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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. I have no idea what your insinuating with that... a bunch of words again, that don't address a thing I posted...
  2. Yeah, I was young and naive at one time too... The POTUS holds what we call "veto"power. He/she (someday) can "veto" any bill that comes before them. If they do, it then requires 2/3 vote of Congress to over ride that "veto".... Doesn't have much say??? HE/SHE as an individual, holds the same power as 535 members of Congress.... and your an ......
  3. WHAT???!!!!! who the heck are you to judge one job over another? not considered "career jobs"?? What if someone is happy in life working that particular job? Not all of us can be among the demonized wealthy or the even better off political class. Some of us, are quite happy with our lot in life and don't need an a$$ to tell us we're not in a "career job" due to where or for who we work. I happen to have a lot of friends in the food service industry and are arguably, happier than a lot of us working for major corporations sitting at a desk..
  4. and Obama signed into law... One of the things truly amazing to me about this election. Dems always demonize Reps over Medicare and SS telling folks they would take it away or cut it... But THE DEMOCRAT PARTY, led by Obama, actually DID IT!!! Yet the voted PBO back in??? WTF???? Over???
  5. Funny, how we all seem to disagree so much on this election even more so than 2008, and the benefits/consequences we now reap from it. But I was curious to read other perspectives, and have a few foreign news services bookmarked. This story however, even though written as an opinion in 08, pretty much sums up a lot of peoples thoughts today. Whether you agree or not, at least take the time to read it before commenting. It's from April, 2009 in Pravda, a Russian news service..... http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/27-04-2009/107459-american_capitalism-0/ An exert....
  6. and??? what's your point??? Should we NOT follow the Constitution??
  7. the race is now down to Ohio and which way it goes. Can someone win without it??? Yes, but for the R/R ticket, those options are gone now with the loss of WI, and PA...
  8. Wisconsin was a disappointment to me at least. Good fight by both sides though.... Ha!!! did you expect otherwise!
  9. yup!!!! and it's looking more and more like it will be the panhandle that decides it...
  10. FJ is right, as well as the fact there are some states that are obvious.
  11. Romney huddling around 51% of the vote with Obama at about 48% so far tonight...
  12. with R/R also leading big among independents.... If all this is true, it may be a very early night tomorrow...
  13. Well... I start every weekend, optimistic about hope and change for our team. But every week, I quickly learn that my optimism was unwarranted, and quickly fall into a drunken stupor. When I wake from the numbness, I once again, fall for the promise of hope and change, only to rinse, and repeat...
  14. wow.... In states where the winner will be decided by less than 10%, of the vote he already knows he will win. This is no tinfoil hat conspiracy. It’s a maths problem. And mathematics showed changes in actual raw voting data that had no statistical correlation other than programmable computer fraud. This computer fraud resulted in votes being flipped from Democrat to Republican in every federal, senatorial, congressional and gubernatorial election since 2008 (thus far) and in the 2012 primary contests from other Republicans to Mitt Romney. describes the OP to a tee....
  15. this story was leaked out 2 weeks ago and that Iran would announce it this weekend to help boost PBO of course they want Obama over Romney!!!
  16. and so sorry, but if someone is going to waste my time about national politics, they sure as hell had better know about their own backyard too, and not have to study the night before the "test"....
  17. Hate to admit it, but I do too... He was always wrong, :-), but at least he knew, and truly believed what he said... Good debater as well....
  18. and that I would say, is a part of the people that post on PPP, that is disappointing... You need that "quiet time" to make your decisions, but still come on here to tell others how to make theirs??? WTF???? over????
  19. Ha!!!! love the intro, but then you blow it by giving your agenda.... But I'll play.... Yeah, I voted last Sat, and here in MD I was surprised how many people were talking about how they were voting for Romney, and couldn't stand PBO anymore... Over 200 people in line that day, and only one told me he was voting Obama... Guess by that, we now know, Romney will win Maryland huh???
  20. we know fj and a couple others followed us over, but it doesn't have the same feel... Ya know??? These libs seem too ignorant. Too stuck on the DNC talking points and personal insults, and not interested at all in honest debate... Oh..... wait.... Sounds a lot like the libs back there huh??? Nevermind....
  21. I see what you did there!!! Let's see if anyone else catches it, ok???
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