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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. let's try this instead... I know explosives because at one time, it was my job.... NOTHING that goes !!!!BOOM!!!! regardless how you hope to minimize it, are a joke...
  2. yeah... see... I'm just not "hip" on crack backs and insults like I should be....
  3. Maybe because the US and Israel have better weapons?? That fact however, does not diminish the damage a Quassam can do... pea brain... oh... that's good...
  4. What is that supposed to mean??? Pinga??? Is that a dig??
  5. Your still here??? "Bottle rocket damage" in your pea brain? Look at the border area!!! Most of these rockets fired, are Quassams!!! No steering!!! Heck, some not even a proper launch vehicle, because their set up so hastily around civilians, before they can run away... Then fired, hoping they cross into Israel before coming back down, and a lot of them don't causing more poster crap for your friends... On Israels side, they know all this... Yes, there are towns in striking distance, but look at the empty fields!!! They are empty BECAUSE of these ridiculous, and predictable, attacks!!! THAT is why there aren't as many Israeli deaths as you want during these escalations. Meanwhile, your buddies try to stack civilians around their launch bunkers, to enhance the political war of collateral damage... Word.... NOTHING that goes BOOM!!!! is a minor, threat to anyone...
  6. That's not entirely true... Rafa, is the only crossing from Egypt, by that nations choice btw, but there are numerous crossings from Israel. The word "blockade" when used, usually refers to the Israeli Blockade by sea, the most likely way to smuggle arms in to Hamas. But even with that, once inspected, if a ship has no weapons aboard, it is allowed to dock in Gaza. Even during "events" like this, Israel ALWAYS leaves one border crossing open, into Gaza, to allow humanitarian aid to cross, again, after inspection for weapons....
  7. and you didn't read my comment either... NOTHING about these exchanges, is custom to the states, since the Fed HHS holds regulatory power. What an a$$...
  8. And that, in particular, is your problem. Domination.... Heck with those "other "Semites" since they don't look like us... You still didn't answer the question though... "What is a Palestinian?"
  9. Tell me oh wise one, what is a Palestinian? Where is the term from? Is it the land?? Is it the people? Who coined the phrase?
  10. Late to the party, but Koko, give it up. This guy is only an enabler, and too simple of mind.... In a mind like his, he would argue that if say, Riverside Canada, began launching Qassam rockets at B'lo, it ok, because most of them miss, and simply fall harmlessly into the lake. But if those big bad Buffalo residents retaliate, oh my goodness!!! We can't really hurt you anyway!!! Meanwhile, BECAUSE of this barrage of missiles, almost an entire nation is on hold, ducking and hiding, just in case one of the rockets hits nearby..... Sure, they can strike back when possible, except that most times, those launches are from highly populates areas, on purpose, to enhance the "collateral damage" view in the news. Sort of like the child's game, "na-na-na-na, you can't catch me!" Hamas, and this character, try to fight a war in the press. Unfortunately, we're actually the ones that taught them how though we suck at it anymore.... NoJustice.... War is hell, and it's supposed to be... If you want to start one, better be willing to finish it, and not run home crying to mom....
  11. What's so terribly hard to understand here? A few states are opting out of setting up these so called exchanges, simply because the so called AFCA totally regulates it, and can force the states to implement requirements through the threat of defunding it. Fallin, and others, are simply telling the Fed Gov, since I have a choice, and you are going to tell me how to implement it anyway, do it yourself....
  12. Maybe that could finally lead to tort reform too then since that is another real problem no one in DC wants to tackle. They are mostly trial lawyers themselves after all. Nothing says malpractice lawsuit more than a doctor named Bubba or JimBob with a ring in his nose, and a beer in hand....
  13. I believe it's because their still sorting through it all, that they list so many. Apparently, they were using unofficial e-mail accounts, created on gmail, just for their personal crap... I think it's more likely, investigators are sorting through EVERY e-mail on those accounts. not necessarily saying there were that many between them both.... I have 3 e-mail accounts, 1 work, one for online, and 1 for family and friends.... Especially the one for work, I know I get over 50 or 60 a day average, and hit over 100 often... I'd be willing to bet many posters here at PPP have even more accounts.... Again... total they are rummaging through, not the count between the 2.... JMHO
  14. all due respect for the former Seals that were there, but check that there were NO Marines there....
  15. Then I question the credentials of those so called "experts" since they obviously know nothing about Marine Corps history with regards to our Embassy duties.
  16. Isn't it almost funny that the financial collapse was predictable under the Community Reinvestment Act, and then, we actually pass legislation that may be even worse in Dodd-Frank... Now we get a bureaucracy answerable to absolutely no one, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau..... Not even it's budget comes from Congress, instead, getting funding directly from the Federal Reserve... http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/george-will-a-government-agency-answerable-to-no-one/2012/11/16/27a4f604-2f53-11e2-9f50-0308e1e75445_story.html
  17. Just curious.... How hard is it to write a porn??
  18. WOW... I'm compressed since we finally have a statement out of the WH saying that Israel has a right to defend itself... Nothing at all about support of course.... Meanwhile, Iraq is calling for oil to be used as a weapon against the US and calls for a meeting of oil producing states. Arab spring??? Liberated Muslim countries being appreciative of the US for the help??
  19. no..... he's "outraged" because he just wishes bad news about his corrupt, incompetent ruler, would go away...
  20. It wasn't just workers from LA, otherwise known as Lower Alabama, it was workers from FL, TX, and GA sent home, or who chose to go back home. Many of them were actually union workers, but the local demanded, anyone working in their territory, had to pay local dues... old story.....
  21. your f#$%@# maybe because the gov told 'em it would be there?? Maybe because neither of them are called a tax? They are called "insurance??? Maybe, because I KNOW, it won't be there when I retire in a few years?? Because of mismanagement by the gov??? That DOESN'T mean however, that people that paid int it for decades, shouldn't receive that "insurance" that was promised.. But I guess, in your mind, by your comment, only ignorant people expect a pay back huh???
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