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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. yup.... PBO is starting to lose it.... as I predicted...
  2. both blew their first responses Romney, by not addressing the question more directly... Obama by not thanking everyone first before going into his answers Responses.... Romney finally getting his details in, and responding to PBO.... Oh ABHMA.... why bring up GM and bankruptcy again? Bankruptcy does not put a company out of business.... Crowley cut Romney off... Hope she remains in control, regardless of the speaker
  3. I look for PBO to try his best to emulate Joe, but also try to pull that off with class.... It won't work, and he'll begin to laugh and roll his eyes too much like Biden.... One thing about the VP debate, if Biden hadn't been so condescending in attitude, he would have won but instead, it was a draw.. I expect a lot of "untruths" to be thrown at his opponent, but they need to have substance, not just accusations.... Romney on the other hand, needs to be on his game, better than Ryan was, and defend against the attacks, BUT!!!!! He will lose if he doesn't also promote his own ideas, over the attacks... He needs a balance of defense, and offense... My prediction???? A draw, both sides will try to spin into a win....
  4. "Echo Chambers"?? Heck, I though all three were comedians....
  5. Funny, that anytime I read these threads, it's the same libs, posting the same talking points, over and over, and over again... Keep repeating it until it becomes the belief huh?? ... Oblama??? is that you??? A55h07es do vex me...
  6. yeah, right... though you should have titled it, "soon to be" Previous Administration... Read more: http://www.theweek.co.uk/eurozone/euro-debt-crisis/47505/it-wasnt-us-eu-chief-barroso-blames-us-financial-crisis#ixzz298Nv0V24
  7. well, what did we expect after last night? According to Joe, the WH knew nothing about requests for extra security in Libya. With hearings this week that prove at least the state department knew, how would you expect the administration to react as they go into damage control X 2??? Can't blame Boooooosh for this one, so have to find another scape goat, and since Hill is gone soon, they'll help her move on with a gift....
  8. remember the Gore/Bush debate?? The one that Gore was so condescending? How most thought Gore blew him away? Watch the polls... They're gonna be fun!!!
  9. Quite frankly, I could care less.... But polls might be fun to watch, because of what I mentioned... Biden was an ass, period... But he is trying to appeal to seniors, who expect you to be polite.... funny how that works huh??? What people SAW in this debate, I think, is more important than what we heard....
  10. Biden won the knuckle dragger part of this debate, as well as the most uncouth... Ryan won the polite segment, and the closing remarks
  11. thank you... I know, if I were Ryan, I would have gotten up and smacked him for his attitude...
  12. but he has his talking points down, and certainly knows how to talk over both Ryan and the Mod...
  13. Does the speaking time include, or exclude, interruptions?
  14. Obviously... He actually suggested Ryan stick to the 4 minute response rule, but continuously, talks over Ryan while he's speaking... I give minus 10 points to Biden for not following rules.... And Minus 10 points to Ryan for not smacking the smirk off his face...
  15. Biden is doing what I expected, trying to play attack dog, and other than his smirks, and laughs, is doing well... Ryan has missed already on a few attacks back. But because of Biden's attitude problem, he will not be thought of highly in polls...
  16. Biden is acting like an a55 already... his condescending attitude is not going to work with Ryan..
  17. No.... The stock market is up mostly due to QE 1-3; remember, we have about 3 trillion in circulation instead of about 800 billion we usually have... All that extra money has to go somewhere, and since companies aren't borrowing, and individuals simply can't, banks that literally, HAVE to take that money, are investing it.... In the stock market... Wait till ya see the crash coming when the Federal Reserve tries to pull it all back...
  18. The lakes were frozen? Further proof it was forced on us by the USSR!!! Damn fans!!!! :-0
  19. That's an easy answer!!!! Or a combination of... The lakes weren't yet frozen, when a high pressure area came down from Canada, pushed of course, by giant fans, placed along the Siberian shore of the Arctic, that initiated the cold air flow. When the Siberian air, forced on us by the former USSR crossed over the warmer waters of the Great lakes, condensation and evaporation, all, a Russia plot, descended on Western NY... Little did the Russians know however, that a hardy, tough people resided there, and they easily overcame this minor distraction, and were soon, once again, water skiing and surfing the shores of Lake Erie.... That's how I remember the "blizzard" anyway.... I think I remember that...... It might have been, the snow making machines at Kissing Bridge that wouldn't turn off though.... Regardless, by 1980, all of America knew of the trials and tribulations Western NY had endured under then President Carter, and elected Reagan in a move remembered as the end of the Siberian Wind. Soon after the of the "Blizzard of 1986", the fans from Russia were finally turned off, and now, only hot air blows out of Washington... I definitely remember!!!! It was one of those two!! I had 6 months on Okinawa, prolly way before you... I was USMC, but stationed on Kadena... Edit to show my age... Okinawa in 1979...
  20. Good..... I'm glad some people are fed up with paying tolls.... Look, I'm not gonna linky, y'all know how google works, but when 90 was built, the tolls were supposed to be temporary, only long enough to pay for the construction. This is now what??? 50??? 60??? years later? And now they keep it up there for maintenance and upkeep, right?? Folks, maintenance and upkeep for roads, is why we pay fuel, license, oil, tire, excise, registration, etc fees isn't it? Heck, get rid of the toll takers, the toll booths, and THEIR maintenance and upkeep and maybe the "thruway" can become a "freeway"...
  21. Ha!!!! Great quote to suit the envy crowd!!!
  22. I love threads like this!!!! They teach us a lot about the intolerance of the people that preach tolerance... So what if Donte likes a chicken sandwich? Isn't it better than 2 all beef patties for you? Reagan brought up in this? The economy and job numbers?? Junk food?? Let's focus folks... If we want a real debate this election, lets focus.... Look up the definition...
  23. Many years ago, I laughed at a guy who told us he was doing construction work another part of a hotel in Little Rock, and saw the Clintons... The story went something like this... The crew was working on the opposite side of an "H" shape of the building, and out onto the balcony, they say a man walk, young lady in arm, both in robes. Supposedly, all of them recognized the governor of Arkansas at the time, Bill Clinton, but had no idea who the young lady was. Funny thing is however, a short time latter, another woman walked out, and it was of course, Bill's wife, the first lady of AR, Hillary... Also in a robe, lighting a cigarette.... For years, I've laughed about the story, and still, to this day doubt it... But seeing this pic, reminded me of it, so wanted to pass it along just to stir the pot some more... I don't blame you if you doubt the story, as I do, but the story that I was told this story, I want you to know, is absolutely true... Way, way before any scandals involving Bill and his questionable private life ever came about...
  24. lets see... Unemployment rate at 8.1% 115,000 new jobs in Sept... About 150-175,000 new jobs needed to keep pace with population growth.. Unemployment rate now at 7.8% I didn't major in math in college, but something is wrong... I know, according to gubment, magically, over 800,000 jobs came into being, in one month, for the first time since Reagan... why the disparity?? Where did it come from? 115 to 800?? is about a 700% difference.... and some on here are actually celebrating??? Pretending this is normal, and right? Not questioning any of these numbers or the percentage of difference? Not questioning the impossibility of these stats?? Funny... I told my wife a year ago, the UR was being cooked, and that I knew, just before the election, we would drop just below 8%.... She laughed, and I told her to watch... If any of you seriously believe these numbers are true, you need to go back to school, preferably one that teaches basic math... It doesn't matter though... I'm not going to change your mind by showing you how stupid you are, just like I'll never convince you that PBO has the brains of a piss ant... My apologies to all the ants in the world...
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