and I expect are, offensive to anyone that has ever served.... Wondering aloud, if I can have one more "boat" ride on the Tarawa... Would love a dart tournament about now... Best picture target wins....
  2. Yet you don't list your information sources for the record... Look, many left posters on here, get their information verbatim, from the DNC talking points, and I know that... But most conservatives on here, KNOW what your going to post in response even before you do!!!! Why do ya think??? Could it be that they do, actually read opposing views??? And since the video clip making fun of Mohamed supposedly caused such an uproar, I wonder how this movie will be received among the Muslim community?? Either this POTUS thinks we're really this stupid, or perhaps, maybe we really are???!!!??
  3. I heard "surf's up" in Malibu... go away now....
  4. Then we're posed with a serious question..... Does the rest of the country care?? Since the left coast is already too spaced out???
  5. What do you mean "If.... " ? He couldn't unilaterally, without Congressional approval, institute the Dream Act either now could he?? With this POTUS, there is nothing he thinks he can't do...
  6. Sssshhhhh..... He just called himself a moron... let him be since it must be such a hard thing to admit to oneself....
  7. October surprise might be different still.... I sort of expect him to come out with a loan forgiveness for college grads proposal. THAT, would turn out his base for Nov 7th... :-)
  8. Getting rid of the Electoral College would be the final nail in the coffin of our Republic. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, in the Constitution that guarantees the people the right to vote in a POTUS election. It's up to the states to determine how the Electoral College members are selected. To make the presidential election totally on the populace, would mean, a candidate could focus only on something like major cities, or more populous states, ignoring the rest of the country... Anyone here, regardless of political belief, want NYC, LA, Chicago, and a handful of other cities to determine the direction of the country? How 'bout TX, GA, VA, AZ and a couple others???? Already, because of the disparity of population, the stats are skewed. But to make it ONLY by population, makes it worse...
  9. and your wrong... it's in fact, even worse today than it was years ago, with not only the expected, children, deriding someone who is "challenged", but the adults are even worse most times.... People that know better, like Tom.... I know, I live it WITH my brother, every day....
  10. Tom, you have such a way with words, but the term "retard", is one that went out in the 70s, and is demeaning to the reality of those who truly are... Why might you ask?? Because people came to realize, it was a term only idiots and morons used against people they disagreed with. What does it mean after all?? Slow??? Right??? I have one that is near and dear to me, that you would call "retarded", but in my own life, he never, ever fails to show me how ignorant I am. Me... with a 138 IQ.... Can learn so much from this "retarded" young man, and I do, every single day of my life... Yes, he's slow... But I can give him a math problem, most of you need a calculator for, and he can do it, on paper, I'd bet, within seconds of how long it took you to turn the calculator on... Heck, he watches the news, and could tell you, verbatim, what Obama said not only last night, but after a moment to collect his thoughts, I bet he could recite PBOs acceptance speech 4 years ago.... This "retard", is my baby brother.... A much better man than you, or I, can ever hope to be... One time I'll ask.... quit abusing that word... It only shows how ignorant WE are....
  11. forgive Tom... he's watched too many cheap peep shows, and is confused about what women we're discussing.... Tom, it's your choice.... You can put another quarter in the machine and view the Fridge again, or you can click the link, and see what others are discussing...
  12. He's an alien??? I knew it!!!! All democrats are really aliens, set on the destruction of the US!!! :-)
  13. ok... is Constitutionalist OK??? does it meet the spell check criteria??? You made your post according to my questionnaire answers... tell me oh wise one!!
  14. wow... intelligent refute there I must admit... Ya got me there conner..... go away now so the big kids can talk.... then help me out oh wise one!!! what would you call me?
  15. I know the polls and all now, but am skeptical about them still. In the original, I voted Obama win, Romney my own choice, and just said the same thing in this poll.... Look... We're still almost 3 weeks away, and one more debate to go, so a lot can happen, especially with our Quadrennial October surprise still to come... Better question might be.... "What will be this cycle's October surprise?" Iran???? Israel?? Syria? My bet??? Darn... so many possibles... college loan forgiveness??? gov paid for computer credits? new free wi-fi proposal? we landed a woman on Mars while we weren't looking? The "new" Volt gets unlimited miles on a single charge? Point is.... it's coming... but your guess, may be better than mine....
  16. Candidates you side with... 92% Mitt Romney Republican on economic, foreign policy, domestic policy, social, environmental, science, and immigration issues 78% Gary Johnson Libertarian on domestic policy, economic, healthcare, and environmental issues 70% Virgil Goode Constitution on economic, social, environmental, science, and immigration issues 23% Barack Obama Democrat no major issues 36% Maryland Voters no major issues. 39% American Voters on healthcare issues. I disagree with the results btw... I'm a Constitutionist first and foremost...but it was fun to do it again showing at least, I'm a consistent A hole... :-)
  17. PBO has become like a petulant child during the course of tonight.... He's done for unless the American people are as stupid as I'm afraid we are... G'nite to all...
  18. yup... I was impressed a minute ago, when she actually stated to the candidates, she knew the talk time of both....
  19. yes... very good so far in fact, controlling both candidates...
  20. darn, your right... I should know the difference... let me correct it... maybe because most people know the difference, and don't need an explanation???
  21. maybe because most people know the difference, and don't need an explanation???
  22. I know... but this is recorded... easy to defend against, even for the idiots that don't watch debates..
  23. BTW.... anyone else catch Oblama say that he's trying to turn the tides of the last 4, 10, 15 years??? Throwing himself (4 years), and the Clinton's under the bus all in one shot??? What an idiot...
  24. no he won't... PBO is sticking to talking points, and doesn't know how to answer Romney...
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