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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. Wow... I am now so very impressed with your perceived skills of persuasion in a debate forum. Some people struggle if asked to do a serious PPT in front of a large crowd, but somehow, I see through your veneer, and am impressed by your abilities... Darn, I could never have come up with an answer, to the question, "where is the problem?", and been able to respond, thoughtfully, and convincingly, with such a profound answer!!! Yet most impressive of all.... you did it so simply, without need of a teleprompter, and it could all be contained of one single PowerPoint Slide!!!! I am truly so very compressed!!!! Go away now....
  2. So wtf are you trying to say?? Are they "expendable" in you eyes?
  3. Is that all you can come up with? Where in my comment did I mention tax cuts, medicare, the debt, or Ron Paul again???
  4. Sad part is however, this is a dead topic, because no one wants to upset the Muslim community, by pointing out their own outrages against women. Better to disparage others than to look at yourself....
  5. I'm sure the "State of the But" poll had something to do with it too... Yeah, I look over there once in a while to see if they relent, and let the politics sub come back... Good poll too btw, with 7 saying "improved", 6 indifferent, and 39 saying declined.... The 7 are clearly !@#$s, and the 6 are prolly neubs...
  6. This is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever read!!! "If Obama had any balls", it wouldn't have come to this to begin with. And where the **** do you get off ASSuming he has any right to tell Israel they can't fly over Iraq??? Is Israel a sovereign nation or not? Is Iraq a sovereign nation or not?? Has PBO realized his ambition of ruler of the world while I wasn't watching? And I love the "will Immediately put Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan in jeopardy"!!!! WTF OVER!!!! Aren't they in a WAR ZONE???? Aren't they already in DANGER???? More so because of the incompetence of our esteemed ruler of your world?? BTW... I thought we had all our troops out of Iraq??? Haven't we heard that repeatedly the last couple months?? Since it's become one of PBOs only "accomplishments", I know we'll hear it repeated often in the course of the election.. I swear, the appeasement from most on the left, and total lack of understanding of what is at stake in the Middle East is absolutely mind boggling! Kiss the ass of those that want to kill us??? Brings to mind the Animal House scene, "Thank You Sir! May I have another!!!" Why do I bother with such idiots??
  7. GroundHog Day???? Bush senior Can I get some Bush Bush junior Blame Bush Cat Scratch Bush Wang Dang, Thank You Man????
  8. Hang on to them!!! It'll be worth more than ours soon!!!
  9. Why are you posting such ignorance???? He DID check the laws!!!! That is why he tried to turn his weapon in to idiots that pulled this crap... Go away now....
  10. When he came out, I wanted nothing to do with the Pickle before the 3rd round. If we can get him for "free", meaning no draft picks, I'm ok with a minimum contract to compete with Thiggy or maybe, develop for the future. But folks, Clausen had "bust" written all over him 2 years ago. I only hope that his situation now shoves a red hot flare up his anal orifice and turns him finally, in to the QB he COULD be....
  11. WTF????? Didn't those same parents go through the same government schools??? And now your going to try to claim their not educated enough?? I despise this sort of circular reasoning...
  12. Y'all need to pay more attention to the news.... Not Kansas Dorothy, but how 'bout the Dakota's??? http://articles.latimes.com/2011/dec/10/nation/la-na-drone-arrest-20111211
  13. Keep it up, and you will continue to prove your worth as an internet troll... You use a minor law to try and prove citizenship??? WTF OVER!!!! We're not discussing "citizenship" are we???? Why do I bother... but look it up before you embarrass yourself more..... There is a difference though I expect you to come back with some other mundane argument... For F@#$ sake, Arnold is a "citizen"!!! Can he be POTUS now??? His parents weren't actually in America at his birth, but maybe they wanted to be huh?? A55h0735 do vex me....
  14. I see your friend has a TM on "idiot" and "moron", I will try to be humble in my reply, and ask you ignorant morons (I used the plural DCT, so as not to infringe) if you have read Minor v Happersett, and if so, where am I wrong?? F*@#ing idiots that post a disagreement with nothing to back up their s@#t but a blanket piss me off
  15. Like many of you, I really like Marco Rubio.... BUT!!!!! He is not qualified by birth, to be POTUS.... A natural born citizen of the US, by the Constitution, are the only people qualified to hold the office of President. Meaning, both parents have to be US citizens at the time of birth. Rubio's parents did not become official citizens until he was 4 years old.... This was determined many moons ago, I think it was in about 1870ish (Minor vs. Happersett) the Supremes defined a natural born citizen as one born of parents, that held NO ALLEGIANCE to any foreign government... I know... brings up a few other questions huh?? Like....
  16. It was major grandstanding at it's best... Sort of a PeeWee Herman sort of, "I know you are, so what am I?" Unfortunately, I would actually trust PeeWee more than I would Buffet....
  17. but....but..... and..... but!!!!! Isn't she a shining example of of the impoverished by tax??? I knew something like this would finally come out... But I still bet PBO keeps the game going, and the campaign will be all about the have's, and have not's...
  18. Marie??? Is that you?? Darn, I thought she had a headache!!!
  19. we should have long ago.... But over the last few decades, it's been steadily drummed into us, that "if we don't like the elected official, vote against them in the next election" And that, has brought us to the state we're in today... It's disgusting that so many that complained about Bush attacks on personal liberties, now defend Obama's expansion of the same laws they despise.... Hmmmmmm................ But just wait.... next election my a55... The Constitution gave us the ability to impeach for this very reason....
  20. Excellent point!!! How can people who pay nothing, claim anyone else is not paying enough???
  21. Sounds to me like she had proper gun control or she might have missed, pissed him off, and she would be the one dead...
  22. hmmmmm............I always thought a virgin qualifies for "one and done" status...
  23. oh.... but let's give them some credit here.... They did in fact get off their butts and go to the polls to vote for their savior, cash cow obumer.... doesn't that qualify for some freebee's???
  24. ^^^^^THIS^^^^^^ It's the playoffs and anything can happen... As for Ben, his OL has not faced such a good pass rush team all year as this...
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