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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. in response to Nanker... Hmmmm I like the premise of that idea.... A Prius uses less gas right? So they pay less in excise taxes on gas that pays for the highways, right? Shouldn't they still pay their fair share from road use? An added tax?? Hell, a few years ago when bio diesel was still made in home blenders they went after folks that had Bio bumper stickers for not paying their fair share.... The higher the gas millage??? Pay it when you renew your tag!!!! YOU fine sir, are a genius!!!! Bigfatbillsfan Posted Today, 09:02 PM Right Wing Circle Jerk!!!! wow.... really... I am so compressed by your response... so well thought out, and intelligent... we are not worthy.... so... go away please...
  2. PBO does submit a budget Tom... Here's what happened to the last one in the Senate http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/senate/227857-senate-rejects-obama-budget-in-99-0-vote See... no one, not even a single soul in his own party, votes in favor of his budget proposals... But at least, he does submit something no one agrees with.... Wait..... Does that mean there IS a consensus in Washington??
  3. Romney...90% R Paul...82% Virgil Goode 76% (who the heck is he?) Barry....11% (and I want to know why or how!) Maryland 46% No way do I agree with Romney on 90% or even PBO at 11.... the kicker is MD... I totally disagree with anything, and everything, about that state!!! Hoyer, O'Malley, and Mikulski alone out rank PBOs 11... or is it under rank.... but they all, certainly RANK!!!
  4. right answer, except he asked if we should go back to those days.... My answer.... If it takes that kind of action, yes, I'm all in....
  5. The basic premise of this whole Obama campaign will be that if they repeat things often enough, even if it's a flat out lie, enough of the dumasses will believe it must be true simply because they keep hearing it, over and over again.... Think about it... Either our POTUS and his people are the dumbest people on the face of this earth, or they think the people are, and will believe anything they are told...
  6. THIS!!!! let me repeat it!!! Is the biggest truth I have ever read on this board!!!
  7. Every single day this POTUS astounds me more by his shear ignorance. One day, his college records will finally be leaked, and we'll all learn he has the brains of a gnat... Apologies to the smarter gnats.... Yeah, that couple who took a second mortgage on their home, maxed out their credit cards, worked their nails to the bone 80 hours a week, to try to make a dream come true, owes what again??? All through life, the government was there with it's hand out.... As they started their business, the government, by regulation and fees, had their hand out.... During those early years, had to make sure you stayed abreast, and paid new fees, and addressed new regulations the government imposed... hand out for more... A bad year?? Don't dare not give the Government their take... Better to get another loan than miss a payment to big brother... Now, years later, possible success, time for all that hard work to pay off... but.... wait... new government regulations, telling you how to run your business, and how to pay your employees... Healthcare and tax increases.... If you don't like it. WORK HARDER!!!!
  8. Could that be why people are so fed up with the system then?? Your assertion is true, but only to a point... Decades maybe, except for a few diversions... Reagan' morning in America Bush Sr 1000 points of light and painful as it was PBO's hope and change... Through all of them, there were negative attacks, but it was the positive that won the election...
  9. Believe me, I know that 3rd, but it won't stay that way long if he thinks a defensive campaign will keep him there. A real leader, takes the point so to speak. LEADS the charge, not follows and feels he has to defend himself. Not that Romney needs to attack, he shouldn't!!!! But he needs to take the high road.... Get above the negative crap, and focus on what he WILL DO, not what PBO IS doing. Call it a "leadership cred" if you want... Mitt has to show he's a leader, not always defending himself. Someone that is always defending himself is doing so because of insecurity, just what PBO hopes Romney will do... A TRUE leader, doesn't have to defend themselves... We know about Obama's cred and know it's "somewhat" lacking... Let's see what MR has...
  10. I know, and I guess it's a failure to articulate properly on my part.... So far, MR has gotten himself sucked into defending himself, instead of pouncing on easy prey... Unless he can come out with a defined plan and talk about it, instead of defending himself, PBOs "forward" movement will swamp him under... Let's face it.... the Democrats as a whole, have nothing to run on this cycle, just like in 2010... They will instead, try to turn this into a "yeah but, those guys are worse" campaign, and so far, have succeeded... MR HAS to turn it back on them.... Hard part is though, staying apart (or above the fray) himself...
  11. Tough to say yet, but as of now, people are still buying into PBOs crap, and with so many of the swing states electing Republican leadership 2 years ago, most are doing better economically than the rest of the country now. Will those states give credit to the states, or to PBO?? To win, Romney also needs a running mate to take on the attack dogs so Mitt can take the high road, and talk about his plans moving forward. Right now, with all the attacks from the left, Romney is stuck on the defensive way too much, and that will do nothing for his campaign if he's constantly fighting back, instead of showing an initiative... I said before, I expect this to be the dirtiest, most negative campaign ever, particularly from the Obama camp, and it's obviously bearing out that way. If Romney doesn't want to get sucked into that, he HAS to try to put himself above it, and let his team address the negative, so he can put on a positive face...
  12. But burglary happens so infrequently, I don't see it as a serious problem. Therefore, locks on doors are totally unnecessary IMHO.... (throws fuel)
  13. Wasn't Canada also there in 1776?? What makes you think that if the Founders were still around, they wouldn't do the same think in 2012 they did then? WE may have become a nation of wimps, but the Founders certainly weren't, and those same men and women wouldn't be today..
  14. of course we spend 6 times as much as China!!! But obviously, since things are made 10 times cheaper there, they are leading the arms race... Maybe if re-elected, PBO will make outsource our military spending too...
  15. Good to have ya back Ox!! I may have to start posting more myself now....
  16. Anyone that really thinks Biden enhanced Obama's "creds" is delusional... Face it... PBO was going to win even if he chose the master of foot in mouth disease... like good ole Joe... Rubio should back off for now... he's too young, and while no one cares, the natural born citizen thing still needs explaining... She actually borrowed that from a politician that dragged me into politics years ago.... I've since been "saved" and live a "normal" life, but Jack Kemp was an inspiration to a lot of people besides just me.... He coined that phrase years ago stating that NFL Commissioner was where the real power was!!!!
  17. Infrastructure??? Just another boondoggle for politicians... Look... we pay enough in fuel, water, sewer, and all the other tax excise taxes alone to pay for this crap. But instead of earmarking the money, just for that purpose, the gov spends it as they want. Evidence the 300 million building, mentioned above, that has absolutely nothing to do with "infrastructure" but apparently, was included in the bill to pay for our roads, bridges, and sewer/water systems... Heck, didn't the "stimulus" money catch us up on infrastructure? Shovel ready? What a line of Schlit huh?? Another example?? how bout SS??? pay the money in, and our gubment puts it into a "lock box" for your retirement... That box now has a bunch of IOUs in it, that guess who gets to pay back.... YOU!!! Ain't it fun!!! Wonder why SS is in trouble???
  18. wow.... My wife wanted me to join her for some comedy movie tonight, but I told her this was much funnier!!! Where did the libertards go after the last page though??? Not as much fun without them...
  19. This... except for the brake line thing... But Chef, isn't insurance also a part of the inheritance? Or is that "only" capital gains soon to be about 45%???
  20. Believe me, while I may not have been the "boss", I was usually the guy that ran the crew, so I know what was going on... Accountability... A long word many have trouble with now a days...
  21. Don't go there, it won't be pretty.... and darn it, I think I just agreed with you in another thread.... to put it simply, your comparing a war expenditure, as a "pet project" of Bush, to a train, as a "pet project" of PBO... never mind all the other ridiculously expensive "pet projects" and tax increases of PBO... What the F^#@ OVER!!!
  22. wow... hate to say it, but I agree largely with this.... I worked construction for many, many years and got totally sick to my stomach with the waste on every gov job I worked at the ridiculous approval process. If I had to move a wall even 1 inch, it could take me weeks, to get approval. Worst part was, the architects and engineers all certainly failed at math, and so none of their measurements ever worked out, making those delays for approval a sure thing. I was always convinced they got paid more for extra work to approve the changes.... To the highlighted part... Yeah, it would, and could, if administered right, make a lot of sense. But it is also supposed to be one of the main focuses of a LEED Project. I won't go into detail on what that is, google still works if folks don't know and it's a long explanation.... Suffice to say, I only worked a couple of them, since I was part of the "management" I studied to know what LEED was. But in our weekly meetings, was almost always over ridden when I tried to maintain local building materials, and often, even local workers. It was a dog and pony show, even bringing in cameras and setting up press shots, only to go back to normal as soon as they were all off site again... One of my favorites was bringing in a giant mulcher, and shredding a bunch of waste lumber and sheetrock (gypsum is good fertilizer) and adding it to the soil.... Lasted about 4 hours one day until the press was gone... Dog and pony....
  23. First part... No, your wrong and you know it... It is the "progressive" communities that have been cutting fire, rescue and police, as an " I told you so!!!" when the people of the community won't let them confiscate any more of their money, they make those cuts instead of all their pet projects... CA is the latest example. Facing massive deficits, they have threatened repeatedly, and have done so, cut police and fire service. But "here we go again" as they just voted to spend even more money they don't have on this bullet train to no where... How the heck can you justify this sort of ridiculous spending??? To the next part... I'd be interested to learn, how do you do that? How do you measure the temperature of a waterway in past years? Can you tell me what the average temp of Lake Erie is today, and say, this day in 1776???
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